The AMA-Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award honors living marketing educators for distinguished service and outstanding contributions in marketing education. All marketing educators who have made sustained contributions to marketing over an extended period of time are eligible.
The AMA Foundation is pleased to announce that Linda L. Price has been selected as the 2024 AMA-Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award recipient!

Linda L. Price is Professor of Marketing and Dick and Maggie Scarlett Chair of Business Administration at the University of Wyoming, her alma mater. She has been a participating member of AMA for over 40 years. She currently serves on the AMA Foundation Board and was on the AMA Academic Council from 2012–2018, serving as President from 2016–2017. Her long history of AMA service includes an active role on numerous award committees, task forces, chairing conference tracks, and serving on Editorial Review Boards for AMA journals. She attended and participated in most of the last 20 AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortiums.
Linda’s record of service to the discipline extends beyond AMA. She also served on the Sheth Foundation Board from 2014–2020 and continues service on the advisory board. In addition, Linda served as President of the Association for Consumer Research in 2014 and Editor of Journal of Consumer Research from 2018–2020. She has chaired several conferences for the Association for Consumer Research and Consumer Culture Theory Consortium and chaired several doctoral symposiums and consortiums. She also served on the Board of Governors for the Academy of Marketing Science.
Linda is the recipient of AMA awards including CBSIG Lifetime Achievement, AMA Fellow, and the V. Kumar Doctoral Student Mentorship award. She has also been named Association for Consumer Research Fellow, Academy of Marketing Science Distinguished Educator, and Society of Marketing Advances Distinguished Scholar.
Linda’s theory and multimethod research is published in top marketing journals, and many of her articles are considered seminal, introducing new constructs to the field with applications for services marketing, brand relationships, customer experiences and sustainability.
An excerpt from Linda’s nomination letter for this award attests to her role as a beloved educator:
Linda’s former doctoral students are the grateful beneficiaries of her mentorship. Together, they have been co-authors of journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings, with Google Scholar citations exceeding 12,200. We could cite many personal examples of Linda’s impact as a mentor. Instead, we share the qualities that make Linda excellent in this role.
First, Linda does not discriminate between research traditions, methodological paradigms, or substantive areas of inquiry. One of the most extraordinary lessons students learn from Linda is that research inspiration comes in many forms and often from unexpected places and that there is value in exploring ideas using a wide array of methodologies and analytical approaches.
Second, Linda values doctoral students as equal colleagues. Linda treats all scholars, whether a new Ph.D. student or an AMA Fellow, as an equal partner in the journey to discover new knowledge, while also holding them to the highest conceptual and methodological standards. Linda is creative, enthusiastic, thoughtful, rigorous, demanding, generous, and inspirational.
Third, Linda gives her time selflessly. She allows students a voice in research conversations, pushing them to express their own ideas in ways that bring passion to their endeavors. Importantly, this style of close mentorship is generational. It motivates students to treat their own students with the same respect, excitement, and selflessness.
Fourth, Linda judiciously follows the “the principle of charity”—a code she teaches her students that mandates that you should always give someone else, and their work and ideas, the benefit of the doubt and start with the assumption that all ideas are valuable. This means that Linda consistently puts aside her own views to explore the ideas of others and actively seeks out the merit in that work. Linda is willing to overturn her own assumptions when they hold her back from understanding a problem. In addition to her seriousness about research, Linda’s enthusiasm, willingness to debate, and playfulness has paved the way for lasting relationships with her students.
Linda will be honored at the 2024 AMA Winter Academic conference in St. Pete Beach, FL.
Selected Publications
A few highlights of Linda’s research are below. View her full Google Scholar profile here.
Yuliya Strizhakova, Robin A. Coulter, and Linda L. Price (2021), “The Fresh Start Mindset: A Cross-National Investigation and Implications for Environmentally Friendly Global Brands,” Journal of International Marketing, 29 (4), 45–61.
Amber M. Epp, Hope Jensen Schau, and Linda L. Price (2014), “The Role of Brands and Mediating Technologies in Assembling Long-Distance Family Practices,” Journal of Marketing, 78 (3), 81–101.
Tandy Chalmers Thomas, Linda L. Price, and Hope Jensen Schau (2013), “When Differences Unite: Resource Dependence in Heterogeneous Consumption Communities,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (5), 1010–33.
Linda L. Price and Eric J. Arnould (1999), “Commercial Friendships: Service Provider–Client Relationships in Context,” Journal of Marketing, 63 (4), 38–56.
Linda L. Price, Lawrence F. Feick, and Audrey Guskey (1995), “Everyday Market Helping Behavior,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 14 (2), 255–66.
Lawrence F. Feick and Linda L. Price (1987), “The Market Maven: A Diffuser of Marketplace Information,” Journal of Marketing, 51 (1), 83–97.