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JM Webinar for Marketing Professionals

Listen to leading professors and gain actionable insights based on peer-reviewed scientific studies published in the Journal of Marketing.

Date: June 23, 2022

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (Eastern)

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“Fields of Gold: Scraping Web Data for Marketing Insights”

Although marketing researchers are increasingly using web data, the idiosyncratic and sometimes insidious challenges in its collection have received limited attention. How can researchers ensure that the datasets generated via web scraping and APIs are valid? This Journal of Marketing study proposes a novel framework that highlights how addressing validity concerns requires the joint consideration of idiosyncratic technical and legal/ethical questions. The framework covers the broad spectrum of validity concerns arising from the automatic collection of web data for academic use along the three stages of collecting web data: selecting data sources, designing the data collection, and extracting the data.

Johannes Boegershausen
Erasmus University
Hannes Datta
Tilburg University
Abhishek Borah
Christine Moorman
Editor in Chief, Journal of Marketing

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JM Webinar for Marketing Professionals