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AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium

AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium

About the AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium

The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium is the premiere consortium in the marketing discipline. It brings together the very best doctoral students from business schools in the United States, Canada, Europe, and the rest of the world. The AMA-Sheth Foundation doctoral consortium is unique because it is the only consortium that exposes doctoral students to the rich diversity of topics, methodological perspectives, and theories that exist within the marketing discipline. This exposure is designed to spark creativity and insight by challenging students to think outside of their existing paradigms and to broaden their views on what constitutes good research.  The consortium is also designed to help students make a successful transition to their first faculty position by providing guidance on research, teaching, and service.  Faculty scholars are selected who have made important contributions to the field and who are dedicated to helping doctoral students establish professional linkages among themselves and with faculty. 

The first consortium was held in 1966. The program was launched under the leadership of Thomas A. Staudt and from the beginning the focus on research and relationship building was key. In 1997 the name was changed to the AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium in recognition of the Madhuri & Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation’s commitment to financing part of the consortium on an ongoing basis with the establishment of an AMA Foundation endowed fund.​​

Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester: 2024 Host

At Winter AMA 2023, the AMA Academic Council Executive Committee confirmed the selection of Alliance Manchester Business School as host for the 58th AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, which will now be held on June 11-14, 2024. This will be the third time the consortium is being hosted in the United Kingdom.

Future Hosts

At the 2023 Winter AMA Academic Conference, the AMA Academic Council Executive Committee confirmed the selection of the following hosts:

  • 2025: Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University (June 25-28, 2025)
  • 2026: Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University (June 11-14, 2026)
  • 2027: Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht University (TBD)

If you are interested in hosting the Consortium at your university, please review the Request for Proposals and contact the President-Elect Designate on the AMA Academic Council.

About the Consortium

The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium (Consortium) is the premiere consortium in the marketing discipline. Consortium, beginning in 1966, has brought together the very best doctoral students and faculty from business schools around the world to share in a three-day event, exposing doctoral students to a rich diversity of topics, methodological perspectives, and theories. The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium is designed to spark creativity and insight by challenging students to think outside of their existing paradigms and to broaden their views on what constitutes excellent quality research. The Consortium helps students make a successful transition to their first faculty position by providing guidance on research, teaching, and service. Students interact with faculty scholars who have made important contributions to the field and who are dedicated to helping students become the next generation of leaders in the marketing discipline.

Sheth Foundation Support

In 1997, the AMA received a gift from the Madhur & Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation​ in order to make the event more financially secure in subsequent years. The funds were used to establish an endowment within the American Marketing Association Foundation. In recognition of this endowment, the name was changed to the AMA–Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium. 

AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow Cohorts

1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 
1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984​ | 1985 | 
1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 
1996​ | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 ​| 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 ​​​| 2015​ |​​ 
2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 ​​​| 2025​ |​​​

​AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Photo Archives

Doctoral Consortium fellows and faculty from the first consortium held in 1966 at the University of Indiana in conjunction with the American Marketing Association’s Fall Conference (later renamed Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference) 

In recent years, the AMA has made it a priority to gather photos and other documents of interest from past consortium events. Anyone with images or other archival materials is encouraged to contact Marilyn Stone so that materials may be shared.​​​ 

Policies & Procedures

Updated August 2016

I. Value Proposition

The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium (Consortium) is the premiere consortium in the marketing discipline. Consortium, beginning in 1966, has brought together the very best doctoral students and faculty from business schools around the world to share in a three-day event, exposing doctoral students to a rich diversity of topics, methodological perspectives, and theories. The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium is designed to spark creativity and insight by challenging students to think outside of their existing paradigms and to broaden their views on what constitutes excellent quality research. The Consortium helps students make a successful transition to their first faculty position by providing guidance on research, teaching, and service. Students interact with faculty scholars who have made important contributions to the field and who are dedicated to helping students become the next generation of leaders in the marketing discipline.

II. Consortium Objectives

  • To cultivate a collegial network among faculty and doctoral candidates, and establish traditions within the discipline that transcends individual universities and specialty areas.
  • To encourage top doctoral candidates within the marketing discipline to undertake meaningful research.
  • To expose doctoral candidates to various viewpoints and philosophies that may be different from those held by faculty in their own institutions. 
  • To engage each doctoral candidate in building of a marketing career marked by contributions to the discipline through active research, creative teaching, and continued service.
  • To select outstanding consortium faculty from both the emerging and established scholar groups to discuss best practices, research methodologies and applications.

III. Eligibility of Nominating Institutions

  • By September 30 of the year preceding the scheduled consortium, the Academic Council ​will provide the host university a list of 100 universities that will receive automatic invitations for one student to attend. The list of 100 universities will be designated annually using the following method.
    • ​In June of the year preceding the scheduled consortium (i.e., June 2021 for the 2022 consortium), AMA Support Center staff will access “The UTD Top 100™” worldwide research rankings for publishing in marketing journals (Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, and Marketing Science) for the previous five years (i.e., 2011-2015).
    • In August of the year preceding the scheduled consortium (i.e., August 2021 for the 2022 consortium), AMA Support Center staff will contact (via email with a survey link) the Department Head and the Ph.D. Coordinator of the top 200 rated Ph.D. granting universities on “The UTD Top 100™”, and request identification of those faculty designated by their university as tenured and tenure-track faculty with Marketing as their primary discipline. NOTE: Faculty of another discipline (e.g., Business Law, IS, Ops, Mgmt) who are members of a marketing department should not be included in the count of marketing faculty, and faculty from other disciplines and other departments (e.g., Business Law, IS, Ops, Mgmt) who occasionally may publish in marketing journals should not be included in the count of marketing faculty. However, all tenured and tenure track faculty in marketing must be included, even if they are no longer research active. After a follow-up reminder, institutions who do not respond to the survey will be automatically excluded from nominating a student.
    • ​The AMA Support Center staff will calculate a “UTD-Faculty Ratio” for the top 150 Ph.D. granting institutions. This ratio is calculated as: the university’s “UTD Top 100™” rating divided by the number of marketing faculty at the university (as reported in the survey). The top 100 Ph.D. granting universities based on this “UTDFaculty Ratio” will receive an “automatic” invitation to the AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium.
    • The Academic Council Executive Committee may review the “automatic invitations” and reserves the right to question an institution’s Faculty Ratio.
  • In addition to automatic invitations, there are also “open” invitations. The host university may invite additional universities to submit an application for an exceptional student and entertain applications from universities that are interested in nominating an exceptional student for an “open” slot. The host institution is responsible for setting the criteria for vetting the applications. The host will hold the final decision on these additional “open slots.”
  • The total number of students attending Consortium should not exceed 120.

IV. Consortium Fellow Credentials

  • A university may nominate a student for Consortium who meets the following criteria:
    • The student must be ABD [all but dissertation] status by the time he/she is attending consortium.
    • The student must be targeting a career in academia.
    • The student’s university must have at least three active AMA members.
    • A student is permitted to attend the Consortium only once.

V. Selection of Consortium Faculty

  • The consortium faculty are invited by the consortium program chairs with guidance from the Academic Council.
    • The program chairs are self-nominated as a part of the selection of the consortium host institution and approved by the Executive Committee of the Academic Council.
  • The consortium faculty should represent a wide variety of intellectual perspectives within the discipline.
  • Invited consortium faculty who are not currently American Marketing Association members, are invited to join AMA as they register for the Consortium
  • Other faculty invites should include: the editors of the five AMA journals; the program chairs for the following year’s Consortium; as well as the president and president-elect of Academic Council.

VI. Selection of Consortium Host Institution

  • The Academic Council shall post an open-call to universities in November and accept proposals for Consortium hosts through mid-January
    • Proposals may be submitted by individual universities or collaborations between two (or more) co-host institutions.
    • The Academic Council may select host institutions multiple years in advance of the actual consortium.
  • Proposals will be reviewed by the Academic Council; the announcement of the Consortium host will typically be made at the Summer AMA Conference.

VII. Physical Arrangements

  • The Consortium typically extends for three days, arriving at the host university on Thursday afternoon and departing on Sunday afternoon.
    • Potential host universities can propose alternative lengths or timing.
  • Host universities propose the specific dates, provide meeting space, coordinate the invitation process, manage hotel logistics and other arrangements.
  • The American Marketing Association will provide some logistical support, including managing the registration process and overseeing the doctoral consortium archives.

VIII. Financial Arrangements

  • Host universities shall receive financial support from the American Marketing Association, along with funds from the AMA Foundation’s Sheth Foundation endowment dedicated to the consortium.
    • The AMA program manager shall provide list of past financial supporters including information regarding the AMA’s direct support and the AMA Foundation’s Sheth Foundation endowment.
  • Host universities may charge a fee of no more than $500 for consortium fellows (typically paid by the fellow’s university) and a fee of no more than $250 for faculty.
  • Host universities are expected to identify funding for the remainder of the consortium expenses via sponsors (both inside and outside of their university).

IX. Program Format

  • The program should include time focused on research and teaching.
  • Special care should be taken to allow ample time for informal as well as formal interaction among the students and among the students and faculty.
  • The Academic Council encourages host universities to highlight institutional strengths, but not at the expense of the overall program. 
  • The program must include a featured welcome from the President of the Academic Council.
  • Program Review: The Academic Council President and an AMA staff shall review and approve the program prior to it being finalized.

X. Appropriate Branding

  • Host universities must adhere to the AMA Brand Guidelines.
  • An AMA staff member shall provide feedback and advice on the execution of the guidelines.

1966: Indiana University​ 

Mark Alpert, University of Southern California – 1966
Scott Armstrong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1966 
Allison Barnhill, University of Washington – 1966 
Carl Block, University of Iowa – 1966 
Robert Brody, Harvard University – 1966 
Brian Campbell, University of Colorado – 1966 
Ira Dolich, University of Texas – 1966 
Kenneth Fladmark, Pennsylvania State University – 1966 
David Gardner, University of Minnesota – 1966 
Norman Govoni, University of Missouri – 1966 
John Griggs, University of Michigan – 1966 
Ronald Hasty, University of Colorado – 1966 
Keith Hunt, Northwestern University – 1966 
John Kennedy, Stanford University – 1966 
Douglas Longman, Indiana University – 1966 
Joseph Barry Mason, University of Alabama – 1966 
Malcolm McRae, New York University – 1966 
Kent Monroe, University of Illinois – 1966 
Masao Nakanishi, University of California – 1966 
Winston Ring, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1966 
Robert Rothberg, Pennsylvania State University – 1966 
Homer Spence, Ohio State University – 1966 
William Strang, University of Wisconsin – 1966 
David Wilson, University of Western Ontario – 1966 
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1967: Pennsylvania State University

Derek Abell, Harvard University – 1967 
Larry Agranove, University of Western Ontario – 1967 
Steven Baumgarten, Purdue University – 1967 
Leonard Berry,  Arizona State University – 1967 
Stewart Bither, University of Washington – 1967 
Sharon Browning, University of Missouri – 1967 
Ronald Decker, University of Iowa – 1967 
Frank Finney, University of California – 1967 
Alan Flaschner, University of North Carolina – 1967 
Kent Granzin, University of Illinois – 1967 
Robert Grayson, New York University – 1967 
Daniel Greeno, University of California – 1967 
Anthony Kelly, Columbia University – 1967 
James Kenderdine, Indiana University – 1967 
Milton Lavin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1967 
Gary McKinnon, University of Texas – 1967 
Lester Neidell, Pennsylvania State University – 1967 
William Perreault, University of North Carolina – 1967 
Donald Popielarz, Michigan State University – 1967 
Henry Pruden, University of Oregon – 1967 
Richard Reizenstein, Cornell University – 1967 
Ted Roselius, University of Colorado – 1967 
James Rothe, University of Wisconsin – 1967 
John Schlacter, Ohio University – 1967 
Murray Silverman, Stanford University – 1967 
Stoakley Swanson, University of Michigan – 1967 
Ronald Turner, Northwestern University – 1967 
John Wiginton, Carnegie Mellon University – 1967 
John Willenborg, University of Washington – 1967 
Robert Witt, Pennsylvania State University – 1967 
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1968: Pennsylvania State University 

Front Row: Wiseman; Courtney; Hulbert; Lamont; Harding; Miller; Etzel; Hunt; Talarzyk; Winn; Andreasan; Second Row: Stiles; Birgler; Hawkins; Martin; Woodruff; Schultz; Moulton; Kassarjian; Siller; Buzzell; Third Row: Edelstein; Smidtt; O’Brien; Mayo; Tatham; Grocott; Shawver; Nelson; Bennett; Fourth Row: Thompson; Martilla; Walker; Daub; Bell; Kelly; Robinson; Aaker; Russ

David Aaker, Stanford University – 1968 
Jack Bell, University of Washington – 1968 
Richard Birgler, New York University – 1968 
Alice Courtney, Harvard University – 1968 
Melvin Daub, University of Chicago – 1968 
Robert Edelstein, Columbia University – 1968 
Michael Etzel, University of Colorado – 1968 
Carter Grocott, University of North Carolina – 1968 
Forrest Harding,  Arizona State University – 1968 
Del Hawkins, University of Texas – 1968 
James Hulbert, University of Washington – 1968 
Shelby Hunt, Michigan State University – 1968 
Lawrence Lamont, University of Michigan – 1968 
John Martilla, University of Oregon – 1968 
Albert Martin, Ohio University – 1968 
Kirby Moulton, University of California – 1968 
Thomas Nelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1968 
Edward O’Brien, University of Iowa – 1968 
Federick Russ, Carnegie Mellon University – 1968 
Edward Schmitt, Pennsylvania State University – 1968 
Randy Schulz, Northwestern University – 1968 
Fred Siller, University of Western Ontario – 1968 
Gerald Stiles, University of Minnesota – 1968 
Wayne Talarzyk, Purdue University – 1968 
Ronald Tatham, University of Alabama – 1968 
Edward Thomson, University of California – 1968 
Orville Walker, University of Wisconsin – 1968 
Paul Winn, University of Illinois – 1968 
Frederick Wiseman, Cornell University – 1968 
Robert Woodruff, Indiana University – 1968 
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1969: University of North Carolina​ 

Evan Anderson, Cornell University – 1969 
Neil Beckwith, Purdue University – 1969 
Robert Boewadt, University of Michigan – 1969 
Stephen Brown, Arizona State University – 1969 
Benton Cocanougher, University of Texas – 1969 
Maynard de Lozier, University of North Carolina – 1969 
Luis Dominguez, Northwestern University – 1969 
Amin El–Dirghami, University of Minnesota – 1969 
Jack Engledow, Indiana University – 1969 
Stephen Gamble, University of Oregon – 1969 
Marvin Goldberg, University of Illinois – 1969 
Joel Greenwald, University of Southern California – 1969 
Charles Harris, University of Missouri – 1969 
James Hensel, Ohio University – 1969 
William Ingledew, University of Western Ontario – 1969 
Lance Jarvis, Pennsylvania State University – 1969 
Thomas Krolikowski, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1969 
Sam Lloyd, University of Washington – 1969 
Douglas MacLachlin, University of California – 1969 
Darrell McNabb, University of Washington – 1969 
Thomas Parkinson, Massachusetts – 1969 
Peter Peacock, University of Chicago – 1969 
Dorothy Philips, New York University – 1969 
Vithala Rao, ​University of Pennsylvania – 1969 
Fred Reynolds, University of Alabama – 1969 
Alan Sawyer, Stanford University – 1969 
Leon Schiffman, City University of New York – 1969 
Robert Settle, University of California – 1969 
Ahmed Shalaby, University of Iowa – 1969 
Benson Shapiro, Harvard University – 1969 
Ronald Stampfl, University of Wisconsin – 1969 
Bruce Walker, University of Colorado – 1969 
David Weinstein, Columbia University – 1969 
Richard Werbel, University of Michigan – 1969 
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1970: University of Western Ontario

Yvan Allaire, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1970 
Donald Beliveau, University of California – 1970 
Douglas Brooks, University of Washington – 1970 
John Claxton, University of Western Ontario – 1970 
Robert Corby, Arizona State University – 1970 
Stanton Cort, Harvard University – 1970 
Etienne Cracco, University of Michigan – 1970 
David Curry, University of California – 1970 
Albert Della Bitta, Massachusetts – 1970 
James Dunn, University of Oregon – 1970 
David Fulcher, University of Minnesota – 1970 
Roy Herberger, University of Colorado – 1970 
Robert House, Indiana University – 1970 
S Jagpal, Columbia University – 1970 
Ira Kaufman, Northwestern University – 1970 
Jay Klompmaker, University of Michigan – 1970 
Raymond La Garce, University of Missouri – 1970 
Ford Laumer, University of Georgia – 1970 
Arun Maheshwari, Pennsylvania State University – 1970
 Chem Narayana, University of Iowa – 1970 
Richard Oliver, University of Wisconsin – 1970 
Dov Pekelman, University of Chicago – 1970 
Andrew Ruppel, University of North Carolina – 1970 
Jerome Scott, Pennsylvania State University – 1970 
Bruce Seaton, University of Washington – 1970 
Louis Sharpe, University of Texas – 1970 
Howard Shenson, University of Southern California – 1970 
Robert Shoemaker, Carnegie Mellon University – 1970 
Edward Strong, Stanford University – 1970 
B Venkatesh, Ohio University – 1970 
John Villarreal, City University of New York – 1970 
Sherren Waung, University of Illinois – 1970 
Thomas Whipple, State University of New York – 1970 
Albert Wildt, Purdue University – 1970 
Robert Wilkes, University of Alabama – 1970 
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1971: University of Illinois​

Russell Belk, University of Minnesota – 1971 
Holland Blades, University of Arkansas – 1971 
Kathryn Britney, Pennsylvania State University – 1971 
Noel Capon, Columbia University – 1971 
Darral Clarke, Purdue University – 1971 
Robert Cooper, University of Western Ontario – 1971 
Terry Deutscher, Stanford University – 1971 
John Dickinson, Indiana University – 1971 
Robert Dunn, University of Oregon – 1971 
Gary Ford, State University of New York – 1971 
James Gajda, University of Chicago – 1971 
William George, University of Georgia – 1971 
John Gifford, University of Colorado – 1971 
Polia Hamburger, University of Michigan – 1971 
Gilbert Harrell, Pennsylvania State University – 1971 
Jack Healey, University of California – 1971 
Herb Hupfer, University of Illinois – 1971 
Leslie Kanuk, City University of New York – 1971 
Romain Laufer, Cornell University – 1971 
Jeffrey Levenberg, University of Cincinnati – 1971 
Warren Martin, University of Texas – 1971 
Anthony McGann, University of Missouri – 1971 
Andrew Mitchell, University of California – 1971 
Gary Ray, Arizona State University – 1971 
Eduarto Roberto, Northwestern University – 1971 
Ronald Rubin, Massachusetts – 1971 
Charles Schaninger, University of Rochester – 1971 
Brooks Smith, University of Alabama – 1971 
Brian Sternthal, Ohio University – 1971 
Michael Taylor, University of Washington – 1971 
Bjornar Tinnesand, University of Wisconsin – 1971 
James Van Dyke, University of Iowa – 1971 
Robert Westbrook, University of Michigan – 1971 
Ulrich Wiechmann, Harvard University – 1971 
James Wiley, University of Washington – 1971 
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1972: University of Texas 

Richard Becherer, University of Kentucky – 1972 
Richard Blizzard, University of Colorado – 1972 
Ronald Bush, Arizona State University – 1972 
John Cady, State University of New York – 1972 
James Clapper, Massachusetts – 1972 
Kenneth Coney, University of Oregon – 1972 
James Culley, University of Michigan – 1972 
Frederick Cutler, University of Southern California – 1972 
Richard Durant, University of Florida – 1972 
John Eighmey, University of Iowa – 1972 
Michael Etgar, University of California – 1972 
James Gajda, University of Chicago – 1972 
Ralph Gallay, New York University – 1972 
Stanley Garfunkel, City University of New York – 1972 
Thomas Griffin, University of Alabama – 1972 
Robert Hansen, University of Wisconsin – 1972 
Rebecca Holman, University of Texas – 1972 
Richard Homans, University of Houston – 1972 
Arun Jain, Pennsylvania State University – 1972 
Gerald Linda, University of Michigan – 1972 
Larry Lowe, University of Washington – 1972 
Denis Lussier, Indiana University – 1972 
Richard Lutz, University of Illinois – 1972
John McCann, Purdue University – 1972 
Donald Messmer, University of Washington – 1972 
John Monoky, Pennsylvania State University – 1972 
Roger More, University of Western Ontario – 1972 
James Nelon, University of Minnesota – 1972 
Michael Pearce, Harvard University – 1972 
Christian Pinson, Northwestern University – 1972 
Murladhar Rao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1972 
Roy Shanker, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1972 
Paul Stark, University of Arkansas – 1972 
Clint Tankersley, University of Cincinnati – 1972 
Paul Thistlethwaite, University of Missouri – 1972 
Pierre Vanden Abeele, Stanford University – 1972 
Ronald Vaughn, University of Georgia – 1972 
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1973: Michigan State University​ 

Dale Achabal, University of Texas – 1973 
Franklin Acito, State University of New York – 1973 
Mikael Ahlund, University of Georgia – 1973 
Dennis Anderson, University of Western Ontario – 1973 
Per Anderssen, University of Washington – 1973 
Bernard Catry, Harvard University – 1973 
Randall Chapman, Carnegie Mellon University – 1973 
Ignacio Coloma, University of Chicago – 1973 
Bixby Cooper, University of Alabama – 1973 
Melvin Crask, Indiana University – 1973 
Joel Evans, City University of New York – 1973 
Carl Ferguson, University of Missouri – 1973 
James Harvey, Pennsylvania State University – 1973 
Morris Holbrook, Columbia University – 1973 
Joel Huber, Pennsylvania State University – 1973 
Kenneth Kendall, University of Iowa – 1973 
David Lambert, University of Cincinnati – 1973 
William Lundstrom, University of Colorado – 1973 
Robert Lusch, University of Wisconsin – 1973 
James MacLachlan, University of California – 1973 
Richard McCarty, New York University – 1973 
Michael Menasco, University of Oregon – 1973 
Richard Mizerski, University of Florida – 1973
Edward Ojdana, University of Southern California – 1973 
Choong Park, University of Illinois – 1973 
Jyrki Pentinnen, University of Michigan – 1973 
Albert Pool, University of Utah – 1973 
Alan Resnik, Arizona State University – 1973 
Robert Robicheaux, University of Louisiana – 1973 
Henry Rodner, University of North Carolina – 1973 
Michael Ryan, University of Kentucky – 1973 
Murphy Sewall, University of Washington – 1973 
Clyde Smith, Stanford University – 1973 
Thomas Speh, Michigan State University – 1973 
Robert Tamilia, Ohio University – 1973 
Thomas Tucker, University of Houston – 1973 
Tamara Weddle, University of California – 1973 
Rolf Weinreich, Purdue University – 1973 
Daniel Williams, Northwestern University – 1973 
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1974: University of Oregon

Paul Anderson, University of Michigan – 1974
Richard Bagozzi, Northwestern University – 1974 
Benny Barak, City University of New York – 1974 
Roger Baran, University of Chicago – 1974 
William Bearden, University of South Carolina – 1974 
Roger Best, University of Oregon – 1974 
Labdhi Bhandari, Columbia University – 1974 
Thomas Cosse, University of Arkansas – 1974
Phillip Down, University of North Carolina – 1974 
Robert Fitts, University of Alabama – 1974 
Jonathan Goodrich, State University of New York – 1974 
Stephen Goodwin, University of Iowa – 1974 
Joyce Grahn, University of Minnesota – 1974 
William Grazer, University of Maryland – 1974 
Louise Heslop, University of Western Ontario – 1974
Pradeep Kakkar, University of California – 1974 
William Kehoe, University of Kentucky – 1974 
Esko Kervinem, Carnegie Mellon University – 1974 
Eugene Laczniak, University of Wisconsin – 1974 
Subhash Mehta, University of Missouri – 1974 
William Mitchell, Arizona State University – 1974
Patrick Murphy, University of Houston – 1974 
James Neelankavil, New York University – 1974 
Nonyelu Nwokoye, Massachusetts – 1974 
Terrence Paridon, University of Cincinnati – 1974 
George Prough, Kent State University – 1974 
S Raju, University of Illinois – 1974 
William Rodgers, Harvard University – 1974 
D Sciglimpaglia, University of Colorado – 1974 
Raymond Smead, Indiana University – 1974 
Rosann Spiro, University of Georgia – 1974 
Donald Stem, University of Washington – 1974 
Robert Thomas, Pennsylvania State University – 1974 
Alfred Toma, University of Louisiana – 1974 
Daniel Toy, Pennsylvania State University – 1974 
Tyzoon Tyebjee, University of California – 1974 
John Walton, Ohio University – 1974 
Peter Webb, Stanford University – 1974 
Robert Westbrook, University of Michigan – 1974 
Phillip White, University of Texas – 1974 
Robert Williams, University of Utah – 1974 
Dick Wittink, Purdue University – 1974 
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1975: Cornell University​ 

Manoj Agarwal, State University of New York – 1975 
Isaac Azerad, City University of New York – 1975 
Isaac Azerad, Pennsylvania State University – 1975 
Ken Baker, University of Oregon – 1975 
Peter Bambic, City University of New York – 1975 
Peter Bambic, Pennsylvania State University – 1975 
Richard Batsell, University of Texas – 1975 
John Burnett, University of Kentucky – 1975 
C Buss, Pennsylvania State University – 1975 
Roger Calantone, University of Massachusetts – 1975 
Jean–Marie Choffray, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1975 
Ruby Dholakia, Northwestern University – 1975 
Paul Farris, Harvard University – 1975 
Douglas Fugate, University of Missouri – 1975 
Bruce Hutton, University of Florida – 1975 
Priscilla La Barbera, University of Michigan – 1975 
John Lennon, University of Georgia – 1975 
David Lindsay, University of Maryland – 1975 
James McCullough, University of Washington – 1975
William Moore, Purdue University – 1975
Michael Noble, Arizona State University – 1975
Frank Osmanski, University of South Carolina – 1975
Frank Preissle, University of Washington – 1975
Sushila Rao, Indiana University – 1975
Robert Redinger, University of Illinois – 1975
Hans Salgaard, Cornell University – 1975
Debra Scammon, University of California – 1975
Martin Schwartz, University of Colorado – 1975
Ronald Sellars, Louisiana State University – 1975
Beheruz Sethna, Columbia University – 1975
Robert Smith, University of Wisconsin – 1975
Wlliam Staples, University of Houston – 1975
Robert Swerdlow, University of Arkansas – 1975
Hirotaka Takeuchi, University of California – 1975
Richard Tashjian, New York University – 1975
Jesse Teel, University of North Carolina – 1975 
Jeffrey Towle, University of Michigan – 1975 
John Wattler, University of Alabama – 1975 
Barton Weitz, Stanford University – 1975 
Dale Wilson, University of Iowa – 1975 
Russell Winer​, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1975
Ronald Zallacco, University of Kentucky – 1975
Reinalt Zoeschmar, University of Cincinnati – 1975
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1976: University of Houston​ 

Chris Allen, Ohio University – 1976 
Catherine Bentley, University of Texas – 1976 
Ed Blair, University of Illinois – 1976 
Muzaffer Bodur, Indiana University – 1976 
Anthony Bushman, University of Maryland – 1976 
Hugh Cannon, New York University – 1976 
Raj Chaganti, State University of New York – 1976 
Robert Conter, University of Arizona – 1976 
Theodore Cummings, Arizona State University – 1976 
Philip Dover, Pennsylvania State University – 1976 
Robert Dyer, University of Minnesota – 1976 
Donald Emery, University of Colorado – 1976 
David Gautschi, University of California – 1976 
Dominique Hanssens, Purdue University – 1976 
Michael Hayes, University of Michigan – 1976 
Elizabeth Hirshman, University of Georgia – 1976 
Joseph Horsley, University of Arkansas – 1976 
Jim Hromas, University of Oklahoma – 1976 
Robert Jones, University of Southern California – 1976 
John Keon, Pennsylvania State University – 1976 
Ronald King, University of Alabama – 1976 
Gilles Laurent, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1976 
John Lindgren, Kent State University – 1976 
Norman McGuinness, University of Western Ontario – 1976 
Don Michie, University of Wisconsin – 1976 
Gail Miller, University of Kentucky – 1976 
Michael Mokwa, University of Houston – 1976 
Bill Mundy, University of Washington – 1976 
Rainer Ness, Stanford University – 1976 
Jon Noerager, University of Missouri – 1976 
Michael O’Neill, University of Oregon – 1976 
Kadayam Padmanabhan, University of Michigan – 1976 
Steve Palesy, Columbia University – 1976 
Larry Patterson, University of Texas – 1976
Lynn Phillips, Northwestern University – 1976 
Girish Punj, Carnegie Mellon University – 1976 
John Quelch, Harvard University – 1976 
Mustafa Razian, University of Louisiana – 1976 
William Rodgers, University of Iowa – 1976 
Irene Rosenfield, Cornell University – 1976 
Clinton Schertzer, University of Cincinnati – 1976 
Dean Siewers, University of North Carolina – 1976 
John Swasy, University of California – 1976 
Fred Trawick, University of Georgia – 1976 
John Vann, University of Florida – 1976 
Dinod Verma, University of Chicago – 1976 
Paul Warshaw, Massachusetts – 1976 
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1977: University of Pennsylvania

Ishmael Akaah, Pennsylvania State University – 1977
Barbara Bart, University of Georgia – 1977
Douglas Behrman, University of North Carolina – 1977
Michael Bergier, State University of New York – 1977
Gabriel Biehal, Stanford University – 1977
James Brown, Indiana University – 1977
Benjamin Carr, Massachusetts – 1977
Dipankar Chakravarti, Carnegie Mellon University – 1977
Herbert Conley, University of Washington – 1977
Marcel Corstjens, University of California – 1977
Robert Cosenza, University of Kentucky – 1977
Charles Cox, University of Tennessee – 1977
Lawrence Crosby, University of Michigan – 1977
Peter Dickson, University of Florida – 1977
Edward Fern, Ohio University – 1977
Kendrick Gibson, University of Arkansas – 1977
Robert Gruber, Columbia University – 1977
Robert Harmon, Arizona State University – 1977
Brian Harris, University of Michigan – 1977
Allan Hernandez, University of California – 1977
George Hozier, University of Arizona – 1977 
James Hunt, University of Cincinnati – 1977
Robert Jones, Texas Tech University – 1977 
Georgia Kenyon, University of Oregon – 1977 
Joanne Klebba, University of Minnesota – 1977 
James Larson, University of Wisconsin – 1977 
Robert Leone, Purdue University – 1977 
Yehoshua Liebermann, University of Chicago – 1977 
Theodore Mitchell, York University – 1977 
Scott Neslin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1977 
Johannah Nolen, University of Alabama – 1977 
Ravi Parameswaran, University of Georgia – 1977 
Wesley Patton III, University of Colorado – 1977 
Edward Popper, Harvard University – 1977 
Samuel Rabino, New York University – 1977 
Michael Reilly, Pennsylvania State University – 1977 
Robert Rogers, University of Nebraska – 1977 
Alok Sharma, University of South Carolina – 1977
Subhash Sharma, University of Texas – 1977
Mary Jane Sheffet, University of California – 1977 
Patricia Simmie, Northwestern University – 1977 
Richard Sparkman Jr, University of Houston – 1977 
Gloria Thomas, Temple University – 1977 
Susan Thomas, University of Maryland – 1977 
Gregory Upah, University of Illinois – 1977 
Russell Wahlers, Kent State University – 1977 
Melanie Wallendorf, University of Pittsburgh – 1977 
Mark Webb, University of Western Ontario – 1977 
Back to Top

1978: University of Chicago

Arthur Adams, University of Iowa – 1978 
John Bateson, Harvard University – 1978 
Stephen Batory, University of Maryland – 1978
William Black, University of Texas – 1978 
Marian Burke, University of California – 1978 
Thomas Clark, University of Illinois – 1978 
David Closs, University of Michigan – 1978 
Maureen Coughlin, City University of New York – 1978 
Michael Czinkota, Ohio University – 1978 
Wayne Desarbo, Pennsylvania State University – 1978 
Rohit Deshpande, University of Pittsburgh – 1978 
Jeffrey Dilts, University of Oklahoma – 1978 
Alan Dubinsky, University of Minnesota – 1978 
Julie Edell, Carnegie Mellon University – 1978
Terry Edell, Columbia University – 1978 
Mark Edwards, Arizona State University – 1978 
Richard George, Temple University – 1978 
Mary Gilly, University of Houston – 1978 
Jerome Guffy, University of Colorado – 1978 
John Gwin, University of North Carolina – 1978 
Roy Howell, University of Arkansas – 1978 
Marcia Johnson, Northwestern University – 1978 
Mary Joyce, University of Kentucky – 1978 
Pradeep Korgaonkar, University of Georgia – 1978 
Ronald LeBlanc, University of Arizona – 1978 
Thomas Leigh, Indiana University – 1978 
James Leigh, University of Michigan – 1978
Naresh Malhotra, State University of New York – 1978 
Paul Miniard, University of Florida – 1978 
Aydin Muderrisoglu, Pennsylvania State University – 1978
Thomas Muller, University of British Columbia – 1978
Donald Norris, University of California – 1978
David Ortinau, University of Louisiana – 1978
Christie Paksoy, University of Alabama – 1978
Easton Ragsdale, University of Chicago – 1978 
Stanley Reid, York University – 1978 
Joseph Rentz, University of Georgia – 1978 
Arno Rethans, University of Oregon – 1978 
Peter Rip, Stanford University – 1978 
Jerry Rodgers, University of Missouri – 1978 
Api Ruzdic, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1978 
Dennis Sandler, New York University – 1978 
Carol Surprenant, University of Wisconsin – 1978 
Uday Tate, University of Tennessee – 1978 
Peter Thirkell, University of Western Ohio – 1978 
Wilfried Vanhonacker, Purdue University – 1978 
Poondi Varadarajan, Massachusetts – 1978 
Jacob Warshavsky, University of Toronto – 1978 
Kent Wentworth, University of Washington – 1978 
Clifford Young, University of Utah – 1978 
Back to Top

1979: University of Wisconsin 

Jessica Bailey, University of Missouri – 1979 
Sharon Beatty, University of Oregon – 1979 
Peter Bloch, University of Texas – 1979
Lorne Bozinoff, University of Toronto – 1979
James Brock, Michigan State University – 1979 
Stephen Calcich, University of Houston – 1979 
David Chinchen, University of Nebraska – 1979 
Joseph Cote, University of Arizona – 1979 
James Cox, University of Illinois – 1979 
William Cron, Indiana University – 1979 
Imran Currim, Stanford University – 1979 
Krish Doraiswamy, Carnegie Mellon University – 1979
Kenneth Evans, University of Colorado – 1979 
Raymond Fisk, Arizona State University – 1979 
Cynthia Fraser, Pennsylvania State University – 1979 
Cynthia Frey, University of Michigan – 1979 
John Gaski, University of Wisconsin – 1979 
Hubert Gatignon, University of California – 1979 
Corbett Gaulden, University of Louisiana – 1979 
John Graham, University of California – 1979 
Oded Gur Arie, University of Alabama – 1979 
Mike Heffring, University of Pittsburgh – 1979 
Thomas Ingram, University of Georgia – 1979 
Michael Kamins, New York University – 1979 
Rajesh Kanwar, Pennsylvania State University – 1979
Trudy Kehert–Ward, University of Washington – 1979 
James Lumpkin, University of Arkansas – 1979 
Steven Lysonski, Syracuse University – 1979 
Carole Macklin, Ohio University – 1979 
Thomas Madden, Massachusetts – 1979 
Bruce Mattson, University of Minnesota – 1979 
John McDonald, University of Kentucky – 1979
Soo–Young Moon, University of Oklahoma – 1979
Rowland Moriarty Jr, Harvard University – 1979 
Hugh Munro, University of Western Ontario – 1979 
Chike Okechuku, York University – 1979 
Nancy Peat, University of Florida – 1979 
Thomas Pilon, Purdue University – 1979 
Prem Purwar, New York University – 1979 
Roland Rust, University of North Carolina – 1979 
David Schmittlein, Columbia University – 1979 
Eric Shaw, Temple University – 1979 
Dan Sherrell, University of South Carolina – 1979 
Brenda Sumrall Harmon, University of Mississippi – 1979 
Robert Sutton, University of Iowa – 1979 
Lauren Swanson, University of Georgia – 1979 
Martin Topol, City University of New York – 1979 
R Viswanathan, University of Texas – 1979 
Kaylene Williams, University of Tennessee – 1979 
Kenneth Wisniewski, Northwestern University – 1979 
Rebecca Yates, University of Cincinnati – 1979 
Clifford Young, University of Utah – 1979
Valarie Zeithaml, University of Maryland – 1979 
Back to Top

1980 Pennsylvania State University 

Ivan Abel, New York University – 1980 
Erin Anderson, University of California – 1980 
Mark Bennion, Michigan State University – 1980 
Robert Berl, Georgia State University – 1980 
Ruth Bolton, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1980 
Greg Bonner, Temple University – 1980 
Unal Boya, University of North Carolina – 1980 
Raymond Burke, University of Florida – 1980 
George Coan, University of Maryland – 1980 
Jerry Conover, University of Missouri – 1980 
Ellen Day, Indiana University – 1980 
Andrgas Falkenberg, University of Oregon – 1980 
Adam Finn, University of Illinois – 1980 
Marcia Flicker, University of Pennsylvania – 1980 
Andrew Forman, University of Tennessee – 1980 
Guy Gessner, State University of New York – 1980 
James Gill, University of Nebraska – 1980 
Rashi Glazer, Stanford University – 1980 
Larry Gresham, University of South Carolina – 1980 
Michael Hand, Arizona State University – 1980 
Easnestine Hargrove, University of Kentucky – 1980 
Jon Hawes, University of Arkansas – 1980 
Caroline Henderson, Harvard University – 1980 
Michael Henry, Purdue University – 1980 
Paul Hensel, University of Houston – 1980 
David Hogg, University of Arizona – 1980 
Jo Anne Hopper, Louisiana State University – 1980 
Jack Lesser, University of Oklahoma – 1980 
Lee Meadow, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1980 
Noreen Moore, Pennsylvania State University – 1980 
Chakravarthi Narasimham, University of Rochester – 1980 
Kenneth Novak, University of Chicago – 1980 
Carl Obermiller, Ohio State University – 1980 
Scott Painton, Oklahoma State University – 1980 
Kishore Pasumarty, Columbia University – 1980 
John Planchon, University of Alabama – 1980 
Linda Price, University of Texas – 1980 
Victor Roth, University of Toronto – 1980 
Robert Ruekert, University of Wisconsin – 1980 
Steven Schnaars, City University of New York – 1980
Paul Schurr, Northwestern University – 1980 
Rolf Seringhaus, York University – 1980 
Stephen Silver, University of California – 1980 
Denise Smart, Texas A&M University – 1980 
Robert Sproat, Kent State University – 1980 
Mariam Stamps, Syracuse University – 1980 
James Stearns, Florida State University – 1980 
Patricia Stocker, University of Colorado – 1980 
Devanathan Sudharshan, University of Pittsburgh – 1980 
Robert Thompson, University of Washington – 1980 
James Wenthe, University of Georgia – 1980 
Anthony Zahorik, Cornell University – 1980 
George Zinkhan, University of Michigan – 1980 
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1981: University of Maryland​ 

William Allison, University of Toronto – 1981
Kenneth Bahn, University of Utah – 1981 
Gregory Baleja, Michigan State University – 1981
Dave Blanchette, University of Kentucky – 1981 
Claire Bolfing, University of Tennessee – 1981 
Gordon Bruner, North Texas State University – 1981 
Wendy Bryce, University of Washington – 1981 
Alan Bush, Louisiana State University – 1981 
Stuart Carlson, University of Arkansas – 1981 
Gregory Carpenter, Columbia University – 1981 
Terry Childers, University of Wisconsin – 1981 
Judy Cohen, Syracuse University – 1981 
Alain D’astous, University of Florida – 1981 
James Engelbrecht, Oklahoma State University – 1981 
George Franke, University of North Carolina – 1981 
Gopala–Krishnan Ganesh, University of Houston – 1981 
Ronald Goldsmith, University of Alabama – 1981 
Sunil Gupta, University of California – 1981 
Moshe Handelman, Purdue University – 1981 
Manoj Hostak, Pennsylvania State University – 1981 
Lee Howe, University of Georgia – 1981 
Laurel Hudson, Arizona State University – 1981 
Easwar Iyer, University of Pittsburgh – 1981 
Wagner Kamakura, University of Texas – 1981 
Ruth Krieger, University of Cincinnati – 1981 
Rajiv Lal, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1981 
James Lattin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1981 
George Lucas, University of Missouri – 1981 
Scott Mackenzie, University of California – 1981 
Judith Marshall, University of Western Ontario – 1981 
David Mazursky, New York University – 1981 
Ronald Michaels, Indiana University – 1981 
David Moore, University of Massachusetts – 1981 
Ellen Moore, University of South Carolina – 1981 
James Muncy, Texas Tech University – 1981 
Kent Nakamoto, Stanford University – 1981 
Thomas Page, Ohio State University – 1981 
Susan Petrochius, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1981 
B. Rammohan, University of Nebraska – 1981 
Pradeep Rau, Kent State University – 1981
Kim Robertson, University of Oregon – 1981 
William Robinson, University of Michigan – 1981 
Richard Rosecky, University of Maryland – 1981 
Gary Russell, University of Chicago – 1981 
Ray Serpkenci, University of Oklahoma – 1981 
Elaine Sherman, City University of New York – 1981 
Ravi Singh, Northwestern University – 1981 
Mark Slama, Florida State University – 1981 
Ruth Ann Smith, Georgia State University – 1981 
Don Snyder, Texas A&M University – 1981 
Glenn Stoops, State University of New York – 1981 
Alicia Thompson, University of Colorado – 1981 
John Uko, University of Illinois – 1981 
Linda Van Esch, York University – 1981 
Richard Weijo, University of Minnesota – 1981 
Fred Wiersema, Harvard University – 1981 
Christopher Wogan, University of Arizona – 1981 
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1982: University of Minnesota​ 

Gary Bamossy, University of Utah – 1982 
Rajeev Batra, Stanford University – 1982
Burce Buchanan, Columbia University – 1982 
Jack Cadeaux, University of California – 1982 
Stephen Castleberry, University of Alabama – 1982
Anthony Cox, Indiana University – 1982 
Melissa Crockett, University of South Carolina – 1982 
Kathleen Debevec, University of Cincinnati – 1982 
Yildiz Dural, Purdue University – 1982 
Ismail El–Sayed, North Texas State University – 1982 
Barbara Garland, University of Arizona – 1982 
Stephen Gould, City University of New York – 1982 
Stephen Grove, Oklahoma State University – 1982 
Rajiv Grover, University of Massachusetts – 1982
Evelyn Gutman, New York University – 1982 
Steven Hartley, University of Minnesota – 1982 
James Helgeson, University of Oregon – 1982
Ronald P. Hill, University of Maryland – 1982
Stephen Hoch, Northwestern University – 1982 
Rajeev Kohli, University of Pennsylvania – 1982 
R. Krishnan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1982 
Robert Landry, Louisiana State University – 1982 
Greg Lessne, University of North Carolina – 1982 
Richard Lightburn, University of Chicago – 1982 
John Lord, Temple University – 1982 
Frederick Mader, University of Georgia – 1982 
Cheri Marshall, Harvard University – 1982 
James Maskulka, Kent State University – 1982 
Tom Massey, Florida State University – 1982 
Patricia Meyers, Syracuse University – 1982 
Darrel Muehling, University of Nebraska – 1982 
James Munch, Pennyslvania State University – 1982
Diane Neeb, Michigan State University – 1982 
Rammahon Pishardi, University of Tennessee – 1982 
Judy Powell, Georgia State University – 1982 
Marti Rhea, Arizona State University – 1982 
Nancy Ridgway, University of Texas – 1982 
John Roberts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1982
Barry Rosen, State University of New York – 1982
Paul Sauer, Ohio State University – 1982 
Steven Skinner, University of Kentucky – 1982
Ruth Ann Smith, University of Wisconsin – 1982
Robert Stone, University of Illinois – 1982 
Mita Sujan, University of California – 1982 
Gerard Tellis, University of Michigan – 1982 
Uchila Umesh, University of Washington – 1982
Ignatius Van Kooten, York University – 1982 
Valerie Veth–Blair, University of Houston – 1982 
Angelina Villarreal, University of Pittsburgh – 1982 
Scott Vitell, Texas Tech University – 1982 
Harrie Vradenburg, University of Western Ontario – 1982 
Jerome Williams, University of Colorado – 1982 
George Wynn, Texas A&M University – 1982 
Peter Yannopoulos, University of Toronto – 1982 
Julie Yu, University of Missouri – 1982 
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1983: University of Michigan 

Jagdish Agrawal, State University of New York – 1983 
Donald Barclay, University of Michigan – 1983 
Ida Berger, University of Toronto – 1983 
William Boulding, Pennsylvania State University – 1983 
Patrick Bukley, University of British Columbia – 1983 
Michele Bunn, University of North Carolina – 1983 
Les Carlson, University of Nebraska – 1983 
Simeon Chow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1983 
Scott Dawson, University of Arizona – 1983 
Elizabeth Ensley, Texas A&M University – 1983
David Faulds, University of Iowa – 1983 
Roberto Friedmann, University of Kansas – 1983 
Robert Greene, Florida State University – 1983 
Ronald Hampton, University of Arkansas – 1983 
James Hazeltine, University of Kentucky – 1983 
Susan Heckler, University of Minnesota – 1983 
Lexis Higgins, University of Colorado – 1983 
Richard Johnston, University of Oklahoma – 1983 
Barbara Kahn, Columbia University – 1983 
Sudhir Kale, University of Illinois – 1983 
Meir Karlinsky, University of California – 1983 
Gary Karns, University of Washington – 1983 
Carol Kaufman, Temple University – 1983 
William Kehoe, University of Arizona – 1983 
Richard Kolbe, University of Cincinnati – 1983 
Donald Lichenstein, University of South Carolina – 1983 
David Lichtenthal, Pennsylvania State University – 1983 
Taylor Little, University of Alabama – 1983 
Deanna Mader, University of Georgia – 1983
John Mager, University of Oregon – 1983
Jayashree Mahajan, University of Wisconsin – 1983 
Karl Mann, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1983 
Deborah Marlino, University of California – 1983
Charlotte Mason, Stanford University – 1983 
William McConkey, North Texas State University – 1983
Nancy Nighswonger–Kr, University of Pittsburgh – 1983 
Gergory Pickett, Oklahoma State University – 1983 
Nancy Pishkur, Kent State University – 1983
Richard Plank, City University of New York – 1983
Thomas Powers, Michigan State University – 1983
Christopher Puto, Duke University – 1983
Arvind Rangaswamy, Northwestern University – 1983
Donny Rich, Georgia State University – 1983
Lyndon Riffie, University of Missouri – 1983
Deepak Sainanee, University of Chicago – 1983
Dena Saliagas–Cox, University of Houston – 1983
Cliff Scott, Louisiana State University – 1983
Carolyn Simmons, University of Florida – 1983
Darlene Smith , University of Maryland – 1983
Paul Speck, Texas Tech University – 1983
Jeffrey Stoltman, Syracuse University – 1983
Joe Urbany, Ohio State University – 1983
Chow–Hou Wee, University of Western Ontario – 1983
William Weeks, Indiana University – 1983
Kenneth Wong, Harvard University – 1983
Nittaya Wongtada, University of Tennessee – 1983
Mary Zimmer, University of Texas – 1983
Back to Top

1984: Northwestern University

Emin Babakus, University of Alabama – 1984 
Judy Bayer, New York University – 1984 
Gaurav Bhalla, University of Kansas – 1984 
Mary Jo Bitner, University of Washington – 1984
Michael Bowers, Texas A&M University – 1984 
Julia Bristor, University of Michigan – 1984 
Amitava Chattaopadhyay, University of Florida – 1984
Rabikar Chatterjee, University of Pennsylvania – 1984 
Kim Corfman, Columbia University – 1984 
Mary Coyle, University of Toronto – 1984 
Carman Cullen, University of Western Ontario – 1984 
Brian Davis, University of Georgia – 1984 
Srinivas Durvasula, University of South Carolina – 1984 
Peter Fader, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1984 
William Forrester, University of Tennessee – 1984 
Ellen Foxman, Louisiana State University – 1984 
Sarah Gardial, University of Houston – 1984 
Dennis Garrett, University of Illinois – 1984 
Ralph Giacobbe, Arizona State University – 1984 
John Haverty, Temple University – 1984 
Peggy Hildebrand, North Texas State University – 1984 
Ronald Hoverstad, University of Minnesota – 1984 
Daniel Howard, Ohio State University – 1984 
James Hunt, Florida State University – 1984 
Kevin Keller, Duke University – 1984 
Robert Kleine, University of Cincinnati – 1984 
Harold Koenig, University of Nebraska – 1984 
V. Kumar, University of Texas – 1984 
Jane Landwehr, University of North Carolina – 1984 
Karen Machleit, Michigan State University – 1984 
Haim Mano, University of Chicago – 1984 
Gordon McClung, University of Pittsburgh – 1984 
Jacquetta McGlung, University of Oklahoma – 1984 
Melvyn Menezes, University of California – 1984
Joan Meyers–Levy, Northwestern University – 1984
Shekhar Misra, University of Oregon – 1984
Nardendra Mulani, University of Massachusetts – 1984
Jacques Nantel, Indiana University – 1984
Thomas Noordewier, University of Wisconsin – 1984
Gwen Ortmeyer, Stanford University – 1984
Rick Panitz, University of Kentucky – 1984
Thomas Ponzurick, Memphis State University – 1984
Mohan Reddy, Case Western Reserve University – 1984
William Redmond, University of Arizona – 1984
Debra Ringold, University of Maryland – 1984
Henrianne Sanft, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1984 
Jo Ann Schwinghammer, University of Arkansas – 1984 
Sameer Sikri, Pennsylvania State University – 1984 
Douglas Stayman, University of California – 1984 
Patriya Tansuhaj, Oklahoma State University – 1984 
Kenneth Thompson, University of Colorado – 1984 
Thofanis Varvoglis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1984 
Joao Zerio, Syracuse University – 1984 
Georgette Zifko–Baliga, Kent State University – 1984 
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1985: Duke University​ 

Royce Anderson, City University of New York – 1985 
William Baker, University of Florida – 1985 
Bradley Barbeau, University of Michigan – 1985 
Gloria Barczak, Syracuse University – 1985 
Lew Brown, University of North Carolina – 1985 
Scot Burton, University of Houston – 1985 
Richard Celsi, NULL – 1985 
Joseph Cherian, University of Texas – 1985 
Terry Clark, Texas A&M University – 1985
Deborah Cowles, Arizona State University – 1985 
Chang Dae, Harvard University – 1985 
Michael Dermody, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1985 
Linda Edwards, Purdue University – 1985 
Seth Ellis, University of Arizona – 1985 
June Francis, University of Washington – 1985 
Jonathan Frenzen, University of Chicago – 1985 
Cheryl Gardner, George Washington University – 1985 
Cathy Goodwin, University of California – 1985 
Donna Green, University of Western Ontario – 1985 
Sunil Gupta, Columbia University – 1985 
William Harris, University of Oklahoma – 1985 
Timothy Heath, University of Iowa – 1985 
Sigredo Hernandez, Temple University – 1985 
Pamela Homer, University of Oregon – 1985 
Joseph Jones, University of Missouri – 1985 
Vaughan Judd, North Texas State University – 1985 
Saul Klein, University of Toronto – 1985 
Ajay Kohli, University of Pittsburgh – 1985 
E.M. Krishna, University of Arkansas – 1985 
Siew Leong, University of Wisconsin – 1985 
Ajay Manrai, Northwestern University – 1985 
Terese Maskulka, Kent State University – 1985 
Manfred Maute, University of Tennessee – 1985 
Paul Nelson, University of Rochester – 1985 
Richard Netemeyer, University of South Carolina – 1985 
Janeen Olsen, University of Utah – 1985 
Sukgoo Pak, Florida State University – 1985 
Barbara Perdue, Indiana University – 1985 
Charles Rader, Memphis State University – 1985 
Jagmohan Raju, Stanford University – 1985 
Srinivasan Raneshwar, Vanderbilt University – 1985
Kathleen Rassuli, Michigan State University – 1985 
Mary Raymond, University of Georgia – 1985 
Gary Rhoads, Texas Tech University – 1985 
Terri Rittenburg, University of Nebraska – 1985 
Randall Rose, Ohio State University – 1985 
Randy Russ, Louisiana State University – 1985 
Narasimhan Srinivasan, State University of New York – 1985 
Kannan Srinivasan, University of California – 1985 
Roxanne Stell, Oklahoma State University – 1985 
Deborah Strauss, University of Maryland – 1985 
Raghu Tadepalli, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1985 
Louis Turley, University of Kentucky – 1985 
Jacquelyn Twible, University of Massachusetts – 1985 
Naufel Vilcassim, Cornell University – 1985 
Jagtiani Vinod, University of Illinois – 1985 
Cheng–Ping Wang, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1985 
James Ward, University of Minnesota – 1985 
Guntalee Wechasara, University of Alabama – 1985 
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1986: University of Notre Dame​ 

Eugene Anderson, University of Chicago – 1986 
Gregory Boller, Pennsylvania State University – 1986 
Paula Bone, University of South Carolina – 1986 
Juanita Brown, University of Missouri – 1986 
Kevin Celuch, Syracuse University – 1986 
Mary Copeland, University of Texas – 1986 
Carolyn Costley, University of North Carolina – 1986 
Vicky Crittenden, Harvard University – 1986 
Peter Dacin, University of Toronto – 1986 
Suzanne Desai, Kent State University – 1986 
Michael Dorsch, University of Arkansas – 1986 
Keith Fabes, Oklahoma State University – 1986 
Fred Feinberg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1986
Sharon Galbraith, University of Washington – 1986 
Esra Gencturk, University of Minnesota – 1986 
Sanjoy Ghose, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1986 
Jerry Goolsby, Texas Tech University – 1986 
Srinath Gopalakrishna, Purdue University – 1986
Joel Greene, City University of New York – 1986 
Barbara Gross, University of California – 1986 
Gregory Gundlach, University of Tennessee – 1986
Pola Gupta, State University of New York – 1986 
Jan Heide, University of Wisconsin – 1986 
Robin Higie, University of Pittsburgh – 1986 
Jonel Ingwerson, University of Oklahoma – 1986 
Richard Insinga, Pace University – 1986 
Chris Janiszewski, Northwestern University – 1986 
Vinay Kanetkar, University of British Columbia – 1986 
Jerome Katrichis, University of Michigan – 1986 
Scott Kelley, University of Kentucky – 1986 
Tina Kiesler, University of California – 1986 
Bob Kimball, University of Georgia – 1986 
Susan Kitchell, York University – 1986 
Wolfram Kleinknecht, North Texas State University – 1986 
Masaaki Kotabe, Michigan State University – 1986 
William Krumske, University of Illinois – 1986 
James Lollar, University of Alabama – 1986 
Dawne Martin, University of Colorado – 1986 
Tridib Mazumdar, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1986
Denny McCorkle, Memphis State University – 1986 
David Mick, Indiana University – 1986 
John Murry, University of Kansas – 1986 
Fernando Nascimento, Columbia University – 1986 
Daniel Nelson, University of Arizona – 1986 
Sejo Oh, University of Cincinnati – 1986 
Thomas Parker, University of Nebraska – 1986 
Connie Pechmann, Vanderbilt University – 1986
Steve Perkins, University of Texas – 1986 
Bruce Pilling, Arizona State University – 1986
Linda Plimpton, Ohio State University – 1986 
Marya Pucely, Florida State University – 1986 
Daniel Rajaratnam, Texas A&M University – 1986 
Kadiampatti Rajendran, University of Iowa – 1986 
Sridhar Ramaswami, University of Texas – 1986 
Scott Roberts, University of Utah – 1986 
William Ross, Duke University – 1986 
Linda Schneider, Claremont – 1986 
Susan Sipkoff, George Washington University – 1986 
Ven Sriram, University of Maryland – 1986 
Vikas Tibrewala, New York University – 1986 
Louis Tucci, Temple University – 1986 
Eric Wruck, Cornell University – 1986 
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1987: New York University 

Avery Abernethy, University of South Carolina – 1987
Joe Alexander, Memphis State University – 1987 
Abdul Ali, Purdue University – 1987 
Syed Andaleeb, University of Illinois – 1987 
Helen Anderson, Duke University – 1987 
Swee Ang, University of British Columbia – 1987 
Jill Attaway, Louisiana State University – 1987 
Corinne Berneman, York University – 1987 
Tung–zong Chang, University of Missouri – 1987 
Jerome Cogrove, City University of New York – 1987 
Victor Cordell, University of Houston – 1987 
Padmini Desikachar, Cornell University – 1987
Elizabeth Ferrell, Texas Tech University – 1987 
Eileen Fischer, Queen’s University – 1987 
Jule Gassenheimer, University of Alabama – 1987 
Faye Gilbert, North Texas State University – 1987 
Janice Gygi, University of Utah – 1987 
Hari Hariharan, University of Iowa – 1987 
Arthur Heimbach, University of Washington – 1987
Pamela Henderson, University of Texas – 1987 
Jacqueline Hitchon, University of Wisconsin – 1987
Ambuj Jain, State University of New York – 1987 
Hyung–Shik Jung, University of Arizona – 1987 
Gurumurthy Kalyanaram, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1987 
James Kellaris, Georgia State University – 1987 
Pamela Kiecker, University of Colorado – 1987 
Amna Kirmani, Stanford University – 1987
John Kuzma, Kent State University – 1987 
Geok Theng Lau, University of Western Ontario – 1987 
Jinyong Lee, University of California – 1987 
Young Lim, University of Nebraska – 1987 
Timothy Longfellow, University of Kentucky – 1987 
Dale Lunsford, Oklahoma State University – 1987 
Susan Marine, University of Cincinnati – 1987 
Lynn McGee, Indiana University – 1987 
Anil Menon, Texas A&M University – 1987 
Gina O’Connor, New York University – 1987 
Janet Oglethorpe, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1987 
James Olver, University of Virginia – 1987 
Yun–Jae Park, George Washington University – 1987 
Carol Pluzinski, University of Michigan – 1987
Lydia Price, Columbia University – 1987 
Ahnal Purohit, Carnegie–Mellon University – 1987 
Venkatram Ramaswamy, University of Pennsylvania – 1987 
Abhik Roy, University of California – 1987 
Rajagopalan Sethuraman, Northwestern University – 1987 
Prem Shamdasani, University of Southern California – 1987 
Janette Shimanski, University of Minnesota – 1987
Daniel Smith, University of Pittsburgh – 1987 
Bruce Smyth, University of Toronoto – 1987 
Harlan Spotts, University of Massachusetts – 1987 
T.V. Srinivasan, Vanderbilt University – 1987 
Ajay Sukhdial, University of Oregon – 1987 
John Tanner, University of Georgia – 1987 
John Teopaco, Harvard University – 1987 
Mary Tetreault, Arizona State University – 1987
Normand Turgeon, University of Tennessee – 1987
Diana Twede, Michigan State University – 1987 
Hanumantha Unnava, Ohio State University – 1987 
Beth Walker, Pennsylvania State University – 1987 
John Wyman, Pace University – 1987 
Laura Yale, University of California – 1987
Michael Zenor, University of Florida – 1987 
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1988: University of California – Berkeley 

Charles Areni, University of Florida – 1988
Joao Assuncao, University of California – 1988 
Julie Baker, Texas A&M University – 1988 
Arvind Balasundaram, Vanderbilt University – 1988 
Stephen Bell, Columbia University – 1988 
Babara Bickart, University of Illinois – 1988 
Abhijit Biswas, Purdue University – 1988 
Danny Butler, University of South Carolina – 1988 
Robert Dahlstrom, University of Cincinnati – 1988 
Madhuchanda Dasgupta, Georgia Institute of Technology – 1988 
Patricia Daugherty, Michigan State University – 1988 
Luther Denton, University of Georgia – 1988 
Charles Duke, University of Texas – 1988 
Shantanu Dutta, University of Minnesota – 1988 
Tammi Feltham, Queen’s University – 1988 
Leisa Flynn, University of Alabama – 1988 
Irene Foster, Indiana University – 1988 
Ena Garmaise, University of Toronto – 1988
Brian Gibbs, University of Chicago – 1988
Lynn Godwin, Memphis State University – 1988 
Ronald Goodstein, Duke University – 1988 
Dhruv Grewal, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1988 
Kamal Gupta, University of Southern California – 1988 
Mark Hall, University of Arkansas – 1988 
Jane Hardy, North Texas State University – 1988 
Kristiaan Helsen, Pennsylvania State University – 1988 
Susan Higgins, Kent State University – 1988 
Reed Holden, Boston College – 1988 
Hariea Hoy, Oklahoma State University – 1988 
John Hulland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1988 
Sherline James, Pace University – 1988 
Sharon Javie, Temple University – 1988 
Rose Johnson, Georgia State University – 1988 
Marilyn Jones, University of Houston – 1988
Chickery Kasouf, Syracuse University – 1988 
Chung Kim, State University of New York – 1988 
Harishanker Krishnan, University of Arizona – 1988 
France LeClerc, Cornell University – 1988
Roxanne Lefkoff–Hagius, University of North Carolina – 1988 
Herbert McKenzie, University of Western Ontario – 1988 
Raj Mehta, University of Utah – 1988 
Christine Moorman, University of Pittsburgh – 1988 
Francis Mulhern, University of Texas – 1988 
Noel Murray, Pennsylvania State University – 1988 
John Newbold, St. Louis University – 1988 
Jeonpyo Noh, University of Tennessee – 1988
Laura Peracchio, Northwestern University – 1988 
Anne Perry, George Washington University – 1988 
George Priovolos, City University of New York – 1988 
Byong–Duk Rhee, Michigan State University – 1988 
Jean Romeo, Massachusetts – 1988 
Teri Root–Shaffer, Louisiana State University – 1988 
Sanjit Sengupta, University of California – 1988 
Rodger Singley, Texas Tech University – 1988 
George Siomkos, New York University – 1988 
Mark Spriggs, University of Wisconsin – 1988 
Robert Stassen, University of Nebraska – 1988 
David Strutton, University of Mississippi – 1988
Bhatla Sunil, Ohio State University – 1988 
Shirley Taylor, University of British Columbia – 1988 
Micakshi Trivedi, University of Texas – 1988 
Elise Truly, Florida State University – 1988 
David Whitlark, University of Virginia – 1988 
Nik Yacob, University of Colorado – 1988 
Mark Young, University of Kentucky – 1988
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1989: Harvard University 

Makoto Abe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1989
Anne Balazs, University of Massachusetts – 1989 
James Boles, Louisiana State University – 1989 
John Bonifield, University of Georgia – 1989 
David Brennan, St. Louis University – 1989 
Sheri Bridges, Stanford University – 1989 
Steven Brown, University of Texas – 1989 
Gary Brunswick, Arizona State University – 1989 
Auleen Carson, York University – 1989 
Goutam Chakraborty, University of Iowa – 1989 
Larry Chiagouris, City University of New York – 1989 
Pradeep Chintagunta, Northwestern University – 1989
Eloise Coupey, Duke University – 1989 
Peter Crosbie, Purdue University – 1989 
Margaret Cunningham, Texas A&M University – 1989 
Diane Davis, Kent State University – 1989 
Robert Fisher, University of Colorado – 1989 
Dale Fodness, Florida State University – 1989 
Jonathan Freeman, University of Toronto – 1989 
Shankar Ganesan, University of Florida – 1989 
Stephanie Gauvin, Pennsylvania State University – 1989 
Richard Germain, Michigan State University – 1989 
Allan Gillman, Queen’s University – 1989 
Michael Guolla, University of Michigan – 1989 
Gabriele Haberland, University of Wisconsin – 1989 
Sudeep Haldar, Cornell University – 1989 
Richard Harmer, Boston College – 1989 
Rajan Hooda, University of Chicago – 1989 
Eva Hyatt, University of South Carolina – 1989 
Keith Jones, Memphis State University – 1989 
Shohreh Kaynama, Towson State University – 1989 
James Kenny, Oklahoma State University – 1989 
Robert Kent, University of Cincinnati – 1989 
Krishna Kumar, Vanderbilt University – 1989 
Paul Larson, University of Oklahoma – 1989
Myung–Soo Lee, State University of New York – 1989
Phillip Lewis, Ohio State University – 1989 
Therese Lewis, University of California – 1989 
Ritu Lohtia, University of Maryland – 1989
Donald McBane, Texas Tech University – 1989 
Ajay Menon, North Texas State University – 1989 
Sandy Milberg, University of Pittsburgh – 1989 
Christopher Miller, University of Oregon – 1989 
George Milne, University of North Carolina – 1989 
Alma Mintu, University of Kentucky – 1989 
Sunder Narayanan, Columbia University – 1989 
Jose Nueno, Harvard University – 1989
Iyer Padmanabhan, University of Texas – 1989 
Jong–Won Park, University of Illinois – 1989 
Pallab Paul, University of Arizona – 1989 
Arun Periera, University of Houston – 1989 
Lawrence Ross, Georgia State University – 1989
Hemant Rustogi, Southern Illinois University – 1989
Tasaddug Shervani, University of Southern California – 1989
James Simpson, University of Alabama – 1989 
Atanu Sinha, New York University – 1989 
Brock Smith, University of Western Ontario – 1989 
Eric Spangenberg, University of Washington – 1989 
Richard Spreng, Indiana University – 1989 
Sherri Stevens, University of Utah – 1989 
Kanchana Thamodaran, University of Kansas – 1989 
Craig Thompson, University of Tennessee – 1989 
Carolyn Tripp, University of Arkansas – 1989 
Mark Vandenbosch, University of British Columbia – 1989 
Madhubalan Viswanthan, University of Minnestoa – 1989 
Ann Walsh, University of Nebraska – 1989 
Mary Wolfinbarger, University of California – 1989 
Manjit Yadav, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1989 
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1990: University of Florida 

Jonlee Andrews, University of Wisconsin – 1990 
Madhukar Angur, University of Texas – 1990 
Wiboon Arunthanes, University of Maryland – 1990 
Gerard Athaide, Syracuse University – 1990
Barry Babin, Louisiana State University – 1990 
Subramanian Balachander, Carnegie Mellon University – 1990 
S. Balakrishnana, University of Pittsburgh – 1990 
Brett Boyle, University of Cincinnati – 1990 
Susan Broniarczyk, University of Florida – 1990 
Meg Campbell, Stanford University – 1990 
Leland Campbell, University of Massachusetts – 1990 
Ziv Carmon, University of California – 1990 
Barbara Coleman, University of Georgia – 1990 
Colleen Collins–Dodd, University of Alberta – 1990 
Larry Compeau, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1990 
Gregory Coon, University of Utah – 1990 
Niraj Danwar, Pennsylvania State University – 1990
Marnik Dekimpe, University of California – 1990 
Robert DeMarais, Oklahoma University – 1990 
Janelle Emmert, Florida State University – 1990 
Leslie Fine, University of Tennessee – 1990 
Brenda Gainer, York University – 1990 
Katherine Gallagher, University of British Columbia – 1990 
Amit Ghosh, University of Iowa – 1990 
Lauren Goldberg, Columbia University – 1990 
Geoffrey Gordon, University of Kentucky – 1990 
Pamela Grimm, State University of New York – 1990 
Cynthia Huffman, University of Minnesota – 1990 
Molly Inhofe, Memphis State University – 1990 
John Inman, University of Texas – 1990 
Kissan Joseph, Purdue University – 1990 
Rosemary Kalapurakal, Ohio State University – 1990
Lea Katsanis, George Washington University – 1990 
Gary Ko, University of Nebraska – 1990 
Thomas Kokta, University of Washington – 1990
David Large, University of Western Ontario – 1990 
Dana Lascu, University of South Carolina – 1990 
Eunkyu Lee, Duke University – 1990 
Donna Mayo, University of Alabama – 1990 
Steven Michael, Harvard University – 1990 
Lois Mohr, Arizona State University – 1990 
Rob Morgan, Texas Tech University – 1990 
Vicki Morwitz, University of Pennsylvania – 1990 
Janet Murray, University of Missouri – 1990 
Harold Ogden, Queen’s University – 1990 
Erik Olson, Case Western Reserve University – 1990 
Beng Ong, University of Arkansas – 1990 
Cathy Owen, University of North Texas – 1990 
James Pailin, Jr., University of North Carolina – 1990 
Mehmet Pasa, University of Chicago – 1990 
Lisa Penaloza, University of California – 1990
Stephen Pirog, Temple University – 1990 
Peter Popkewski–Leszczyc, University of Texas – 1990
Mohammed Rawwas, University of Mississippi – 1990 
Julie Ruth, University of Michigan – 1990 
John Sailors, Northwestern University – 1990 
Kirti Sawhney, University of Southern California – 1990
Peter Schneider, City University of New York – 1990
Shahana Sen, New York University – 1990
Deborah Skinner, Kent State University – 1990
Gerald Smith, Boston University – 1990 
Kelly Smith, Georgia State University – 1990 
Malcolm Smith, University of Oregon – 1990 
Sande Stanley, Southern Illinois University – 1990 
Vlasis Stathakopoulos, University of Arizona – 1990 
Wanru Su, University of Illinois – 1990 
Charles Taylor, Michigan State University – 1990 
Charles Tomkovick, Texas A&M University – 1990 
Kirk Wakefield, Saint Louis University – 1990 
John Walsh, Cornell University – 1990 
Bruce Weinberg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1990 
Michael Williams, Oklahoma State University – 1990
Ian Willson, University of Toronto – 1990
Kathryn Winsted, University of Colorado – 1990 
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1991: University of Southern California 

Rick Andrews, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1991 
Subir Bandyopdhyay, University of Cincinnati – 1991 
Sundar Bharadwaj, Texas A&M University – 1991 
Subodh Bhat, University of Georgia – 1991 
Ronit Bodner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1991 
Norm Borin, University of Virginia – 1991 
Tom Brown, University of Wisconsin – 1991 
Joe Cannon, University of North Carolina – 1991 
Anindya Chatterjee, Temple University – 1991 
Anil Chaturvedi, Rutgers University – 1991
Kong-Fah Cheng, University of Missouri – 1991 
Swee Chia, City University of New York – 1991 
Kenneth Clow, University of Arkansas – 1991 
Abhilash Dave, Cornell University – 1991 
Preyas Desai, Carnegie Mellon University – 1991
Ravi Dhar, University of California, Berkeley – 1991
Sanjya Dhar, University of California, Los Angeles – 1991 
Gerard DiBartolo, George Washington University – 1991 
Suresh Divakar, University of Iowa – 1991 
Patrick Duparcq, Purdue University – 1991 
A Gabriel Esteban, University of California, Irvine – 1991 
Karen Finlay, University of Toronto – 1991 
Karen Russo France, University of Pittsburgh – 1991 
Timothy Graeff, Pennsylvania State University – 1991 
Gordon Gray, University of Oklahoma – 1991 
Randall Hansen, Florida State University – 1991 
Michael Hartline, Memphis State University – 1991 
Yaolung James Hsieh, University of Utah – 1991 
Michael Humphreys, Oklahoma State University – 1991
Karen James, Southern Illinois University – 1991 
Gita Johar, New York University – 1991 
David Johnsen, St. Louis University – 1991 
Mark Steven Johnson, University of Colorado – 1991 
Sohel Karim, Harvard University – 1991 
Yvonne Karsten, University of Minnesota – 1991
Ralph Kauffman, University of Texas at Dallas – 1991
Byung-Do Kim, University of Chicago – 1991 
Jae-Wook Kim, University of Illinois – 1991 
Namwoon Kim, University of Texas – 1991 
Praveen Kopalle, Columbia University – 1991 
Steven Kopp, Michigan State University – 1991 
Douglas LaBahn, University of Maryland – 1991 
Vicki Lane, University of Washington – 1991 
Ruiming Liu, University of Oregon – 1991 
Tom Mahaffey, St. Francis Xavier University – 1991
Prashant Malaviya, Northwestern University – 1991 
J. Daniel McCort, Georgia Institute of Technology – 1991 
Chan Su Park, Stanford University – 1991 
Andesh Paswan, University of Mississippi – 1991 
Melodie Phillips, Louisiana State University – 1991 
Sanjay Putrevu, State University of New York – 1991 
Seshan Ramaswami, University of Florida – 1991 
Peter Raven, Washington State University – 1991 
Timothy Renken, Washington University – 1991 
Deborah Ellen Rosen, University of Tennessee – 1991 
Avu Sankaralingam, University of Southern California – 1991 
Wendy Scheier, Ohio State University – 1991 
Denise Schoenbachler, University of Kentucky – 1991
Sankar Sen, University of Pennsylvania – 1991 
Varinder Mohan Sharma, University of North Texas – 1991 
Leo Yat-ming Sin, University of British Columbia – 1991 
Ajay Sirsi, Arizona State University – 1991 
K Sivakumar, Syracuse University – 1991 
Mark Spence, University of Arizona – 1991 
Rodney Stump, Case Western Reserve University – 1991
Suresh Subramanian, University of Nebraska – 1991 
Suhir Tandon, Texas Tech University – 1991 
Yiming Tang, York University – 1991 
Pola Tarasingh, University of Alabama – 1991 
Mrugank Thakor, Indiana University – 1991 
Michael Tharp, Kent State University – 1991
Brian Till, University of South Carolina – 1991 
Roy Toffoli, Concordia University – 1991 
David Wooten, University of Michigan – 1991 
Carolyn Yoon, Duke University – 1991
Li Zhang, Georgia State University – 1991 
Yong Zhang, University of Houston – 1991 
John Zyvh, Boston University – 1991 
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1992: Michigan State University

Irfan Ahmed, Texas A&M University – 1992 
Nancy Albers, University of Houston – 1992 
Bruce Alford, Louisiana State University – 1992 
Asim Ansari, New York University – 1992
Douglas Ayers, University of Kentucky – 1992 
Douglas Bowman, University of Pennsylvania – 1992
Tom Boyd, University of North Carolina – 1992 
Ian Brennan, University of Texas – 1992 
Donna Carmichael, York University – 1992
Rajesh Chandrashekaran, Rutgers University – 1992
Subimal Chatterjee, University of Pittsburgh – 1992
Jungwham Choi, University of Michigan – 1992 
Bruce Clark, Stanford University – 1992 
James Coleman, University of Alabama – 1992 
Dawn Dobni, University of Calgary – 1992 
David Dunne, University of Toronto – 1992 
Tulin Erdem, University of Alberta – 1992 
Terri Feldman Barr, University of Cincinnati – 1992 
Susan Fournier, University of Florida – 1992 
Sachin Gupta, Cornell University – 1992 
Cynthia Hanson, University of Maryland – 1992 
Steve Henson, Georgia State University – 1992 
Mark Hill, Southern Illinois University – 1992 
John Howard, Pennsylvania State University – 1992 
Tim Johnston, University of California – 1992 
Ashwin Joshi, Queen’s University – 1992 
Mark Kay, City University of New York – 1992 
DeAnna Kempf, Indiana University – 1992 
Jacqueline Kilsheimer, Florida State University – 1992 
Robert Krider, University of British Columbia – 1992 
Trichy Krishnan, University of Texas – 1992 
Uday Kumar, State University of New York – 1992 
Debra Laverie, Arizona State University – 1992 
Zhanguo Li, Boston University – 1992 
George Low, University of Colorado – 1992 
Mary Luce, Duke University – 1992 
Elliot Maltz, University of Texas – 1992 
Greg Marshall, Oklahoma State University – 1992 
Ingrid Martin, University of Southern California – 1992 
Erika Matulich, University of Wisconsin – 1992 
Kim McKeage, University of Massachusetts – 1992 
Carl Mela, Columbia University – 1992 
Vania Meyer, University of Minnesota – 1992 
Alan Miciak, Kent State University – 1992 
Debi Mishra, Case Western Reserve University – 1992 
Alan Montgomery, University of Chicago – 1992 
B. P. S. Murthi, Carnegie Mellon University – 1992 
Narakesari (Das) Narayandas, Purdue University – 1992 
Thomas Nine, University of Illinois – 1992 
Peter Noble, University of Iowa – 1992 
Lisa Olson, George Washington University – 1992 
Brian Ottum, University of Utah – 1992 
Aysegul Ozsomer, Michigan State University – 1992 
Ed Petkus Jr., University of Tennessee – 1992 
Marla Royne Stafford, University of Georgia – 1992 
Steven Schulz, University of Nebraska – 1992 
Sri Seshadri, University of Arkansas – 1992 
Stewart Shapiro, University of Arizona – 1992 
Aviv Shoham, University of Oregon – 1992 
Duncan Simester, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1992 
Deepak Sirdeshmukh, Ohio State University – 1992 
Melinda Smith de Borrero, University of South Carolina – 1992
John Sparks, Texas Tech University – 1992 
James Stoddard, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1992
Gordon Swartz, Harvard University – 1992
Debu Talukdar, University of Rochester – 1992 
Soojiuan Tan, Washington University – St. Louis – 1992 
Rajiv Vaidyanathan, Washington State University – 1992 
Marc Vanhuele, University of California – 1992 
Suzanne Walchli, Northwestern University – 1992 
Brent Wren, Memphis State University – 1992 
Sung Youl Jun, Syracuse University – 1992 
Joyce Young, University of Mississippi – 1992 
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1993: University of Illinois 

Linda Aab, Georgia State University – 1993 
Jennifer Aaker, Stanford University – 1993 
Shahrzad Amirani, University of Texas at Arlington – 1993 
Neeraj Arora, Ohio State University – 1993 
Jon Austin, University of Wisconsin – 1993 
Arindam Banerjee, State University of New York – 1993 
Michael Barone, University of South Carolina – 1993
Sriram Bhoovaghavan, Temple University – 1993 
Paula Bobrowski, Syracuse University – 1993 
Johnathan Bohlmann, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1993 
Yiu Ho Chow, University of Western Ontario – 1993
Samuel Chun, Washington University – 1993 
Deborah Cours, University of California, Los Angeles – 1993 
Chris Cox, Texas Tech University – 1993 
Andrea Dixon, Indiana University – 1993
Angela Driscoll, University of Calgary – 1993
Barbara Dyer, University of Tennessee – 1993 
Kristy Ellis, University of Alabama – 1993
Deborah Fain, Boston University – 1993 
David Frayer, Michigan State University – 1993 
Ellen Garbino, Duke University – 1993 
Lawrence Garber, University of North Carolina – 1993 
Joan Giese, Washington State University – 1993 
Peter Golder, University of Southern California – 1993
Kent Grayson, Northwestern University – 1993 
Jennifer Gregan-Paxton, University of Minnesota – 1993 
Charles Gulas, University of Massachusetts – Amherst – 1993
Amy Hubbert, Arizona State University – 1993 
Lenard Huff, University of Michigan – 1993 
Kineta Hung, York University – 1993 
Brent Johnson, Pennsylvania State University – 1993 
Jean Kilgore, Case Western Reserve University – 1993 
Piyush Kumar, Purdue University – 1993 
Anne Lavack, University of British Columbia – 1993 
Angela Lee, University of Toronto – 1993 
Katherine Lemon, University of California, Berkeley – 1993 
Wai-Kwan Li, University of Illinois – 1993 
Jane Licata, Oklahoma State University – 1993 
Mary Long, City University of New York – 1993 
Chris Manolis, University of Kentucky – 1993 
Mary Martin, University of Nebraska – 1993 
John Matthews, Harvard University – 1993 
Michael McCullough, Texas A&M University – 1993 
Satya Menon, University of Pennsylvania – 1993 
John Mittelstaedt, University of Iowa – 1993 
Cameron Montgomery, University of Mississippi – 1993 
Rex Moody, University of Colorado – 1993
Maureen Morrin, New York University – 1993 
David Mothersbaugh, University of Pittsburgh – 1993 
Tammy Pappas, University of Washington – 1993 
Mark Peterson, Georgia Tech – 1993
Michael Pham, University of Florida – 1993 
Penelope Prenshaw, University of Houston – 1993 
Scott Roach, Lousiana State University – 1993
Gregory Rose, University of Oregon – 1993
David Rudd, George Washington University – 1993 
Gad Saad, Cornell University – 1993 
Arti Sahni, University of Cincinnati – 1993 
Melody Schuhwek, University of Maryland – 1993 
Alexander Sharland, Florida State University – 1993 
Mandeep Singh, Southern Illinois University – 1993 
Shuba Srinivasan, University of Texas at Dallas – 1993 
Theodore Stank, University of Georgia – 1993 
Nader Tavassoli, Columbia University – 1993 
Mark Toncar, Kent State University – 1993 
R Venkatesh, University of Texas at Austin – 1993
Douglas Vorhies, University of Arkansas – 1993 
Judy Wagner, Virginia Tech – 1993 
Klaus Wertenbroch, University of Chicago – 1993 
Joan White, University of Alberta – 1993 
Hao Zhao, University of Rochester – 1993 
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1994: Santa Clara University 

Marjorie Adams, University of Pennsylvania – 1994 
Rashmi Adaval, University of Illinois – 1994 
Rohini Ahluwalia, Ohio State University – 1994
Douglas Allen, Pennsylvania State University – 1994 
Eric Anderson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1994 
David Bell, Stanford University – 1994 
Carol Bienstock, Virginia Tech University – 1994
Theresa Bilitski, University of Kentucky – 1994 
Linda Binet, University of Washington – 1994 
Gregory Black, Washington State University – 1994 
Nadine Castellano, University of Iowa – 1994 
Amy Cathey, University of Tennessee – 1994 
Chris Cheung, University of Texas – 1994 
Cindy Claycomb, Oklahoma State University – 1994 
Francois Coderre, McGill University – 1994
Leslie Cole, Louisiana State University – 1994 
Connie Dallman, Southern Illinois University – 1994 
Xavier Dreze, University of Chicago – 1994 
Jennifer Escalas, Duke University – 1994 
Gavan Fitzsimons, Columbia University – 1994
David Forlani, University of Minnesota – 1994 
Bret Golann, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institue – 1994 
Mary Gordon, University of Massachusetts – 1994 
Jason Gray–Lee, University of Utah – 1994 
Zeynep Gurhan, New York University – 1994
Costas Hadjicharalambous, City University of New York – 1994 
Diana Haytko, University of Wisconsin – 1994 
Nakato Hirakubo, Pace University – 1994 
Mark Houston, Arizona State University – 1994 
Bruce Isaacson, Harvard University – 1994 
Ganesh Iyer, University of Toronto – 1994 
Swinder Janda, University of Arkansas – 1994 
Sandy Jap, University of Florida – 1994 
Manish Kacker, Northwestern University – 1994 
Yong–Soon Kang, University of Colorado – 1994 
Anil Kaul, Cornell University – 1994 
Sukumar Kavanoor, University of Mississippi – 1994 
Ujwal Kayande, University of Alberta – 1994 
Pamela Kennett, Georgia State University – 1994 
Bernita Kiefte, University of Western Ontario – 1994 
Cheoul Kim, Syracuse University – 1994 
Karen Koza, Boston University – 1994
Sabine Kuester, London Business School – 1994 
Felicia Lassk, University of South Florida – 1994 
Terry Loe, University of Memphis – 1994 
Neale Martin, Georgia Institute of Technology – 1994 
Nila Medina, University of Oregon – 1994 
Michelle Meyer, Saint Louis University – 1994 
Anthony Miyazaki, University of South Carolina – 1994 
Mitzi Montoya–Weiss, Michigan State University – 1994 
Kathy O’Donnell, Kent State University – 1994 
Byron Osing, University of Calgary – 1994 
Mahatapa (Ivy) Palit, Florida International University – 1994 
Madhavan Parthasarathy, University of Nebraska – 1994 
Greta Pennell, Rutgers University – 1994 
Joel Poor, University of California – 1994 
Susan Powell Mantel, University of Cincinnati – 1994 
Jaideep Prabhu, University of Southern California – 1994 
Michael Preis, George Washington University – 1994 
Surendra Rajiv, Carnegie Mellon University – 1994 
Gregory Rich, Indiana University – 1994 
Rajan Sambandam, State University of New York – 1994 
Kathleen Seiders, Texas A&M University – 1994
Jaideep Sengupta, University of California – 1994 
Mincheol Shin, Case Western Reserve University – 1994 
Steve Silverman, University of Pittsburgh – 1994 
Joydeep Srivastava, University of Arizona – 1994 
Karen Stevens, Temple University – 1994 
Mark Stiving, University of California – 1994
K. Swan, University of Texas – 1994 
Ahmed Taher, University of Georgia – 1994 
Satya V., University of Houston – 1994 
Sajeev Varki, Vanderbilt University – 1994 
Kevin Webb, University of North Carolina – 1994 
Darin White, University of Alabama – 1994 
Jackie Williams, Florida State University – 1994 
Nancy Wong, University of Michigan – 1994 
Rama Yelkur, Mississippi State University – 1994 
David Zaleski, University of Maryland – 1994 
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1995: University of Pennsylvania 

Phani Adidam, Texas Tech University – 1995 
Douglas Amyx, Oklahoma State University – 1995 
David Arnold, Harvard University – 1995 
Stacey Baker, University of Nebraska – 1995
Sridhar Balasubramanian, Yale University – 1995
Pierre Balloffet, Universite Laval – 1995
Susan Bardi Kleiser, University of Cincinnati – 1995
Dean Bartles, Nova Southeastern University – 1995 
Karen Becker, Lehigh University – 1995 
David Berkowitz, University of Alabama – 1995 
Lance Bettencourt, Arizona State University – 1995 
Anand Bodapati, Stanford University – 1995 
Bridgette Braig, Northwestern University – 1995 
Glen Brodowsky, State University of New York – 1995 
Franklin Carter, Jr., Carnegie Mellon University – 1995 
Rajesh Chandy, University of Southern California – 1995 
Edward Chung, York University – 1995 
Keith Coulter, University of Connecticut – 1995 
Darren Dahl, University of British Columbia – 1995 
Dawn Deeter–Schmelz, University of South Florida – 1995 
Sandipa Dublish, Florida International University – 1995 
Hooman Estelami, Columbia University – 1995 
Terrance Gabel, University of Memphis – 1995 
Jack Gault, Drexel University – 1995 
Jamel–Eddine Gharbi, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales – 1995 
John Robert (Bob) Graves, University of Tennessee – 1995 
Timothy Greenlee, University of Rhode Island – 1995 
Thomas Gruen, Indiana University – 1995 
Rahul Guha, Cornell University – 1995 
Alok Gupta, New York University – 1995 
Doug Haines, University of Oregon – 1995 
Kathy Hammond, London Business School – 1995 
Jay Handelman, Queen’s University – 1995 
Judy Harris, University of Houston – 1995 
John Hogan, University of North Carolina – 1995 
Maureen Hupfer, University of Alberta – 1995 
Chistopher Joiner, University of Minnesota – 1995 
Chifei Juang, University of Iowa – 1995 
Nagasimha Kanagal, University of Texas – 1995 
Partha Krishnamurthy, Pennsylvania State University – 1995 
Gary Lantz, University of Manitoba – 1995 
Dong–Jin Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1995 
Aron Levin, University of Kentucky – 1995 
Elyse Levine, George Washington University – 1995 
Sean McDade, Temple University – 1995 
Bruce Money, University of California – 1995 
Soumen Mukherjee, University of South Carolina – 1995 
Cheryl Nakata, University of Illinois – 1995 
Gillian Naylor, University of Arizona – 1995 
Christine Page, University of Colorado – 1995 
Seong Park, University of Washington – 1995 
Amy Parsons, University of Massachusetts – 1995 
Joan Phillips, University of Illinois – 1995 
Ellen Pullins, Ohio State University – 1995 
Sonja Radas, University of Florida – 1995 
Jayendra Ramesan, Florida Atlantic University – 1995 
Bharat Rao, University of Georgia – 1995 
Aric Rindfleisch, University of Wisconsin – 1995 
Shelley Rinehart, University of Oklahoma – 1995
Mark Ritson, Lancaster University – 1995 
Shikar Sarin, University of Texas – 1995 
Miklos Savary, INSEAD – 1995 
Kurt Schimmel, Cleveland State University – 1995 
Erika Schlomer, Washington State University – 1995 
Jeffrey Schmidt, Michigan State University – 1995 
Roberta Schultz, University of Missouri – 1995 
Joseph Scuralli, Pace University – 1995 
Reshma Shah, University of Pittsburgh – 1995 
Doris Shaw, Kent State University – 1995 
Baba Shiv, Duke University – 1995
Ignas Sidik, Boston University – 1995 
Jorge Silva–Risso, University of California – 1995 
Jay Sinha, University of Michigan – 1995 
Roger Smalley, Southern Illinois University – 1995 
David Soberman, University of Toronto – 1995 
Dilip Soman, University of Chicago – 1995 
V.K. Srinivas, Rutgers University – 1995 
Judi Strebel, University of California – 1995 
Thomas Tellesfsen, City University of New York – 1995 
Jim Thomas, University of Mississippi – 1995 
Lisa Troy, Texas A&M University – 1995
Rajeev Tyagi, University of Pennsylvania – 1995 
Stacey Vollmers, Florida State University – 1995 
Diane Whitney, University of Maryland – 1995 
Ronald Wilcox, Washington University – St. Louis – 1995 
Laura Williams, Louisiana State University – 1995 
Phillip Wilson, University of North Texas – 1995 
Larry Yarbrough, University of Arkansas – 1995
Boonghee Yoo, Georgia State University – 1995 
Florian Zettelmeyer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1995 
Lianxi Zhou, Concordia University – 1995
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1996: University of Colorado 

Praveen Aggarwal, Syracuse University – 1996 
Kersi Antia, University of Southern California – 1996 
Mark Arnold, Saint Louis University – 1996 
George Babbes, University of California – 1996 
Harvir Bansal, Queen’s University – 1996 
Ashok Bennett, University of Illinois – 1996 
Deep Bhandari, City University of New York – 1996 
Peter Boatwright, University of Chicago – 1996 
Michael Brady, Florida State University – 1996 
Kathryn Braun, University of Iowa – 1996 
Frederic Brunel, University of Washington – 1996 
Tim Burkink, University of Nebraska – 1996 
James Burroughs, University of Wisconsin – 1996 
Suzan Burton, University of New South Wales – 1996 
Pierre Chandon, HEC – Montréal – 1996 
Kwangpil Chang, University of British Columbia – 1996 
Patrali Chatterjee, Vanderbilt University – 1996 
Alex Chernev, Duke University – 1996 
June Cotte, University of Connecticut – 1996 
Scott Dacko, University of Illinois – 1996 
Vassilis Dalakas, University of Oregon – 1996 
Angela D’Auria, Old Dominion University – 1996 
Charlene Davis, University of Kentucky – 1996
Debbie Desrochers, University of Rochester – 1996 
P. Devasagayam, Florida Atlantic University – 1996 
Aimee Drolet, Stanford University – 1996 
Adam Fein, University of Pennsylvania – 1996 
Daniel Flint, University of Tennessee – 1996 
David Fortin, University of Rhode Island – 1996 
Steve German, Texas Tech University – 1996 
David Gilliland, Georgia State University – 1996 
Daniel Goebel, University of South Florida – 1996 
Sara Gooding–Williams, University of Massachusetts – 1996 
David Griffith, Kent State University – 1996 
Marisa Guillama, Florida International University – 1996 
Kevin Gwinner, Arizona State University – 1996 
Jeff Hess, University of Colorado – 1996 
Frances Hollman, University of Florida – 1996
Francisco Iniesta, Boston University – 1996 
Karl Kampschroeder, University of Houston – 1996 
Sudhir Karunakaran, Cornell University – 1996 
Jean Kilgore, Case Western Reserve University – 1996 
Dongwook Kim, University of Kansas – 1996
Lisa Klein, Harvard University – 1996 
Gary Knight, Michigan State University – 1996 
Jack Kulchitsky, University of Alberta – 1996 
Pankaj Kumar, University of Buffalo – 1996 
Shunyin Lam, University of Western Ontario – 1996 
Jay Lambe, University of Virginia – 1996 
Sharmistha Law, University of Toronto – 1996 
Jonathan Lee, University of Pittsburgh – 1996 
Shilpa Lele–Pingle, Purdue University – 1996 
Barak Libai, University of North Carolina – 1996 
Puneet Manchanada, Columbia University – 1996 
Carter Mandrik, Virginia Tech University – 1996 
Charla Mathwick, Georgia Institute of Technology – 1996 
Sanal Mazvancheryl, University of Michigan – 1996 
Ann McConnoll Veeck, Louisiana State University – 1996
Laurie Meamber, University of California – 1996 
Sean Meehan, London Business School – 1996 
Kalyani Menon, McGill University – 1996 
Alan Middleton, York University – 1996 
Yuko Minowa, Rutgers University – 1996 
Vikas Mittal, Temple University – 1996 
Ashesh Mukherjee, University of Texas – 1996
Thomas Osterhus, University of Cincinnati – 1996
Joann Peck, University of Minnesota – 1996 
Michelle Peterman, Northwestern University – 1996 
Ron Pimentel, University of Arizona – 1996 
Michel Rod, University of Calgary – 1996 
Harper Roehm, Ohio State University – 1996 
Tirthankar Roy, University of California – 1996 
David Rylander, University of North Texas – 1996 
Kim Saxton, Indiana University – 1996 
Joan Scattone, New York University – 1996 
Mengze Shi, Carnegie Mellon University – 1996 
Amy Smith, University of Maryland – 1996 
Nancy Spears, Oklahoma State University – 1996 
Tracy Suter, University of Arkansas – 1996
Niladri Syam, University of Texas – 1996 
Vijay Talluri, Cleveland State University – 1996
Valerie Taylor, University of South Carolina – 1996 
Marc–Alexandre Tomiuk, Concordia University – 1996
Philip Trocchia, University of Alabama – 1996 
Christophe Van den Bulte, Pennsylvania State University – 1996 
Stephen Vargo, University of Oklahoma – 1996 
Kevin Voss, Washington State University – 1996
Kevin Westbrook, University of Memphis – 1996 
Chris White, Texas A&M University – 1996 
Charles Wood, University of Missouri – 1996 
Alan Zimmerman, Pace University – 1996 
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1997: University of Cincinnati 

Charles Abramson, University of California – 1997
Michael Ahearne, Indiana University – 1997​
Charlotte Allen, University of North Texas – 1997 
Mark Anderson, University of Kentucky – 1997 
Darryl Banks, University of Pennsylvania – 1997 
Pradeep Bhardwaj, University of Toronto – 1997 
Eyal Biyalogorski, Duke University – 1997 
Michael Callow, City University of New York – 1997 
Taihoon Cha, Syracuse University – 1997
E. Cragin, Oklahoma State University – 1997 
Brenton Cunningham, University of Mississippi – 1997 
Carolyn Curasi, University of South Florida – 1997 
James Curran, University of Rhode Island – 1997 
Kimberly Dodson, University of Utah – 1997 
David Dorsett, University of Maryland – 1997 
Mark Elton, University of Oregon – 1997 
Sasha Fedorikhin, University of Iowa – 1997 
Judy Frells, University of Texas – 1997 
Rajdeep Grewal, University of Cincinnati – 1997 
Ron Hess, Virginia Tech University – 1997 
Chung–Kue Hsu, University of Illinois – 1997 
Bruce Huhmann, University of Alabama – 1997 
Julie Huntley, Arizona State University – 1997 
Satish Jayachandran, Texas A&M University – 1997 
Eric Karson, Florida Atlantic University – 1997 
Balaji Krishnan, Louisiana State University – 1997
Nanda Kumar, University of Chicago – 1997 
Yih Lee, University of North Carolina – 1997
Fuan Li, Florida International University – 1997 
Nicholas Lurie, University of California – 1997 
Elisa Montaguti, London Business School – 1997 
Byeong–Joon Moon, University of Connecticut – 1997
Page Moreau, Columbia University – 1997 
Susan Mudambi, University of Warwick – 1997 
Jyotsna Mukherji, University of Memphis – 1997 
Niklas Myhar, University of Virginia – 1997 
Gillian Oakenfull, University of Houston – 1997 
Paulette Padanyi, York University – 1997
Arbind Prasad, Yale University – 1997 
Ellen Schwalenstocker, George Washington University – 1997 
Carol Scovotti, Pace University – 1997 
P.B. Seetharaman, Cornell University – 1997
Leslie Simmel, Boston University – 1997 
Birud Sindhav, University of Oklahoma – 1997 
Ronald Socha, Southern Illinois University – 1997 
John Stockmyer, University of Missouri – 1997 
John Story, University of Colorado – 1997 
Sanjeev Swami, University of British Columbia – 1997 
Vanitha Swaminathan, University of Georgia – 1997 
Siok Tambyah, University of Wisconsin – 1997 
Brian Tietje, University of Washington – 1997
Michael Tippins, University of Nebraska – 1997 
Daniel Turner, Northwestern University – 1997 
Kelly Uscategui, University of South Carolina – 1997 
Stijn Van Osselaer, University of Florida – 1997 
Judith Washburn, St. Louis University – 1997 
Deborah Webb, Georgia State University – 1997 
Patti Williams, University of California – 1997 
Back to Top 

1998: University of Georgia 

Seigyoung Auh, University of Michigan – 1998
Lisa Bolton, University of Florida – 1998 
Joe Bonner, University of Minnesota – 1998 
Maria–Eugenia Boza, University of Massachusetts – 1998 
Cheryl Burke Jarvis, Indiana University – 1998 
Lisa Cain, University of Delaware – 1998 
Richard Caldarola, Nova Southeastern University – 1998
Yuxin Chen, Washington University – St. Louis – 1998 
Nuchai Chuchinprakarn, University of Maryland – 1998
Cindy Chung, University of British Columbia – 1998 
Seh–Woong Chung, University of Toronto – 1998 
Margy Conchar, University of Georgia – 1998
Don Cook, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 1998 
Thomas Costello, University of Illinois – 1998 
Stephen Craft, George Washington University – 1998 
David Crockett, University of Arizona – 1998 
Catharine Curran, New Mexico State University – 1998 
Ian Cuthill, Syracuse University – 1998 
Erwin Danneels, Pennsylvania State University – 1998 
Caroline Derozier, Texas Tech University – 1998 
Ikechi Ekeledo, University of Illinois – 1998 
Ann Ericson, University of Iowa – 1998 
Skander Essegaier, Columbia University – 1998 
Yosh Fujikawa, Harvard University – 1998 
Gordon Fullerton, Queen’s University – 1998 
Judith Garretson, University of Arkansas – 1998 
Andrew Gershoff, University of Texas – 1998
David Godes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1998 
David Gomez, University of Wisconsin – 1998 
C. Heath, University of Kentucky – 1998 
Heather Honea, University of California – 1998
Hean Keh, University of Washington – 1998 
Barbara Lafferty, Florida State University – 1998
Loraine Lau, University of California – 1998
James Lee, Oklahoma State University – 1998 
Yi–Kuan Lee, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – 1998
Dawn Lerman, City University of New York – 1998
Anne Liu, Georgia State University – 1998 
Sylvia Long–Tolbert, Ohio State University – 1998 
Melissa Lunt Moore, University of Connecticut – 1998 
Jill Maher, Kent State University – 1998 
Rachel Maldonado, Washington State University – 1998 
Alan Malter, University of Wisconsin – 1998 
Detelina Marinova, University of Cincinnati – 1998
R. Marshall, University of Oregon – 1998 
Marlys Mason, University of Utah – 1998 
Wade McKenzie, University of Calgary – 1998 
Nitin Mehta, Carnegie Mellon University – 1998 
Matthew Meuter, Arizona State University – 1998 
Sungwook (Sam) Min, Purdue University – 1998 
Sanjog Misra, State University of New York – 1998 
Chris Moberg, Cleveland State University – 1998
Chris Myers, University of Texas – 1998 
Nada Nasr, Boston University – 1998 
Sabrina Neeley, University of Tennessee – 1998 
Stern Neill, Louisiana State University – 1998 
Ronald Niedrich, University of South Carolina – 1998 
Matthew O’Brien, University of Oklahoma – 1998 
Cara Okleshen, University of Nebraska – 1998 
Chris Plouffe, University of Western Ontario – 1998
Lucille Pointer, Texas A&M University – 1998 
Elise Prosser, University of Southern California – 1998 
Elizabeth Purinton, University of Rhode Island – 1998 
Erik Raaij, University of Twente – 1998 
Rajagopal (Raj) Raghunathan, New York University – 1998 
Werner Reinartz, University of Houston – 1998
M. Rice, University of Mississippi – 1998 
Donald Roy, University of Memphis – 1998 
Gangeog Ryu, University of Pittsburgh – 1998 
M.B. Sarkar, Michigan State University – 1998 
Mahesh Shankarmahesh, Old Dominion University – 1998 
Chaun Shih, University of California – 1998 
Soumya Sirakumar, Case Western Reserve University – 1998 
Niren Sirohi, Cornell University – 1998 
Deborah Spake, University of Alabama – 1998 
Simona Stan, University of Missouri – 1998 
Lisa Szykman, University of North Carolina – 1998 
Jitendra Tewari, Florida Atlantic University – 1998
Karin Turner, Stanford University – 1998 
Leslie (Les) Vermillion, Florida International University – 1998 
Alberto Vinhas, INSEAD – 1998 
Cassandra Wells, Georgia Institute of Technology – 1998 
Michael Wisniewski, London Business School – 1998 
John Wright, University of Chicago – 1998 
Gal Zauberman, Duke University – 1998 
Jie Zhang, Northwestern University – 1998 
Back to Top 

1999: University of Southern California

Tolga Akcura, Carnegie Mellon University – 1999 
Todd Arnold, University of Missouri – 1999 
Ainsworth Bailey, University of Iowa – 1999 
Darren Boas, University of Maryland – 1999 
H. Bodur, Virginia Tech University – 1999 
Samuel Bonsu, University of Rhode Island – 1999 
Beverly Brockman, University of Alabama – 1999 
Anthony Capraro, University of Texas – 1999
Cristan Chelariu, Georgia State University – 1999 
Jerone Christa, Oklahoma State University – 1999 
Jaihak Chung, Cornell University – 1999 
Alka Citrin, Washington State University – 1999 
Suraj Commuri, University of Nebraska – 1999 
Maria Cronley, University of Cincinnati – 1999 
Erin Dickenson, University of Mississippi – 1999 
Ashutosh Dixit, Georgia Institute of Technology – 1999 
Marc Duncan, University of Oregon – 1999 
A. Dunnett, Queen’s University – 1999 
Giana Eckhardt, University of Minnesota – 1999 
Elisa Fredericks, University of Illinois – 1999 
Richard Gooner, University of North Carolina – 1999 
Janice Griffiths, University of Georgia – 1999 
Kunal Gupta, McGill University – 1999 
Rebecca Hamilton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 1999 
David Henard, Texas A&M University – 1999 
Gary Hunter, University of Kentucky – 1999 
Maqbul Jamil, Indiana University – 1999 
Kimberly Jarrell, Syracuse University – 1999 
Gokhan Karaatli, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institue – 1999 
Ran Kivetz, Stanford University – 1999 
Cenk Kocas, Purdue University – 1999 
Paul Kraus, Northwestern University – 1999 
Natalie Kuznetsova, University of Washington – 1999
David Lambert, Old Dominion University – 1999 
Michelle Lee, University of Toronto – 1999 
Ela Lepkowska–White, University of Massachusetts – 1999 
Mark Ligas, University of Connecticut – 1999 
Peggy Lorang, University of Colorado – 1999 
Deborah McCabe, Arizona State University – 1999 
Soonhong Min, University of Tennessee – 1999 
Wendy Moe, University of Pennsylvania – 1999 
Jeri Mullins, Saint Louis University – 1999 
Om Narasimhan, University of Southern California – 1999 
Rakesh Niraj, Washington University – St. Louis – 1999 
Milorad Novicevic, University of Oklahoma – 1999 
Kerimcan Ozcar, University of Michigan – 1999 
Jinho Park, University of Pittsburgh – 1999 
Justin Peart, Florida International University – 1999
Jorge Pena, University of Texas – 1999 
Chris Pullig, Louisiana State University – 1999
Suresh Ramanathan, New York University – 1999 
Americus Reed, II, University of Florida – 1999 
Leroy Robinson, Jr., University of South Florida – 1999 
Anne Roggeveen, Columbia University – 1999 
Cristel Russell, University of Arizona – 1999 
Sungmin Ryu, City University of New York – 1999 
Hope Schau, University of California – 1999 
Catarina Sismeiro, University of California – 1999 
Rebecca Slotegraaf, University of Wisconsin – 1999 
Rachel Smith, University of Memphis – 1999 
Inseong Song, University of Chicago – 1999 
Pedro Sousa, INSEAD – 1999 
Raji Srinivasan, Pennsylvania State University – 1999 
Steven Strauss, Yale University – 1999 
Scott Swain, University of South Carolina – 1999 
Valerie Trifts, University of Alberta – 1999 
Nancy Trulson, Nova Southeastern University – 1999
Anne Velliquette, University of Arkansas – 1999 
Mike Whittmann, Texas Tech University – 1999 
Lori Wolin, Florida Atlantic University – 1999 
Sha Yang, Ohio State University – 1999 
Liu Yong, University of British Columbia – 1999 
Debra Zahay, University of Illinois – 1999 
Yushan Zhao, Michigan State University – 1999 
Ying Zhao, University of California – 1999 
Back to Top 

2000: University of Western Ontario 

Natalie Adkins, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 2000 
Pankaj Aggarwal, University of Chicago – 2000 
Damon Aiken, University of Oregon – 2000 
Matti Aistrich, Harvard University – 2000 
Eugenia Apostolova–Blossom, University of Arizona – 2000 
Chad Autry, University of Oklahoma – 2000 
Aysen Bakir, University of Mississippi – 2000 
Stacey Barlow Hills, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – 2000 
Dave Bussiere, Queen’s University – 2000 
Kurt Carlson, Cornell University – 2000
Jay Carlson, University of South Carolina – 2000
Julien Cayla, University of Colorado – 2000 
Agnish Chakravarti, Stanford University – 2000
Haipeng (Allan) Chen, University of Minnesota – 2000
Mary Conway Dato–on, University of Kentucky – 2000
Frédéric Dalsace, INSEAD – 2000
Lenita Davis, University of Cincinnati – 2000
Devon DelVecchio, Indiana University – 2000
Kristin Diehl, Duke University – 2000 
Michaela Draganska, Northwestern University – 2000 
Ahmet Ekici, University of Nebraska – 2000 
Lance Erickson, New York University – 2000 
Deborah Evers, University of Arkansas – 2000 
Keran Feng, Rutgers University – 2000 
Karen Flaherty, University of Massachusetts – 2000 
Rosanna Garcia, Michigan State University – 2000 
Traci Haigood, Texas A&M University – 2000 
Eric Harris, Oklahoma State University – 2000 
Chuan He, Washington University – St. Louis – 2000 
Christopher Hopkins, Mississippi State University – 2000 
Jaehwan Kim, Ohio State University – 2000 
Prabakar Kothandaraman, Pennsylvania State University – 2000 
Dmitri Kuksov, University of California – 2000
Robert Kwortnik, Temple University – 2000 
Daniel Ladik, University of South Florida – 2000 
Eun–Ju Lee, University of Tennessee – 2000
Jooseop Lim, University of California – 2000
Sheniqua Little, University of Georgia – 2000 
Susan Lloyd, University of Illinois – 2000 
Craig Martin, University of Memphis – 2000 
Melissa Martin, University of North Carolina – 2000 
Dina Mayzlin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2000 
Robert McDonald, University of Connecticut – 2000 
Tom Meyvis, University of Florida – 2000 
Sylvie Morin, McGill University – 2000 
Sandra Mottner, Old Dominion University – 2000 
Dhananjay Nayakankuppam, University of Michigan – 2000 
Wayne Neu, Arizona State University – 2000 
Vincent Nijs, Catholic University – Leuven – 2000 
Ralitza Nikolaeva, Purdue University – 2000 
Xing Pan, University of Maryland – 2000 
Young–Hoon Park, University of Pennsylvania – 2000 
Vincent Pascal, Washington State University – 2000 
Koen Pauwels, University of California – 2000 
Janice Payan, University of Wisconsin – 2000 
Susan Reid, Concordia University – 2000 
Su Bom Rhee, University of Iowa – 2000 
Joseph Richards, Syracuse University – 2000 
Robin Ritchie, University of British Columbia – 2000 
Catherine Roster, University of Missouri – 2000 
Ranran Ruan, University of Texas – 2000 
Jane Saber, University of Alberta – 2000 
Lei Shi, University of Pittsburgh – 2000 
Sharon Smith, City University of New York – 2000
Alina Sorescu, University of Houston – 2000 
Samuel Spralls, III, Texas Tech University – 2000 
Thomas Steenburgh, Yale University – 2000 
Stefan Stremersch, Tilburg University – 2000 
Jaebeom Suh, University of Alabama – 2000 
Robert Tangsrud, Jr., University of Manitoba – 2000 
Yun–Oh Whang, University of Southern California – 2000 
Fang Wu, University of Texas – 2000 
Edward Yau, University of Toronto – 2000 
Idil Yaveroglu, Georgia State University – 2000 
Wei Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University – 2000 
Rongrong Zhou, Columbia University – 2000 
Zhen Zhu, University of Illinois – 2000 
Detlev Zwick, University of Rhode Island – 2000 
Back to Top 

2001: University of Miami 

Lawrence Ashworth, University of British Columbia – 2001
Carolyn Bonifield, University of Iowa – 2001 
Susan Cadwallader, Arizona State University – 2001 
Marie-Cecile Cervellon, McGill University – 2001 
Amitav Charkravarti, University of Florida – 2001 
Sucharita Chandran, New York University – 2001 
Amar Cheema, University of Colorado – 2001
Piotr Chelminski, University of Connecticut – 2001 
Yi (Cathy) Chen, University of California – Los Angeles – 2001 
Kuan-Pin Chiang, University of Rhodes Island – 2001
Glenn Christensen, Pennsylvania State University – 2001 
Athinodoros Chronis, University of Nebraska – 2001 
Paul Clark, University of Memphis – 2001 
Eric DeRosia, University of Michigan – 2001 
Chunlian (Lily) Dong, University of Kentucky – 2001 
Sujay Dutta, Louisiana State University – 2001 
Mark Fish, Texas Tech University – 2001 
Dan Fisher, University of Arkansas – 2001 
David Green, Syracuse University – 2001 
Bianca Grohmann, Washington State University – 2001 
Reetika Gupta, City University of New York – 2001 
Sangphet Hanvanich, Michigan State University – 2001 
Johanna Ilfeld, University of California – Berkeley – 2001
Karthik Nanjunda Iyer, Oklahoma State University – 2001 
Anupam Jaju, University of Georgia – 2001 
Mindy Ji, Texas A&M University – 2001
Grace Johnson, Southern Illinois University – 2001 
Melanie Jones, University of Cincinnati – 2001 
Tim Jones, Quieens University – 2001 
Adwait Khare, University of Pittsburgh – 2001 
Jin Gyo Kim, University of Toronto – 2001 
Monika Kuker-Kinney, Indiana University – 2001 
Aparna Labroo, Cornell University – 2001
Dan Laufer, University of Texas – 2001 
Ada Leung, University of Arizona – 2001 
Jonathan Levav, Duke University – 2001 
Shibo Li, Carnegie-Mellon University – 2001 
Yuping Liu, Rutgers University – 2001 
Natalie Mizik, University of Washington – 2001
Andrea Morales, University of Pennsylvania – 2001 
Prokriti Mukherji, University of Southern California – 2001 
Anirban Mukopdahyay, Columbia University – 2001 
Kyle Murray, University of Alberta – 2001 
Oded Netzer, Stanford University – 2001 
Lan Nguyen, University of Minnesota – 2001
Jesper Nielsen, University of North Carolina – 2001 
Alexey Novoseltsev, Catholic University – 2001
Bay O’leary, Florida Atlantic University – 2001 
Talai Osmonbekov, Georgia State University – 2001 
Janet Turner Parish, University of Alabama – 2001 
Dawn Pearcy, Florida State University – 2001 
Frank Pons, Concordia University – 2001 
Sekar Raju, Ohio State University – 2001
R. Glenn Richey, University of Oklahoma – 2001 
Jeff Ritter, Nova University – 2001
Andrew Rohm, University of Massachusetts – 2001 
Andrea Scott, University South Florida – 2001
Anne-Laure Sellier, INSEAD – 2001 
Sylvain Senecal, HEC-Montreal – 2001 
M. Omar Shehryar, University of Missouri – 2001 
Bharadhwaj Sivakumran, University of Maryland – 2001 
Brent Smith, Drexel University – 2001
Donnavieve Smith, University of Illinois – Chicago – 2001 
Inseong Song, University of Chicago – 2001 
Jelena Spanjol, University of Illinois – Champaign/Urbana – 2001 
Melissa St. James, George Washington University – 2001
Claire Allison Stammerjohan, Mississippi State University – 2001 
Geoffrey Stewart, University of Tennessee – 2001 
Shawn Thelen, Old Dominion University – 2001 
Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – 2001 
Maura Troester, Unviersity of Wisconsin – 2001 
Rajkumar Venkatesan, University of Houston – 2001 
Theresa Wajda, Kent State University – 2001 
Deanna Wang, Purdue University – 2001 
Joel Watson, University of Utah – 2001 
Danny Weathers, Unviersity of South Carolina – 2001 
Stefan Wuyts, Erasmus University Rotterdam – 2001 
Guang Yang, University of California – Irvine – 2001 
Nara Youn, Northwestern University – 2001 
Jun Yu, University of Texas – 2001 
Robert Zeithammer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2001 
Qin Zhang, Washington University – 2001 
Zheng (Kevin) Zhou, Virginia Tech – 2001 
Ning Zhu, Yale University – 2001 
Back to Top

2002: Emory University 

Eric Akunda, University of North Carolina – 2002 
On Amir, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2002 
Jennifer Argo, University of Manitoba – 2002 
Anocha Aribarg, University of Wisconsin – 2002 
Patricia Arkinstall Wakefield, Boston University – 2002
Tamar Avnet, Columbia University – 2002 
Fleura Bardhi, University of Nebraska – 2002 
Constanza Bianchi, Queen’s University – 2002 
Sharad Borle, Carnegie Mellon University – 2002 
Simona Botti, University of Chicago – 2002 
Douglas Boyd, University of Virginia – 2002 
Blaine Branchik, Florida Atlanta University – 2002 
Elizabeth Bugg Holloway, University of Alabama – 2002 
Francis Case, Old Dominion University – 2002 
Carmina Cavazos, Tec de Monterrey – 2002 
Hai Che, Washington University – St. Louis – 2002 
Sungchul Choi, University of Alberta – 2002 
Tilottama Chowdhurry, University of Connecticut – 2002
Jennifer Christie, University of Arkansas – 2002 
Mather Chylinski, University of New South Wales – 2002 
Jacqueline Conard, Duke University – 2002 
Donna Davis, University of Tennessee – 2002
Marcus de Cunha, University of Florid – 2002 
Barbara Deleersnyder, Catholic University – Leuven – 2002 
Sujay Dutta, Louisiana State University – 2002 
John Edgar Wadden, University of South Carolina – 2002 
Anita Elberse, London Business School – 2002 
Xiang Fang, University of Kansas – 2002 
Lukas Forbes, University of Kentucky – 2002 
Y. Natasha Foutz, Cornell University – 2002 
John Godek, University of Michigan – 2002 
Yany Gregoire, University of Western Ontario – 2002 
Julie Guidry, Texas A&M University – 2002 
Leslie Harris, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2002 
Xin He, University of Pittsburgh – 2002 
Yili Huang, University of Illinois – 2002 
David Hunt, University of Missouri – 2002 
Jorge Jaramillo, University of South Florida – 2002
Deepika Jha, Syracuse University – 2002 
Sertan Kabadayi, City University of New York – 2002
Uzma Kahn, Yale University – 2002 
Maria Kalamas, Concordia University – 2002 
Daekwan Kim, Michigan State University – 2002 
Maria Kniazeva, University of California – 2002 
Nevena Koukova, University of Maryland – 2002
Lada Kourpis, University of Oregon – 2002 
Thomas Kramer, Stanford University – 2002 
Anand Krishnamoorthy, University of Texas – 2002 
Nir Kshteri, University of Rhode Island – 2002 
Vishal Lala, Oklahoma State University – 2002 
Freddy Lee, University of British Columbia – 2002 
Vaidotas Lukosius, New Mexico State University – 2002 
Sreedhar Madhavaram, Texas Tech University – 2002 
Dmitri Markovitch, New York University – 2002 
Louis Martinette, Nova Southeastern University – 2002 
Maria Merino, University of Texas – 2002 
Elizabeth Miller, University of Pennsylvania – 2002 
Sangkil Moon, University of Iowa – 2002
Vincent Onyemah, INSEAD – 2002 
Ayse Orhun, University of California – 2002 
Yue Pan, University of Georgia – 2002 
Hemant Patwardhan, Southern Illinois University – 2002
Andrew Perkins, University of Washington – 2002 
Priyali Rajagopal, Ohio State University – 2002 
Claudia Rebolledo, HEC – Montréal – 2002 
Mark Rosenbaum, Arizona State University – 2002 
Kristin Rotte, University of Cincinnati – 2002 
Amit Saini, Washington State University – 2002 
Simon Sheng, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 2002
Anuradha Sivaraman, University of Houston – 2002 
Srinivas Sridharan, Indiana University – 2002
Srinivasaraghavan Sriram, Purdue University – 2002 
Matthew Thomson, University of Southern California – 2002 
Julian Villanueva, University of California – 2002 
Chun–Chen Wang, University of Texas – 2002 
Stevie Watson, Mississippi State University – 2002 
Andrea Wojnicki, Harvard University – 2002 
Lan Xia, University of Illinois – 2002 
Tian Xie, Georgia State University – 2002 
Ying Xie, Northwestern University – 2002 
Catherine Yeung, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology – 2002 
Sunghwan Yi, Pennsylvania State University – 2002 
Kanghyun Yoon, University of Wisconsin – 2002 
Xubing Zhang, University of Toronto – 2002 
Rui Zhu, University of Minnesota – 2002 
Back to Top

2003: University of Minnesota 

Nidhi Agrawal, New York University – 2003 
Elison Ai Ching, National University of Singapore – 2003 
Eduardo Andrade, University of Florida – 2003 
Ismet Anistal, University of Tennessee – 2003 
Inigo Arroniz, University of Central Florida – 2003
Zeynep Arsel, University of Wisconsin – 2003 
Dipayan Biswas, University of California – 2003 
Cynthia Cano, University of South Florida – 2003 
Helene Cherrier, University of Arkansas – 2003 
Rafi Chowdhury, University of Alberta – 2003 
Mark Cleveland, Concordia University – 2003 
Georgiana Cracium, University of South Carolina – 2003 
Arnaud de Bruyn, Pennsylvania State University – 2003 
Melanie Dempsey, University of Toronto – 2003 
Tom DeWitt, Florida State University – 2003 
Claudiu Dimofte, University of Washington – 2003 
Rex Du, Duke University – 2003 
Adam Duhachek, Northwestern University – 2003 
Er Fang, University of Missouri – 2003 
Ina Freeman, University of Birmingham – 2003 
Maria Galli, INSEAD – 2003 
Nitika Garg, University of Pittsburgh – 2003 
Timothy Gilbride, Ohio State University – 2003 
Tulay Girard, Florida Atlantic University – 2003 
Stephan Grzeskowiak, Virginia Tech University – 2003 
Liang Guo, University of California – 2003 
Yaniv Gvili, Temple University – 2003 
Katherine Hartman, Indiana University – 2003 
Jing Hu, New Mexico State University – 2003 
Ye Hu, University of Pennsylvania – 2003 
Gun Indrakoses, Texas Tech University – 2003 
Raghuram Iyenger, Columbia University – 2003 
Elif Izberk–Bilgin, University of Illinois – 2003 
Scott Jones, University of Oregon – 2003 
Destan Kandemir, Michigan State University – 2003 
Wooseong Kang, University of North Carolina – 2003 
Dimitri Kapelianis, Arizona State University – 2003
Vishal Kashyap, University of Massachusetts – 2003 
Taesun Kim, University of Texas – 2003 
Elena Kiryanova, Louisiana State University – 2003 
Michael Kroff, Texas A&M University – 2003 
Kyryl Lakishyk, Washington University – St. Louis – 2003
Ashok Lalwani, University of Illinois – 2003 
Jorna Leenheer, Tilburg University – 2003 
James Lemieux, University of Texas – 2003 
Davy Lerouge, Catholic University – Leuven – 2003 
Jackie Luan, Yale University – 2003 Lan Luo, University of Maryland – 2003 
Tarek Mady, Old Dominion University – 2003 
Kelley Main, University of British Columbia – 2003 
Moutusi Maity, University of Georgia – 2003 
Camelia Micu, University of Connecticut – 2003 
Sanjib Mohanty, University of Rochester – 2003 
Ashwani Monga, University of Minnesota – 2003 
Linda Mullen, Southern Illinois University – 2003 
Sridhar Narayanan, University of Chicago – 2003
Patricia Norberg, University of Rhode Island – 2003 
Veronika Papyrina, University of Ontario – 2003 
Vanessa Patrick, University of California – 2003 
Constance Porter, Georgia State University – 2003 
Lynne Pryor, University of Nebraska – 2003 
Candy Pun San, Hong Kong University of Science &Technology – 2003 
Stefano Puntoni, London Business School – 2003 
Judy Schreiber, University of Iowa – 2003 
Matthew Seevers, University of Kentucky – 2003 
Jiwoong Shin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2003 
Linda Silver Coley, University of Cincinnati – 2003 
Yannik St. James, Queen’s University – 2003 
Melaura Stein, Nova Southeastern University – 2003 
Fiona Sussan, City University of New York – 2003
Ivonne Torres, University of Houston – 2003 
Can Uslay, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2003 
Tuba Ustuner, Harvard University – 2003 
Sriram Venkataraman, Cornell University – 2003
David Wallace, Washington State University – 2003 
Xin Wang, Carnegie Mellon University – 2003 
Sijun Wang, University of Alabama – 2003 
Jun Yang, Syracuse University – 2003 
Shijin Yoo, University of California – 2003 
Song–Oh Yoon, Stanford University – 2003 
Hong Yuan, University of Michigan – 2003 
Xin Zhao Zhao, University of Utah – 2003 
Back to Top 

2004: Texas A&M University​ 

Niek Althuizen, Erasmus University – 2004 
Ashwin Aravindakshan, University of Maryland – 2004
Vishag Badrinarayanan, Texas Tech University – 2004 
Shalini Bahl, University of Massachusetts – 2004 
Jurgita Baltrusaityte, University of Illinois – 2004 
Jounghae Bang, University of Rhode Island – 2004 
Enrique Becerra, Florida Atlantic University – 2004 
Colleen Bee, University of Oregon – 2004 
Ram Bezawada, Purdue University – 2004 
Elisabeth Brocato, University of Texas – 2004 
Michael Capella, Mississippi State University – 2004 
Brad Carlson, Oklahoma State University – 2004 
Harold Cassab, University of Washington – 2004 
Sindy Chapa, University of Texas – 2004 
Michael Chattalas, City University of New York – 2004 
Xinlei Chen, University of Minnesota – 2004 
Mee–Shew Cheung, University of Tennessee – 2004 
Kathleen Cleeren, Catholic University – Leuven – 2004 
Tony Cui, University of Pennsylvania – 2004 
Gustavo E. de Mello, University of Southern California – 2004 
George Deitz, University of Alabama – 2004 
Reham Eltantawy, Florida State University – 2004 
Rosellina Ferraro, Duke University – 2004 
Jorge Gonzalez, London Business School – 2004 
James Heyman, University of California – 2004 
Jason Ho, University of British Columbia – 2004 
Joey Hoegg, University of Florida – 2004
Jianwei Hou, University of Mississippi – 2004 
Haeran Jae, University of Kentucky – 2004 
Ronald Jelinek, University of Connecticut – 2004 
Amit Joshi, University of California – 2004
Rajeev Kamineni, University of Newcastle – 2004 
Ling–Jing Kao, Ohio State University – 2004 
Jeremy Kees, University of Arkansas – 2004 
David Knuff, Washington State University – 2004 
Leonard Lee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2004 
Jon Littlefield, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – 2004 
Wendy Liu, Stanford University – 2004 
Maria Louro, Tilburg University – 2004 
Qiang Lu, University of Toronto – 2004 
Yu Ma, Washinton University in St. Louis – 2004 
Selin Malkoc, University of North Carolina – 2004 
Avinash Malshe, University of Nebraska – 2004 
Sudha Mani, University of Western Ontario – 2004 
Carolyn Massiah, Arizona State University – 2004 
Tracy Meyer, University of Cincinnati – 2004 
Delonia Minor, University of Memphis – 2004
Beth Mott–Stenerson, New Mexico State University – 2004 
Mehdi Mourali, Concordia University – 2004 
Sayantani Mukherjee, University of California – 2004 
Jay Mulki, University of South Florida – 2004 
Anish Nagpal, University of Houston – 2004 
Harikesh Nair, University of Chicago – 2004 
Inwoo Nam, University of Iowa – 2004 
Leighann Neilson, Queen’s University – 2004 
Edward O’Donnell, Kent State University – 2004 
Barney Pacheco, University of Colorado – 2004
Robert Palmatier, University of Missouri – 2004
Vivek Patil, University of Kansas – 2004 
Jason Pattit, Syracuse University – 2004 
Anastasiya Pocheptsova, Yale University – 2004 
Concha Ramsey–Neeley, University of North Texas – 2004 
Najam Saqib, University of Manitoba – 2004 
Yingtao (Michael) Shen, University of Alberta – 2004 
Sangwoo Shin, University of Rochester – 2004 
Jeffrey Shulman, Northwestern University – 2004 
Laura Smarandescu, University of South Carolina – 2004 
Ji Hee Song, University of Georgia – 2004 
Erin Steffes, University of Texas – 2004 
Meng Su, Cornell University – 2004 
Ramanathan Subramaniam, University of Pittsburgh – 2004
Leona Tam, Texas A&M University – 2004 
Ramendra Thakur, Southern Illinois University – 2004 
Manoj Thomas, New York University – 2004 
Sunil Thomas, Pennsylvania State University – 2004 
Janet Tinoco, University of Central Florida – 2004 
Gülnur Tumbat, University of Utah – 2004
Linda Tuncay, University of Illinois – 2004 
Ozge Turut, Harvard University – 2004 
Jerrold Van Winter, George Washington University – 2004 
Joachim Vosgerau, INSEAD – 2004 
Rebecca Walker, University of Texas – 2004
Jianfeng (Jeff) Wang, University of Arizona – 2004 
Yu Wang, University of Michigan – 2004 
Jennifer Wiggins, University of Wisconsin – 2004 
Lan Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2004 
Xiaojing Yang, Indiana University – 2004 
Jun Ye, Case Western Reserve University – 2004 
Sengun Yeniyurt, Michigan State University – 2004 
Alex Zablah, Georgia State University – 2004 
Martin Zemborain, Columbia University – 2004 
Ting Zhu, Carnegie Mellon University – 2004 
Back to Top

2005: University of Connecticut 

Christy Ashley, University of Rhode Island – 2005
Christian Barrot, University of Kiel – 2005 
Marco Bertini, Harvard University – 2005 
Sterling Bone, Oklahoma State University – 2005
Cenk Bulbul, New York University – 2005 
Elise Chandon, University of Florida – 2005
Tao Chen, Carnegie Mellon University – 2005 
Hwan Chung, Syracuse University – 2005 
Jody Crosno, University of Kentucky – 2005 
Edith Davidson, University of Tennessee – 2005 
Shuili Du, Boston University – 2005 
David Faro, University of Chicago – 2005 
Frank (Qingbo) Fu, University of Houston – 2005 
Jason Garrett, University of Missouri – 2005 
Xin Ge, University of Alberta – 2005 
Haren Ghosh, Louisiana State University – 2005
Bikram Ghosh, Purdue University – 2005 
Joseph Goodman, University of Texas – 2005 
Patricia Grace–Farfaglia, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – 2005 
Elad Granot, University of Massachusetts – 2005 
Merlyn Griffiths, University of California – 2005 
David Hansen, University of Illinois – 2005 
Nukhet Harmancioglu, Michigan State University – 2005 
Michal Herzenstein, University of Rochester – 2005 
Caglar Irmak, City University of New York – 2005 
Chiharu Ishida, Virginia Tech University – 2005
Seungwon Jeon, University of Texas – 2005 
Rupinder Jindal, INSEAD – 2005 
Joshua Johnson, Vanderbilt University – 2005 
Kartik Kalaignanam, Texas A&M University – 2005 
Anat Keinan, Columbia University – 2005 
Ashley Kilburn, University of Memphis – 2005 
Brian Kinard, Mississippi State University – 2005 
Tracey King, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2005 
Alok Kumar, University of Wisconsin – 2005 
Monica LaBarge, University of Oregon – 2005 
Kyoungmi Lee, University of Illinois – 2005 
Michael Levin, Texas Tech University – 2005 
Tieshan Li, University of British Columbia – 2005 
Yuanfang Lin, Washington University – St. Louis – 2005 
Qiang Liu, Cornell University – 2005 
Ramana Madupalli, Georgia State University – 2005 
Girish Mallapragada, Pennsylvania State University – 2005 
Huifang Mao, Indiana University – 2005 
Tanya Mark, University of Western Ontario – 2005 
Kelly Martin, Washington State University – 2005 
Shashi Matta, University of Southern California – 2005 
Felicia Miller, University of Cincinnati – 2005 
Himanshu Mishra, University of Iowa – 2005 
Risto Moisio, University of Nebraska – 2005 
Detra Montoya, Arizona State University – 2005 
Hieu Nguyen, University of Texas – 2005 
Doan Nguyen, University Utah – 2005 
Anthony Patino, Temple University – 2005 
John Peloza, University of Calgary – 2005 
Kathryn Phillips, University of Mississippi – 2005 
Rajani Pillai, University of Central Florida – 2005 
Cait Poynor, University of South Carolina – 2005
Liang Qiao, Stanford University – 2005 
Randle Raggio, Ohio State University – 2005 
Rajasree Rajamma, University of North Texas – 2005 
Girish Ramani, University of Connecticut – 2005 
Raghunath Rao, University of Minnesota – 2005 
Charles Richardson, Jr., Pace University – 2005
Robert Riggle, University of South Florida – 2005 
Jana Rutherford, Florida Atlantic University – 2005 
Dheeraj Sharma, Louisiana State University – 2005 
Willem Smit, Erasmus University – 2005
Garrett Sonnier, University of California – 2005 
Michael Thomas, Southern Illinois University – 2005 
Mert Tokman, University of Alabama – 2005 
Ahmed Tolba, George Washington University – 2005 
Kapil Tuli, Emory University – 2005
Chander Velu, University of Cambridge – 2005 
Debora Viana Thompson, University of Maryland – 2005 
Clay Voorhees, Florida State University – 2005 
Jing Wang, Northwestern University – 2005 
Jing “Jane” Wang, Yale University – 2005 
Ray Weaver, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2005 
Mei–Ling Wei, York University – 2005 
Jing Xu, University of Michigan – 2005 
Zhiyong Yang, Concordia University – 2005 
Gergana Yordanova, University of Pittsburgh – 2005 
Eyad Youssef, Old Dominion University – 2005
Yael Zemack–Rugar, Duke University – 2005 
Juanjuan Zhang, University of California – 2005 
Qiyu (Jason) Zhang, University of Georgia – 2005 
Meng Zhang, University of Toronto – 2005 
Hongyu Zhao, National University of Singapore – 2005 
Min Zhao, University of North Carolina – 2005 
Back to Top 

2006: University of Maryland 

Aliosha Alexandrov, University of Memphis – 2006
Beth Antonuk, City University of New York – 2006 
Jill Avery, Harvard University – 2006 
Nilufer Aydinoglu, University of Michigan – 2006 
Rajesh Bagchi, University of Colorado – 2006 
Syagnik (Sy) Banerjee, University of Rhode Island – 2006 
Michelle Beauchamp, Mississippi State University – 2006 
Jonah Berger, Stanford University – 2006 
Pelin Bicen, Texas Tech University – 2006 
Baler Bilgin, University of Florida – 2006 
Darron Billeter, Carnegie Mellon University – 2006 
Wendy Boland, University of Arizona – 2006 
Maureen Bourassa, Queen’s University – 2006 
Susan Brudvig, Florida State University – 2006 
Hernan Bruno, London Business School – 2006 
Zhen Cai, Drexel University – 2006 
Robert Carter, University of Cincinnati – 2006
Deepa Chandrasekaran, University of Southern California – 2006
Pavan Chennamaneni, University of Central Florida – 2006 
Beom Choi, University of Kansas – 2006
Cory Cromer, University of Massachusetts – 2006 
Amy Dalton, Duke University – 2006 
Marjorie Delbaere, University of Manitoba – 2006 
Jonathan Deschenes, Concordia University – 2006 
Rod Duclos, University of North Carolina – 2006 
Christine Ebling, University of Frankfurt – 2006 
Amber Epp, University of Nebraska – 2006 
Dinesh Gauri, State University of New York – 2006 
Andrea Godfrey, University of Texas – 2006 
Miranda Goode, University of British Columbia – 2006 
Kendall Goodrich, Florida Atlantic University – 2006 
Dena Hale, Southern Illinois University – 2006 
Tracy Harmon, University of South Florida – 2006 
Kelly Haws, University of South Carolina – 2006 
Ty Henderson, University of Wisconsin – 2006 
Jiewen Hong, Northwestern University – 2006 
Dongling Huang, University of Texas – 2006 
Steve Huff, University of California – 2006 
Kyle Huggins, University of Arkansas – 2006 
Shane Hunt, Oklahoma State University – 2006 
Yogesh Joshi, University of Pennsylvania – 2006
Ekaterina Karniouchina, University of Utah – 2006
Zsolt Katona, INSEAD – 2006 
Hakkyun Kim, University of Minnesota – 2006
Theresa Kirchner, Old Dominion University – 2006 
Minu Kumar, University Mississippi – 2006 
Tarun Kushwaha, Texas A&M University – 2006 
Cristiana Lages, University of Warwick – 2006 
Xin Liu, Kent State University – 2006 
Vincent Mak, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology – 2006 
Arul Mishra, University of Iowa – 2006 
Ricardo Montoya, Columbia University – 2006 
Brian Murtha, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2006
Ciju Nair, Washington University – St. Louis – 2006 
Sherif Nasser, New York University – 2006 
Shweta Oza, University of Maryland – 2006 
Karen Page, University of Pittsburgh – 2006 
Joonwook Park, Pennsylvania State University – 2006 
Paula Peter, Virginia Tech University – 2006
J. Petersen, University of Connecticut – 2006
Amit Poddar, Georgia State University – 2006 
Remco Prins, Erasmus University – 2006 
Cheng Qiu, National University of Singapore – 2006 
Donglei Qiu, Purdue University – 2006 
Martin (Chun) Qiu, University of Alberta – 2006 
Scott Radford, University of Missouri – 2006 
Keith Richards, University of Houston – 2006 
Rishika Rishika, University of California – 2006 
Olivier Rubel, HEC – Montréal – 2006 
Sachin Sancheti, Yale University – 2006 
Gary Schirr, University of Illinois – 2006 
Holger Schneider, Christian–Albrechts–University – Kiel – 2006 
Helder Sebastiao, University of Oregon – 2006 
Steven Seggie, Michigan State University – 2006 
Hamed Shamma, George Washington University – 2006 
Kristina Shampan’er, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2006
Philip Shum, University of Melbourne – 2006 
Lauren Skinner, University of Alabama – 2006 
Jade Sturdy, Emory University – 2006 
Bharat Sud, University of Western Ontario – 2006 
Maciej Szymanowski, Tilburg University – 2006
Crina Tarasi, Arizona State University – 2006 
Marije Teerling, University of Groningen – 2006 
Pingsheng Tong, Washington State University – 2006 
Carlos Torelli, University of Illinois – 2006 
Michael Trusov, University of California – 2006 
Mirjam Tuk, Erasmus University – 2006 
Sudhir Voleti, University of Rochester – 2006 
Nicole Votolato, Ohio State University – 2006 
Darlene Walsh, University of Toronto – 2006 
Anna Walz, Louisiana State University – 2006 
Kai–Yu Wang, University of Wisconsin – 2006 
Michael Wiles, Indiana University – 2006 
Brian Williams, University of Georgia – 2006 
Yu Yu, Cornell University – 2006
Ying Zhang, University of Chicago – 2006 
Mohammadali Zolfagharian, University of North Texas – 2006 
Back to Top

2007: Arizona State University 

Clinton Amos, University of North Texas – 2007
Aaron Arndt, University of Oklahoma – 2007 
Anthony Asare, University of Massachusetts – 2007 
Eva Ascarza, London Business School – 2007 
Michelle Barnhart, University of Utah – 2007 
Jennifer Bechkoff, University of Cincinnati – 2007 
Ray Benedicktus, Florida State University – 2007 
Leff Bonney, University of Tennessee – 2007 
Adriana Bóveda–Lambie, University of Rhode Island – 2007 
Erin Cavusgil, Michigan State University – 2007 
Elaine Chan, Hong Kong University of Science &Technology – 2007 
Kimmy Chan, University of Hong Kong – 2007 
Zoë Chance, Harvard University – 2007 
Sandeep Chandukala, Ohio State University – 2007 
Jon Chin, University of Melbourne – 2007 
Hwan Chung, Syracuse University – 2007 
Tuck Chung, University of Maryland – 2007 
Canan Corus, Virginia Tech University – 2007 
Adam Craig, University of South Carolina – 2007 
Mayukh Dass, University of Georgia – 2007 
Weimin Dong, Boston University – 2007 
Thomas Dotzel, Texas A&M University – 2007 
Rachelle Dupuis, University of Memphis – 2007 
Jodie Ferguson, Georgia State University – 2007 
Andrew Gallan, Arizona State University – 2007 
Kelly Goldsmith, Yale University – 2007 
Ryan Hamilton, Northwestern University – 2007 
Jared Hansen, Texas Tech University – 2007 
Andy Hao, Kent State University – 2007 
Sagit Harel–Tal, University of Rochester. – 2007 
Garth Harris, Queen’s University – 2007 
Edward Healy, University of Washington – 2007 
William Hedgcock, University of Minnesota – 2007 
Hillbun (Dixon) Ho, University of Arizona – 2007 
Desmond Ho–Fu Lo, University of Michigan – 2007 
Douglas Hughes, University of Houston – 2007 
Sam Hui, University of Pennsylvania – 2007 
Auke Hunneman, University of Groningen – 2007 
Peter Jarnebrant, Columbia University – 2007 
Richard Joseph, University of Auckland – 2007 
Luke Kachersky, University of New York – 2007 
Astrid Keel, Emory University – 2007 
Elyria Kemp, University of Arkansas – 2007 
MinChung Kim, University of Texas – 2007 
Jung Kim, University of Texas – 2007 
Preeti Krishnan, University of Manitoba – 2007
Kyuseop Kwak, University of Iowa – 2007 
Joseph Lajos, INSEAD – 2007 
Clinton Lanier, University of Nebraska – 2007 
Ivan Lapuka, University of South Florida – 2007 
Juliano Laran, University of Florida – 2007 
Jongkuk Lee, University of Illinois – 2007 
Sun Li, National University of Singapore – 2007 
Maggie Liu, University of Toronto – 2007 
Carlos Lourenco, Tilburg University – 2007 
Mitchell Lovett, Duke University – 2007 
Ryan Luchs, University of Pittsburgh – 2007 
Melissa Markley, University of Alabama – 2007 
Sameer Mathur, Carnegie Mellon University – 2007 
Ebrahim Mazaheri, Cornell University – 2007 
Altaf Merchant, Old Dominion University – 2007 
Gina Mohr, University of Colorado – 2007
Javier Monllor, University of Illinois – 2007 
Selima Mrad, Florida Atlantic University – 2007 
Anirban Mukherjee, Cornell University – 2007 
Milena Nikolova, George Washington University – 2007 
Yun Oh, Purdue University – 2007 
Matthew O’Hern, University of Wisconsin – 2007 
Seema Pai, University of Southern California – 2007
Marie–Agnès Parmentier, York University – 2007
Ashutosh Patil, Georgia Tech – 2007
Kerstin Reimer, Christian–Albrechts–University – Kiel – 2007
Oliver Rutz, University of California – 2007
Arne Schröder, University of Frankfurt – 2007
Kristin Scott, Oklahoma State University – 2007
Matthew Selove, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2007
Rachel Shacham, New York University – 2007
Denish Shah, University of Connecticut – 2007
Qiaowei Shen, University of California – 2007
Francesca Sotgiu, Erasmus University – 2007
Shrihari Sridhar, University of Missouri – 2007
Yacheng Sun, Indiana University – 2007
Preethika Suresh, University of North Carolina – 2007
Thanh Tran, University of Central Florida – 2007
Remi Trudel, University of Western Ontario – 2007
Murat Usta, University of Alberta – 2007
Jacqueline van Beuningen, Maastricht University – 2007
Isabel Verniers, Ghent University – 2007
Maria Vitorino, University of Chicago – 2007
Trent Wachner, Washington State University – 2007
Monica Wadhwa, Stanford University – 2007
Rui Wang, Pennsylvania State University – 2007
Liangyan Wang, University of California – 2007
Ze Wang, University of Kansas – 2007
Zachary Williams, Mississippi State University – 2007
Marco Wolf, New Mexico State University – 2007
Ping Xiao, Washington University – St. Louis – 2007
Guang–Xin Xie, University of Oregon – 2007
Frederick Yim, Drexel University – 2007
Xiaohua Zeng, University of British Columbia – 2007
Back to Top

2008: University of Missouri

Billur Akdeniz, Michigan State University – 2008
Katia Allexi, University of Cologne – 2008 
Demetra Andrews, University of Houston – 2008 
Sharmin Attaran, University of Illinois – 2008 
Adina Barbulescu, Emory University – 2008 
Victor Barger, University of Wisconsin – 2008 
Terry Beckman, Queen’s University – 2008 
Christine Bennett, University of Minnesota – 2008
Andre Bielecki, University of Kiel – 2008
Vishal Bindroo, University of Central Florida – 2008 
Mousumi Bose Godbole, Louisiana State University – 2008 
Stefanie Boyer, University of South Florida – 2008 
Desislava Budeva, Florida Atlantic University – 2008 
My Bui, University of Arkansas – 2008 
Janee Burkhalter, Georgia State University – 2008 
Nuno Camacho, Erasmus University – 2008 
Johnny Chen, University of Oregon – 2008 
Helen Chun, University of Southern California – 2008 
David Crete, HEC – Montréal – 2008 
Samantha Cross, University of California – 2008 
Vivek Dalela, University of Alabama – 2008 
Xiaoyan Deng, University of Pennsylvania – 2008 
Berna Devezer, Washington State University – 2008 
Bacy Dong, University of Missouri – 2008 
Philippe Duverger, George Washington University – 2008 
Francine Espinoza, University of Maryland – 2008 
Jeff Galak, New York University – 2008 
Manish Gangwar, University of Texas – 2008 
Roland Gau, University of Illinois – 2008 
Scott Grawe, University of Oklahoma – 2008 
Kunter Gunasti, Pennsylvania State University – 2008 
Henrik Hagtvedt, University of Georgia – 2008 
Monica Hodis, Southern Illinois University – 2008 
Minha Hwang, University of California – 2008 
Jesse Itzkowitz, University of Florida – 2008 
Claudia Jasmand, Maastricht University – 2008 
Laknath Jayasinghe, University of Melbourne – 2008 
Yuwei Jiang, Hong Kong University of Science &Technology – 2008 
Fernando Jimenez, Oklahoma State University – 2008 
Jeanne Kim, London Business School – 2008 
Ceren Kolsarici, McGill University – 2008 
Yuliya Komarova, University of South Carolina – 2008 
Min Koo, University of Chicago – 2008 
Dennis Kopf, New Mexico State University – 2008
Vijay Krishnan, University of Cincinnati – 2008 
Mike Krush, University of Nebraska – 2008 
Rishtee Kumar Batra, Boston University – 2008 
Vikas Lachhwani, University of Wisconsin – 2008 
Caroline Li, University of Hong Kong – 2008 
James Liang, University of Western Ontario – 2008 
Lucy Liu, Purdue University – 2008 
Anita Luo, University of Connecticut – 2008 
Ashwin Malshe, Binghamton University – 2008 
William Martin, Mississippi State University – 2008 
Elea McDonnell Feit, University of Michigan – 2008 
Brent McFerran, University of British Columbia – 2008 
Jeff Meyer, Texas A&M University – 2008 
Jenny Mish, University of Utah – 2008
Kanishka Misra, Northwestern University – 2008 
Daniel Mochon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2008 
Cassie Mogilner, Stanford University – 2008 
Sarah Moore, Duke University – 2008 
Mohammad Nejad, University of Memphis – 2008
Jian Ni, Carnegie Mellon University – 2008 
Leo Nicolao, University of Texas – 2008 
Lars Olsen, Norwegian School of Management – 2008 
Naliya Ordabayeva, INSEAD – 2008 
Ernst Osinga, University of Groningen – 2008 
Yesim Ozalp, York University – 2008 
Tim Ozcan, University of Rhode Island – 2008 
Mauricio Palmeira, Indiana University – 2008 
Sungho Park, Cornell University – 2008 
Monica Popa, University of Alberta – 2008 
Mark Ratchford, University of Colorado – 2008 
Renee Richardson, Harvard University – 2008 
Bige Saatcioglu, Virginia Tech University – 2008 
Steve Samaha, University of Washington – 2008 
Jamie Sawhill, University of California – 2008 
Jing Sheng, University of Tennessee – 2008 
Ramendra Singh, Indian Institute of Management – 2008 
Nathalie Spielmann, Concordia University – 2008 
Karthik Sridhar, State University of New York – 2008 
Andrew Stephen, Columbia University – 2008 
Jenny Stewart, Ohio State University – 2008 
Wenbin Sun, University of Mississippi – 2008 
Steven Sweldens, Erasmus University – 2008 
Suman Thomas, National University of Singapore – 2008
Scott Thompson, Arizona State University – 2008 
Kevin Trainor, Kent State University – 2008 
Bram Van den Bergh, KU Leuven – 2008 
Michelle Weinberger, University of Arizona – 2008
Keith Wilcox, City University of New York – 2008
Chelsea Wise, University of Technology – Sydney – 2008
Jing Yang, University of Massachusetts – 2008 
Botao Yang, University of Toronto – 2008
Pinar Yildirim, University of Pittsburgh – 2008 
Hema Yoganarasimhan, Yale University – 2008 
John Zhu, University of Iowa – 2008 
Back to Top

2009: Georgia State University 

Raj Agnihotri, Kent State University – 2009
Hee–Kyung Ahn, University of Toronto – 2009 
Pia Albinsson, New Mexico State University – 2009 
Ozge Aybat, City University of New York – 2009 
Andrew Baker, Georgia State University – 2009 
Donald Barnes, Mississippi State University – 2009 
Frederik Beuk, University of Illinois – 2009 
Hulda Black, University of Kentucky – 2009 
Lilia Boujbel, HEC – Montréal – 2009 
Melissa Bublitz, University of Wisconsin – 2009 
Anindita Chakravarty, Pennsylvania State University – 2009 
Sue Ryung Chang, New York University – 2009 
Chi Hang (Robin) Chark, Hong Kong University of Science &Technology – 2009 
Promothesh Chatterjee, University of South Carolina – 2009 
Jiemiao Chen, Indiana University – 2009 
Kesha Coker, Southern Illinois University – 2009 
Shannon Cummins, University of Nebraska – 2009 
Keisha Cutright, Duke University – 2009 
Kim Daniloski, Virginia Tech University – 2009 
Hélène Deval, University of Cincinnati – 2009 
Radu–Mihai Dimitriu, Norwegian School of Management – 2009 
Matilda Dorotic, University of Groningen – 2009 
Ryan Elder, University of Michigan – 2009 
Oliver Emrich, University of St. Gallen – 2009 
Shan Feng, Drexel University – 2009 
Nathan Fong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2009 
Anne Fries, University of Cologne – 2009 
Pedro Gardete, University of California – 2009 
Deborah Goldring, Florida Atlantic University – 2009 
Shyam Gopinath, Northwestern University – 2009 
Eric Hamerman, Columbia University – 2009 
Vijay Hariharan, State University of New York – 2009 
Mary Harrison, University of Alabama – 2009 
Sina Henningsen, Christian–Albrechts–University – Kiel – 2009 
Elisabeth “Ella” Honka, University of Chicago – 2009 
Jessica Hoppner, Michigan State University – 2009 
Yuchen Hung, National University of Singapore – 2009 
Behice Ilhan, University of Illinois – 2009 
Lan Jiang, University of British Columbia – 2009 
Xiaoqing Jing, University of Florida – 2009 
Napatsorn Jiraporn (Pom) , State University of New York – 2009 
Andrew Kaikati, University of Minnesota – 2009 
Moon Kang, University of Wisconsin – 2009 
Eelco Kappe, Erasmus University – 2009 
Ioannis Kareklas, University of Connecticut – 2009 
Eunice Kim, Yale University – 2009 
Anne–Kathrin Klesse, Maastricht University – 2009 
Christine Kowalczyk, University of Memphis – 2009 
Didem Kurt, University of Pittsburgh – 2009 
Sanjukta Kusari, Vanderbilt University – 2009 
Ohjin Kwon , University of Southern California – 2009 
Lauren Labrecque, University of Massachusetts – 2009 
J. D. Lee, George Washington University – 2009 
Sangwon Lee, University of Central Florida – 2009 
Seung Hwan (Mark) Lee, University of Western Ontario – 2009 
Caroline Li, University of Hong Kong – 2009 
Eric Li, York University – 2009 
Stefan Linnhoff , University of Mississippi – 2009 
Angela (Xia) Liu, Syracuse University – 2009 
Donald Lund, University of Missouri – 2009 
Suzanne Makarem, Temple University – 2009 
Maggie Matear, Queen’s University – 2009 
Ted Matherly, University of Maryland – 2009 
Kathryn Mercurio, University of Washington – 2009 
Mayoor Mohan, Oklahoma State University – 2009 
Neeru Paharia, Harvard University – 2009 
Chang Park, Cornell University – 2009 
Polykarpos ‘Polis’ Pavlidis, University of Rochester – 2009 
Plamen Peev, University of Georgia – 2009 
Ralph Perfetto, University of Rhode Island – 2009 
Dante Pirouz, University of California – 2009 
Kate Pounders, Louisiana State University – 2009 
Jeffrey Radighieri, Washington State University – 2009 
Edward “Ed” Ramirez, Florida State University – 2009 
David Richardson, University of Texas – 2009 
Namika Sagara, University of Oregon – 2009 
Manoshi Samaraweera, University of Houston – 2009 
Bridget Satinover, University of Tennessee – 2009 
Christian Schlereth, Goethe University – 2009 
Irene Scopelliti, Bocconi University – 2009 
Aner Sela, Stanford University – 2009 
Joon Seo, University of Utah – 2009 
Yvetta Simonyan, London Business School – 2009 
Jayati Sinha, University of Iowa – 2009 
Nancy Sirianni, Arizona State University – 2009 
Andrea Tangari, University of Arkansas – 2009 
Anne ter Braak, Tilburg University – 2009 
Sebastian Tillmanns, University of Münster – 2009 
Claudia Townsend, University of California – 2009 
Rebecca Trump, University of Arizona – 2009 
Gautham Vadakkepatt, Texas A&M University – 2009 
Nicole Verrochi, University of Pennsylvania – 2009 
Vijay Viswanathan, Emory University – 2009 
Luming Wang, University of Alberta – 2009 
Ze Wang, University of Kansas – 2009 
Tien Wang, University of Texas – 2009 
Morgan Ward, University of Texas – 2009 
Caleb Warren, University of Colorado – 2009 
Bert Weemaes, KU Leuven – 2009 
Na (Amy) Wen, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2009 
Nancy Wuenderlich, Technische Universitaet Muenchen – 2009 
Lifeng Yang, Ohio State University – 2009 
Meng Zhu, Carnegie Mellon University – 2009 
Peter Zubcsek, INSEAD – 2009 
Back to Top

2010: Texas Christian University 

Sultan Alenazi, Old Dominion University – 2010
James Alvarez–Mourey, University of Michigan – 2010 
Justin Angle, University of Washington – 2010 
Armin Arnold, Technische Universitaet Muenchen – 2010 
Pronobesh Banerjee, University of Kansas – 2010 
Deny Belisle, Concordia University – 2010 
Ali Besharat, University of South Flordia – 2010 
Amit Bhattacharjee, University of Pennsylvania – 2010 
Simon Blanchard, Pennsylvania State University – 2010 
Bryan Bollinger, Stanford University – 2010 
Oliver Borchert, University of Strathclyde – 2010 
Phil Boutin, University of Tennessee – 2010 
Michael Breazeale, Mississippi State University – 2010 
Robert Cascio, University of Central Flordia – 2010 
Hua Chen, University of Houston – 2010 
Jean Choe, University of California – 2010 
Doug Jin Chung, Yale University – 2010 
Bart Claus, Catholic University – Leuven – 2010 
Jennifer Cordero, University of California – 2010 
Elizabeth Crosby, University of Illinois – 2010 
Bart de Langhe, Erasmus University – 2010 
Tereza Dean, Michigan State University – 2010 
Jenna Drenten, University of Georgia – 2010 
David Dubois, Northwestern University – 2010 
Karthik Easwar, Ohio State University – 2010 
Jia Fan, Georgia State University – 2010 
Casey Findley, University of Alabama – 2010 
Monica Fine, Flordia Atlantic University – 2010 
Kelli M. Frias, University of Arizona – 2010 
Tarje Gaustad, Norwegian School of Management – 2010 
David Gilliam, Oklahoma State University – 2010 
Luke Greenacre, University of Technology – Sydney – 2010 
Nina Gros, Maastricht University – 2010 
Young Han, University of Southern California – 2010 
Phillip M. Hart, University of Memphis – 2010 
Stephen He, Gerogia Institute of Technology – 2010 
Kelly Herd, University of Colorado – 2010 
Mantian Hu, New York University – 2010 
Aimee Huff, University of Western Ontario – 2010 
Masakazu Ishihara, University of Toronto – 2010 
Ataollah Jami, University of Utah – 2010 
Sungha Jang, University of Texas – 2010 
Mingyu Joo, Syracuse University – 2010 
Min Ju, Saint Louis University – 2010 
Saim Kashmiri, University of Texas – 2010 
Katie Kelting, Indiana University – 2010 
Keri Kettle, University of Alberta – 2010 
Alex Kim, Purdue University – 2010 
T.I. Tongil Kim, University of California – 2010 
Sara Kim, University of Chicago – 2010 
Jin–Woo Kim, University of Texas – 2010 
Jesse King, University of Oregon – 2010 
Ben Lawrence, Boston University – 2010 
Stephanie Lawson, Florida State University – 2010 
Yun Lee, University of Iowa – 2010 
Jaehoon Lee, University of Texas – 2010 
Kyung Jin Lim, University of North Carolina – 2010 
Katherine Loveland, Arizona State University – 2010 
Ah Reum Maeng, University of Wisconsin – 2010 
Zhiying Masia, National University of Singapore – 2010 
Lindsay McShane, Queen’s University – 2010 
Ravi Mehta, University of British Columbia – 2010 
Melissa Minor, University of Flordia – 2010 
Chrissy Mitakakis, City University of New York – 2010 
Casey Newmeyer, University of Pittsburgh – 2010 
Cristina Nistor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2010 
Omer Cem Ozturk, Emory University – 2010 
Ji Park, University of Minnesota – 2010 
Venkatesh Parthasarathy, Indian Institute of Management – 2010 
Ekin Pehlivan, Bentley University – 2010 
Meghan Pierce, Virginia Tech University – 2010 
Deepa Pillai, Southern Illinois University – 2010 
Serey–Bopha Sandrine Prom Tep, HEC – Montréal – 2010 
Jin Seok Pyone, Cornell University – 2010 
Hans Risselada, University of Groningen – 2010 
Peter Saffert, University of Cologne – 2010 
Daiane Scaraboto, York University – 2010 
Philipp Schmitt, Goethe University – 2010 
Mary Schramm, Kent State University – 2010 
Rom Schrift, Columbia University – 2010 
Satheeshkumar Seenivasan, State University of New York – 2010 
Joo Hwan Seo, Geroge Washington University – 2010 
Monte Shaffer, Washington State University – 2010 
Wei Shi, University of Maryland – 2010 
Robin L. Soster, University of South Carolina – 2010 
Stephen Spiller, Duke University – 2010 
Peter Stuettgen, Carnegie Mellon University – 2010 
Yihui (Elina) Tang, University of Missouri – 2010 
David Taylor, University of North Texas – 2010 
Anna Turri, University of Arkansas – 2010 
Mark Vroegrijk, Tilburg University – 2010 
Yujiao Wang, University of Wisconsin – 2010 
Yinglu Wu, Louisiana State University – 2010 
Chunhua Wu, Washington University – St. Louis – 2010 
Taylan Yalcin, Harvard University – 2010 
Dengfeng Yan, Hong Kong University of Science &Technology – 2010 
Kaifu Zhang, INSEAD – 2010 
Ying Zhu, Texas A&M University – 2010 
Back to Top

2011: Oklahoma State University 

Muhammad Aljukhadar, HEC – Montréal – 2011
Lalin Anik, Harvard University – 2011
Melissa Archpru Akaka, University of Hawaii – 2011 
Zac Arens, University of Maryland – 2011 
Ashley Arsena, University of Texas – 2011 
Younghan Bae, University of Iowa – 2011 
Anjali Bal, Simon Fraser University – 2011 
Lin Bao, University of Wisconsin – 2011 
Rafael Becerril Arreola, University of California – 2011 
Ron Berman, University of California – 2011 
Tim Bottger, University of St. Gallen – 2011 
Neil Brigden, University of Alberta – 2011
Zixia Cao, Texas A&M University – 2011 
Jeff Carlson, University of Connecticut – 2011 
Marina Carnevale, City University of New York – 2011 
Woojung Chang, University of Alabama – 2011 
Ngan Chau, University of Central Flordia – 2011 
Anne–Sophie Chaxel, Cornell University – 2011 
Chenny (Xi) Chen, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology – 2011 
Chien–Chung (Julian) Chen, University of Texas – 2011 
Kevin Chung, Carnegie Mellon University – 2011 
Hannah Chung, Michigan State University – 2011 
Joshua Clarkson, University of North Florida – 2011 
Jennifer Dapko, University of South Florida – 2011 
Derick Davis, Virginia Tech University – 2011 
Eline de Vries, University of Groningen – 2011
Xiaodan Dong, University of Missouri – 2011 
Daria Dzyabura, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2011 
Karthik Easwar, Ohio State University – 2011 
Jiska Eelen, KU Leuven – 2011 
Ali Faraji–Rad, BI Norwegian – 2011 
Frank Germann, Pennsylvania State University – 2011 
Yangjie Gu, London Business School – 2011 
Wenxia Guo, University of Manitoba – 2011 
Mitch Hamilton, Syracuse University – 2011 
Babak Hayatti, University of Houston – 2011 
Liwu Hsu, Boston University – 2011 
Szu–chi Huang, University of Texas – 2011 
Kevin James, Louisiana State University – 2011 
Hyo Jim (Jean) Jeon, University of Oklahoma – 2011 
Ji Hoon Jhang, University of Colorado – 2011 
Monika Kauferle, University of Cologne – 2011 
Martin Key, Southern Illinois University – 2011 
Yuna Kim, Indiana University – 2011 
Jongmin Kim, Yale University – 2011 
Leslie Koppenhafer, University of Wisconsin – 2011 
Ashish Kumar, State University of New York – 2011 
Jau–Shyuam (Christine) Lai, ESSEC – 2011 
Mark Lang, Temple University – 2011 
Seung Yun Lee, McGill University – 2011 
Jinsuh Lee, Purdue University – 2011 
Kelly Lee, University of Toronto – 2011 
Yang Li, Columbia University – 2011 
Lily Lin, University of British Columbia – 2011
Monika Lisjak, Northwestern University – 2011 
Ab Litt, Stanford University – 2011 
Yiyuan Liu, University of Wisconsin – 2011 
Sara Loughran Dommer, University of Pittsburgh – 2011 
Sarah Mady, Old Dominion University – 2011 
Matthew Manary, Duke University – 2011 
Jennifer Martinez, University of Memphis – 2011 
Tamara Masters, University of Utah – 2011 
Shawn Matthew, Indian Institute of Management – 2011 
Mark Mulder, Washington State University – 2011 
Noelle Nelson, University of Minnesota – 2011 
Marcelo Nepomuceno, University of Brasilia – 2011 
Christopher Newman, University of Mississippi – 2011 
Jillian Ney, University of Strathclyde – 2011 
Dave Norton, University of South Carolina – 2011 
Tim Norvell, University of Georgia – 2011 
Theodore Noseworthy, University of Western Ontario – 2011 
Florian Pallas, University of Münster – 2011 
Jan Pelser, Maastrcht University – 2011 
Maria Petrescu, Florida Atlantic University – 2011 
Todd Pezzuti, University of California – 2011 
J. Mitch Price, University of Mississippi – 2011 
Marina Puzakova, Drexel University – 2011
Martin Pyle, Queen’s University – 2011 
Yingge Qu, Georgia State University – 2011 
Priyamvadha Rangan, University of Kansas – 2011 
Justine Rapp, University of Nebraska – 2011 
Steven Rayburn, Oklahoma State University – 2011 
James Reeder, University of Rochester – 2011 
Christine Ringler, Arizona State University – 2011 
Christina Saenger, Kent State University – 2011 
Navdeep Sahni, University of Chicago – 2011 
Julian Saint Clair, University of Washington – 2011 
Anne Scherer, Technische Universitaet Muenchen – 2011 
Dora Schmit, Louisiana State University – 2011 
Mary Schoonmaker, George Washington University – 2011 
Christian Schultze, Goethe University – 2011 
Eric Schwartz, University of Pennsylvania – 2011
Julio Sevilla, University of Miami – 2011 
Eesha Sharma, New York University – 2011 
Dan Sheehan, Georgia Tech – 2011 
Neil Shephard, Aston University – 2011 
Chengli Shu, University of Illinois – 2011
Bonnie Simpson, University of Wisconsin – 2011 
Johanna Slott, Tilburg University – 2011 
Robert Smith, University of Michigan – 2011 
Sujim Song, University of Rhode Island – 2011 
Tanya (Ya) Tang, University of Illinois – 2011 
Carolyn Taylor, University of North Carolina – 2011 
Dimitrios Tsekouras, Erasmus University – 2011 
Yanwen Wang, Emory University – 2011
Kangkang Wang, Washington University – St. Louis – 2011
Hauke Wetzel, University of Mannheim – 2011 
Kelly Wilder, Mississippi State University – 2011 
Jeremy Wolter, Florida State University – 2011 
Scott Wright, University of Cincinnati – 2011 
Linli Xu, University of Southern California – 2011 
Haiyang Yang, INSEAD – 2011 
Atefeh Yazdanparast, University of North Texas – 2011 
Cesar Zamudio, University of Texas – 2011 
Shabnam Zanjani, University of Massachusetts – 2011 
Jurui Zhang, University of Arizona – 2011 
Marcel Zondag, University of Tennessee – 2011 
Miguel Angel Zuniga, New Mexico State University – 2011 
Back to Top

2012: University of Washington

Ezgi Akpinar, Erasmus University – 2012
Alexis Allen, Florida State University – 2012 
Stephen Anderson–Macdonald, London Business School – 2012 
Cat Armstrong Soule, University of Oregon – 2012 
Carol Azab, Southern Illinois University – 2012 
Brian Baldus, Michigan State University – 2012 
Sachin Banker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2012 
Wilson Bastos, University of Arizona – 2012 
Eva Bechel, University of Miami – 2012 
Felix Brunner, University of St. Gallen – 2012 
Andrew Bryant, George Washington University – 2012 
Olya Bullard, University of Manitoba – 2012 
Grace Chae, University of British Columbia – 2012 
Cindy Chan, University of Pennsylvania – 2012 
Max Chauvin, ESSEC – 2012 
Zoey Chen, Georgia Tech – 2012 
Fang Yuan Chen, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology – 2012 
Yoon–Na Cho, University of Arkansas – 2012 
Jungsil Choi, University of Kansas – 2012 
Sunaina Chugani, University of Texas – 2012 
Koray Cosguner, Washington University – St. Louis – 2012 
Hannes Datta, Maastricht University – 2012 
Virginie Deroubaix, HEC – Montréal – 2012 
Boryana Dimitrova, Drexel University – 2012 
John Dinsmore, University of Cincinnati – 2012 
Meike Eilert, University of South Carolina – 2012
 Esi Elliot, University of Illinois – 2012 
Jordan Etkin, University of Maryland – 2012 
Tingtin Fan, New York University – 2012 
Gregory Fisher, University of Illinois – 2012 
Colin Gabler, University of Alabama – 2012
Anne Hamby, Virginia Tech University – 2012 
DaHee Han, Indiana University – 2012 
Phillip Hartley, Louisiana State University – 2012 
Jonathan Hasford, University of Kentucky – 2012 
Conor Henderson, University of Washington – 2012 
Diogo Hildebrand, City University of New York – 2012 
Xun (Irene) Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong – 2012 
Young Eun Huh, Carnegie Mellon University – 2012
Sajna Ibrahim, State University of New York – 2012 
Ayelet Israeli, Northwestern University – 2012
Jean Jeon, University of Oklahoma – 2012 
Juncai Jiang, University of Texas – 2012
Jeff Johnson, University of Nebraska – 2012 
Christina Kan, University of Colorado – 2012 
Wreetabrata Kar, University of Rochester – 2012 
Soyean (Julia) Kim, Boston University – 2012 
Hye–jin Kim, Pennsylvania State University – 2012 
Ho Kim, University of California – 2012
Anthongy (Hongbum) Kim, University of Georgia – 2012 
Ann–Kristin Knapp, University of Münster – 2012
Irina Kozlenkova, University of Missouri – 2012
Jitesh Kumar K, Indian Institute of Management – 2012 
Ryan Langan, University of South Florida – 2012 
Clarence Lee, Harvard University – 2012
Inge Lens, KU Leuven – 2012 
James Leonhardt, University of California – 2012
Lianhua Li, University of Alberta – 2012
Hsin–Chen Lin, Purdue University – 2012
Min Liu, University of Texas – 2012 
Carmen Liutee, University of Houston – 2012 
Lara Lobschat, University of Cologne – 2012 
Fang Chi Lu, University of Iowa – 2012 
Michelle Yi Lu, Yale University – 2012 
Cuauhtemoc (Temo) Luna–Nevarez, New Mexico State University – 2012 
Rhiannon MacDonnell, University of Calgary – 2012 
Paola Mallucci, University of Minnesota – 2012 
Hang Thu Nguyen, University of Connecticut – 2012 
Michael Obal, Temple University – 2012 
Ethan Pancer, Queen’s University – 2012 
So Eun Park, University of California – 2012 
Hee Mok Park, University of Michigan – 2012 
Erika Paulson, University of Wisconsin – 2012 
Chatdanai Pongpatipat, Old Dominion University – 2012 
Jochen Reiner, Goethe University – 2012 
Jessica Rixom, University of Utah – 2012 
Nicole Robitaille, University of Toronto – 2012 
Weidong Rong, Saint Louis University – 2012 
Spencer Ross, University of Massachusetts – 2012 
Melanie Rudd, Stanford University – 2012 
Gulen Sarial–Abi, Koc University – 2012 
Carolyne Saunders, Cornell University – 2012 
Claudia Smith, University of Strathclyde – 2012 
Andrew Smith, York University – 2012 
Liang Song, National University of Singapore – 2012 
Brian Spaid, University of Tennessee – 2012 
Eric Stenstorm, Concordia University – 2012 
Sarang Sunder, Georgia State University – 2012 
Felipe Thomaz, University of Pittsburgh – 2012 
Kamer Toker, State University of New York – 2012 
Omer Topaloglu, Texas Tech University – 2012 
Maferima Toure–Tillery, University of Chicago – 2012 
Caleb Tse, University of Hong Kong – 2012 
Jakob Utgard, BI Norwegian – 2012 
Arjen van Lin, Tilburg University – 2012 
Michael Wachter, Cleveland State University – 2012 
Si (Helen) Wang, University of Arizona – 2012 
Liad Weiss, Columbia University – 2012 
Jodie Whelan, Western University – 2012 
Jacob Wiebenga, University of Groningen – 2012 
Marie Yeh, Kent State University – 2012 
Ya You, University of Central Florida – 2012 
Wonjoo Yun, Texas A&M University – 2012
 Kuangjie Zhang, INSEAD – 2012 
Man Zhang, University of Rhode Island – 2012 
Bo (Bobby) Zhou, Duke University – 2012 
Chenxi Zhou, University of Florida – 2012 
Yi Zhu, University of Southern California – 2012 
Manja Zidansek, Washington State University – 2012 
Back to Top

2013: University of Michigan 

Hamed Aghakhani, University of Manitoba – 2013
Selin Akca, University of Frankfurt – 2013 
Claudio Alvarez, Boston University – 2013 
Michelle Andrews, University of Texas – 2013 
Aylin Aydinli, London Business School – 2013 
Ali Bakhtiari, University of Texas – 2013 
Patrick Barbro, Temple University – 2013 
Joshua Beck, University of Washington – 2013 
Sander Beckers, University of Groningen – 2013 
Silvia Bellezza, Harvard University – 2013 
Jonathan Berman, University of Pennsylvania – 2013 
Yashoda Bhagwat, Georgia State University – 2013 
Alexander Bleier, University of Cologne – 2013 
Johannes Boegershausen, Maastricht University – 2013 
Keith Botner, University of Utah – 2013 
Kyung–Ah (Kay) Byun, Texas Tech University – 2013 
Terri Chan, University of Hong Kong – 2013 
Hua Chang, Drexel University – 2013 
Alexander Chaudhry, Rice University – 2013 
Malika Chaudhuri, Michigan State University – 2013 
Maggie Chu, Chinese University of Hong Kong – 2013 
Laurel Cook, University of Arkansas – 2013 
Yann Cornil, INSEAD – 2013 
Sina Damangir, University of Houston – 2013 
Svetlana Davis, Queen’s University – 2013 
Yiting Deng, Duke University – 2013 
Rebecca Dingus, Kent State University – 2013 
Tatiana Dyachenko, Ohio State University – 2013 
Hristina Dzhogleva, University of Pittsburgh – 2013
Hossein Eslami, NUS Business School – 2013 
Carol Lee Esmark, University of Tennessee – 2013 
Adam Farmer, University of Kentucky – 2013 
Alina Ferecatu, ESSEC – 2013 
Anouk Festjens, Catholic University – Leuven – 2013 
Haibing Gao, University of Florida – 2013 
John Gironda, Florida Atlantic University – 2013 
Marilyn Giroux, Concorida University – 2013 
Ivan Guitart, IESE – 2013 
Michael Hair, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2013 
Nicole Hanson, Texas A&M University – 2013 
Colleen Harmeling, St. Louis University – 2013 
Magda Hassan, Cambridge University – 2013 
Chun–Ka (Tommy) Hsu, University of Toronto – 2013 
Katie Hybernova, University of Mississippi – 2013 
Veronika Ilyuk, City University of New York – 2013
Kiju Jung, University of Illinois – 2013 
Esther Kang, State University of New York – 2013 
Vamsi Kanuri, University of Missouri – 2013 
Sommer Kapitan, University of Texas – 2013 
Kwang Kim, Cornell University – 2013 
Soo Kim, Northwestern University – 2013 
Sunghoon Kim, Pennsylvania State University – 2013 
Soraya Lambotte, University of Chicago – 2013 
Hwa–young Lee, McGill University – 2013 
Gail Leizerovici, University of Western Ontario – 2013 
Xiaolin Li, University of Minnesota – 2013 
Jordan Liberali, Erasmus University – 2013 
Song Lin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2013 
Chien–Wei (Wilson) Lin, State University of New York – 2013 
Fan Liu, University of Central Florida – 2013 
Lin Liu, University of Southern California – 2013 
Richie Liu, Washington State University – 2013 
Judy Ma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – 2013 
Devdeep Maity, Oklahoma State University – 2013 
Khandker Md Nahin Mamun, University of Strathclyde – 2013 
Stephanie Mangus, Louisiana State University – 2013 
Joseph Matthes, University of Nebraska – 2013 
Frank May, University of South Carolina – 2013 
Lachie McLaren, Victoria University of Wellington – 2013
Moeini–Jazani Mehrad, BI Norwegian – 2013 
Chadwick Miller, Arizona State University – 2013 
Alex Milovic, University of Wisconsin – 2013 
Elizabeth Minton, University of Oregon – 2013
Nora Moran, Virginia Tech University – 2013 
Tyler Morgan, University of Alabama – 2013 
Manoj Motiani, Indian Institute of Management – 2013 
Jae–Eun Namkoong, University of Texas – 2013
Kevin Newman, University of Arizona – 2013 
James Oakley, University of Memphis – 2013 
Obinna Obilo, Louisiana State University – 2013 
Jenny Olson, University of Michigan – 2013 
Kirk Plangger, Simon Fraser University – 2013 
Tae–Hyung Pyo, University of Iowa – 2013 
Taly Reich, Stanford University – 2013 
Nicholas Reinholtz, Columbia University – 2013 
Mariachiara Restuccia, HEC – Montréal – 2013 
Cecilia Ruvalcaba, University of California – 2013 
Anthony Salerno, University of Miami – 2013 
Shelle Santana, New York University – 2013 
Cinthia Satornino, Florida State University – 2013 
Jennifer Savary, Yale University – 2013 
Abigail Schneider, University of Colorado – 2013 
Stefan Sleep, University of Georgia – 2013 
Kamila Sobol, York University – 2013 
Manual Stegemann, University of Münster – 2013 
Luping Sun, Peking University – 2013 
Aparna Sundar, University of Cincinnati – 2013 
Arunachalam Swaminathan, Iowa State University – 2013 
Kunal Swani, University of Massachusetts – 2013 
Courtney Szocs, University of South Florida – 2013 
Lina Tan, Australian National University – 2013 
Ahmed Timourni, Koc University – 2013 
Gina Tran, University of North Texas – 2013 
Ke Tu, University of Alberta – 2013 
Gema Vinuales, University of Rhode Island – 2013 
Tingting Wang, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology – 2013 
Chen Wang, University of British Columbia – 2013 
Elizabeth Webb, University of California – 2013 
Andrea Webb, University of Wisconsin – 2013 
Shuqin (Monica) Wei, Southern Illinois University – 2013 
Kim Whitler, Indiana University – 2013 
Heiko Wieland, University of Hawaii – 2013 
Yang Yang, Carnegie Mellon University – 2013 
Shaui Yang, University of Connecticut – 2013 
Jennifer Zarzosa, New Mexico State University – 2013 
Yuchi Zhang, University of Maryland – 2013 
Fan Zhang, Washington University – St. Louis – 2013 
Ying Zhu, University of California – 2013 
Back to Top

2014: Northwestern University​

Ajay Abraham, University of Maryland, – 2014 
Gizem Atav, Binghamton University – 2014 
Ana Babic, HEC Paris – 2014 
Charan Bagga, Ivey Business School – 2014 
Aditi Bajaj, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2014 
Somnath Banerjee, University of Central Florida – 2014 
Katherine Barasz, Harvard University – 2014 
Ernest Baskin, Yale University – 2014 
Taylor Bentley, Washington University In St. Louis – 2014 
Jeffrey Boichuk, University of Houston – 2014 
Inyoung Chae, INSEAD – 2014  
Charlene Chen, Columbia University – 2014 
Rocky Peng Chen, University of Hong Kong – 2014 
Yongbum Choi, Syracuse University – 2014 
Kirsten Cowan, University of North Texas – 2014 
Sokiente Dagogo-Jack, University of Washington – 2014 
Oystein Daljord, Stanford University – 2014 
Ilgim Dara, University of Massachusetts – Amherst – 2014 
Cassandra Davis, University of Arkansas – Fayetteville – 2014 
Keyvan Dehmamy, Goethe University Frankfurt – 2014 
Florian Deutzmann, Erasmus School of Economics – 2014 
Pierre-Yann Dolbec, York University – 2014 
Ce en Ekebas, Old Dominion University – Norfolk – 2014 
Ioannis Evangelidis, Erasmus University – 2014 
Tatiana Fajardo, University of Miami – 2014 
Kristopher Floyd, University of Texas At Arlington – 2014 
Beth Fossen, Emory University – 2014 
Alexa Fox, University of Memphis – 2014 
Wesley Friske, Texas Tech University – 2014 
Huachao Gao, University of Texas – San Antonio – 2014 
Vanessa Gartmeier, University of Cologne – 2014 
Aaron Gleiberman, University of Oklahoma – 2014 
Arun Gopalakrishnan, University of Pennsylvania – 2014 
Indranil Goswami, University of Chicago – 2014 
Aditya Gupta, Pennslyvania State University – 2014 
Sara Hanson, University of Oregon – 2014 
Jacob Hiler, Louisiana State University – 2014 
Stefan Hock, Virginia Tech – 2014 
Sungtak Hong, London Business School – 2014 
Yufeng Huang, Tilburg University – 2014 
Nima Jalali, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee – 2014 
Anna Jansson Vredeveld, University of Connecticut – 2014 
Li Jiang, Unviersity of California – Los Angeles – 2014 
Duo Jiang, 350 Wohlers Hall – 2014 
Catherine Johnson, University of Alabama – 2014 
Brett Josephson, George Mason University – 2014 
Minah Jung, University of California, Berkeley – 2014 
Jin Ho Jung, Oklahoma State University – 2014 
Elizabeth Keenan, University of California, San Diego – 2014 
SunAh Kim, Purdue University – 2014 
Kihyun Hannah Kim, Georgia State University – 2014 
Saejoon Kim, Drexel University – 2014 
Robert King, University of Mississippi – Oxford – 2014 
Pianpian Kong, University of Rochester – 2014 
Kirk Kristofferson, University of British Columbia – 2014 
Katina Kulow, University of South Carolina – 2014 
Jaehwan Kwon, University of Iowa – 2014 
Hyojin Lee, The Ohio State University – 2014
Jiaoyang Li, Texas A&M University – 2014 
Xingbo Li, University of Washington – 2014 
Tyrha Lindsey, Rutgers University – 2014 
Xiao Liu, Carnegie Mellon University – 2014 
Peggy Liu, Duke University – 2014 
Shijie Lu, University of Southern California – 2014 
Jingjing Ma, Northwestern University – 2014 
Minghui Ma, Kentucky University – 2014 
Ranjit Magendraraj, Arizona State University – 2014 
Sarah Magnotta, University of Kentucky – 2014 
Geraldo Matos, University of Rhode Island – 2014 
Todd McClure, Southern Illinois University – 2014
Hamed Mehrabi, Wilfrid Laurier University – 2014 
Adam Mills, Simon Fraser University – 2014 
Alec Minnema, University of Groningen – 2014 
Oscar Moreno, University of Utah – 2014 
Todd Morgan, Kent State University – 2014 
Kirsten Mrkwicka, University of St Gallen – 2014 
Shantanu Mullick, ESSEC Business School – 2014 
Jungim Mun, SUNY – Buffalo – 2014 
Aidin Namin, The University of Texas At Dallas – 2014 
Russ Nelson, University of California, Irvine – 2014 
Atanas Nikolov, University of Georgia – Athens – 2014 
Mike Palazzolo, University of Michigan – 2014 
Joowon Park, Cornell University – 2014  
Rebeca Perren, University of Central Florida – 2014 
Matthew Philp, Queen’s University – 2014 
Eleanor Putnam-Farr, Massachusetts Institute of Teechnology – 2014 
Arilova Randrianasolo, St Louis University – 2014 
Ryann Reynolds-McIlnay, Temple University – 2014 
Marisabel Romero, University of South Florida – 2014 
Alexander Rose, University of Arkansas – Fayetteville – 2014 
Geetanjali Saluja, HKUST – 2014 Eda Sayin, Koc Universitesi – 2014 
Richard Schaefer, University of Texas At Austin – 2014 
Julie Schiro, University of Colorado Boulder – 2014 
Wyatt Schrock, Michigan State University – 2014 
Michael Sciandra, University of Pittsburgh – 2014 
Tejvir Sekhon, Boston University – 2014 
Matthew Shaner, George Mason University – 2014 
Nithya Shankar, Rensselar Polytechnic Institute – 2014 
Stacey Sharpe, Rensselar Polytechnic Institute – 2014 
Sunil Singh, University of Missouri – 2014 
Jenifer Skiba, University of Nebraska – Lincoln – 2014 
Ding (Allen) Tian, University of Alberta – 2014 
Stephanie Tully, New York University – 2014 
Vincent Van Buul, Maastricht University – 2014 
Jing Wan, University of Toronto – 2014 
Wei-Lin Wang, McGill University – 2014 
Xin Wang, Western University – 2014 
Yajin Wang, Carlson School of Management – 2014 
Yang Wang, Rice University – 2014 
Jessie Wang, Indiana University – 2014 
Sara Williamson, CUNY – Baruch College – 2014 
Yazhen Xiao, University of Illinois – Chicago – 2014 
Xing Zhang, National University of Singapore – 2014 
Yanmei Zheng, University of Florida – 2014
Back to Top

2015: London Business School

Sidney Anderson, Florida State University – 2015
Freeman Wu, Arizona State University – 2015 
Ann E. McNeel, Baruch College – 2015 
Ozgun Atasoy, Boston University – 2015 
Shiri Melumad, Columbia University – 2015 
Maryam Tofighi, Concordia University – 2015 
Dinesh Puranam, Cornell University – 2015 
Danielle Brick, Duke University – 2015 
Anthony Koschmann, Emory University – 2015 
Bruno Jacobs, Erasmus School of Economics – 2015 
Anatoli Colicev, ESSEC – 2015 
Myoung-Jin Chae, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2015 
Amalesh Sharma, Georgia State University – 2015 
Daniel Ringel, Goethe University Frankfurt – 2015 
Lingling Zhang, Harvard University – 2015 
Myriam Brouard, HEC Montreal – 2015 
Tatiana Sokolova, HEC Paris – 2015 
Yimin Cheng, HKUST – 2015 
Mitchell C. Olsen, Indiana University – 2015 
JeeHye Kim, INSEAD – 2015 
Paul Mills, Kent State University – 2015 
Efe Camurdan, Koc University – 2015 
Laure Weckx, KU Leuven – 2015 
Patrick Fennell, Louisiana State University – 2015 
Marleen Hermans, Maastricht University – 2015 
Tianzhou (James) Duan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2015 
Sumitra Auschaitrakul, McGill University – 2015 
Blake Runnalls, Michigan State University – 2015 
Yanlai Chu, National University of Singapore – 2015 
Chiara Longoni, New York University – 2015 
Jung Kim, Northwestern University – 2015 
Christopher Summers, Ohio State University – 2015 
Yu-Shan “Sandy” Huang, Oklahoma State University – 2015 
Denis Khantimirov, Old Dominion University – 2015 
Ashley Stadler Blank, Pennsylvania State University – 2015 
Wenshu Zhang, Purdue University – 2015 
Annetta Grant, Queen’s University – 2015 
Jihye Jung, Rice University – 2015 
Emine Erdogan, Rutgers Unversity – 2015 
Michael Frechette, Saint Louis University – 2015 
David Houghton, Southern Illinois University – 2015 
Daniella Kupor, Stanford University – 2015 
Junghan Kim, State University of New York at Buffalo – 2015 
Seung Hwan Lee, Syracuse University – 2015 
Andy Reinaker, Temple University – 2015 
Nooshin Warren, Texas A&M University – 2015 
Miles Condon, Texas  Tech University – 2015 
Kristopher Keller, Tilburg University – 2015 
Zemin (Zachary) Zhong, UC Berkeley – 2015 
Duygu Akdevelioglu, UC Irvine – 2015 
Keunwoo Kim, UCLA – 2015 
Jessica Ogilvie, University of Alabama – 2015 
Virginia Weber, University of Alberta – 2015 
Andre Maciel, University of Arizona – 2015 
Amaradri Mukherjee, University of Arkansas – 2015 
Thomas Allard, University of British Columbia – 2015 
Jarrod Vassallo, University of Cambridge – 2015 
Adelle Yang, University of Chicago – 2015 
Ashley Otto, University of Cincinnati – 2015 
Maren Becker, University of Cologne – 2015 
Erin Percival Carter, University of Colorado Boulder – 2015
Bin Li, University of Connecticut – 2015 
Gia Nardini, University of Florida – 2015 
Keith Smith, University of Georgia – 2015 
Niels Holtrop, University of Groningen – 2015 
Lili Zou, University of Hong Kong – 2015 
Anoosha Izadi, University of Houston – 2015 
Tatiana Barakshina, University of Illinois at Chicago – 2015 
Srinivas Venugopal, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign – 2015 
David Harman, University of Iowa – 2015 
Marija Grishin, University of Kansas – 2015 
Raymond Lavoie, University of Manitoba – 2015 
Seoungwoo Lee, University of Maryland – 2015 
Fatima Hajjat, University of Massachusetts Amherst – 2015 
Noah VanBergen, University of Miami – 2015 
Linda Hagen, University of Michigan – 2015 
Jennifer Stoner, University of Minnesota – 2015 
Katharine Howie, University of Mississippi – 2015 
Andrew Crecelius, University of Missouri – 2015 
Andrea Lynn Phillips, University of Nebraska-Lincoln – 2015 
Sumaiya Ahmed, University of New South Wales – 2015 
Farnoosh Khodakarami, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – 2015 
Olalekan (Ola) Seriki, University of Oklahoma – 2015 
Hu Xie, University of Oregon – 2015 
Alix Barasch, University of Pennsylvania – 2015 
Mark Bender, University of Pittsburgh – 2015 
Jingyi Duan, University of Rhode Island – 2015 
Bhoomija Ranjan, University of Rochester – 2015 
Rafay Siddiqui, University of South Carolina – 2015 
Alexander Kull, University of South Florida – 2015 
He (Michael) Jia, University of Southern California – 2015 
Nawar Chaker, University of Tennessee – 2015 
Devin Lunt, University of Texas at Arlington – 2015 
Jacob Suher, University of Texas at Austin – 2015 
Yiyi Li, University of Texas at Dallas – 2015 
Jorge Pena Marin, University of Texas at San Antonio – 2015 
Rob Waiser, University of Toronto – 2015 
Elham Yazdani, University of Utah – 2015 
Jane So, University of Washington – 2015 
Sunaina Velagaleti, University of Wisconsin-Madison – 2015 
Amita Bhadauria, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee – 2015 
Courtney Baker, University of Wyoming – 2015 
Rebecca Rabino, Virginia Tech – 2015 
Sky King, Washington State University – 2015 
Gabriela Tonietto, ashington University in St. Louis – 2015 
Alina Nastasoiu, Western University – 2015 
Navid Mojir, Yale University – 2015 
Sean Hingston, York University – 2015
Back to Top

2016: University of Notre Dame

Chethana Achar, University of Washington – 2016
Arvind Agrawal, University of Nebraska – Lincoln – 2016 
Md Al-Emran, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee – 2016 
Bj Allen, University of Texas – San Antonio – 2016 
Quentin Andre, INSEAD – 2016 
Lisa Beeler, University of Tennessee – 2016 
Chris Berry, University of Arkansas – 2016 
James Blair, University of Rhode Island – 2016 
Kristina Brecko, Stanford Graduate School of Business – 2016 
Mirja Bues, University of Muenster – 2016 
Federico Bumbaca, University of California – Irvine – 2016 
Kevin Chase, University of Kentucky – 2016 
Rui Chen, University of Georgia – 2016 
Chaoqun Chen, Northwestern University – 2016 
Jialie Chen, Cornell University – 2016 
Alex Cohen, Drexel University – 2016 
Josh Coleman, University of Memphis – 2016 
Alexander Davidson, Concordia University – 2016 
Ping Dong, University of Toronto – 2016 
Christilene Du Plessis, Rotterdam School of Management – 2016
Christian Eichert, Cass Business School, City University London – 2016 
René Eppmann, University of Cologne – 2016 
Larisa Ertekin, Texas A&M University – 2016 
Cong Feng, Syracuse University – 2016 
Liz Friedman, Yale – 2016 
Ashish Galande, Indian School of Business – 2016 
Gabriel Gazzoli, Oklahoma State University – 2016 
Fateme Ghadami, HEC Montreal – 2016 
Manpreet Gill, Pennsylvania State University – 2016 
Jamie Grigsby, Kent State University – 2016 
Yoonju Han, Indiana University – 2016 
Ceren Hayran, Koc University – 2016 
Li Huang, University of South Carolina – 2016 
Mariam Humayun, York University – 2016 
Cho Hyewon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – 2016 
Omar Itani, University of Texas – Arlington – 2016 
Gaurav Jain, University of Iowa – 2016 
Omid Kamran-Disfani, University of Missouri – 2016 
In Hye Kang, University of Maryland – 2016 
Pinar Kekec, Michigan State University – 2016 
Mansur Khamitov, Western University – 2016 
Salil Khetani, University Of Utah – 2016 
Junghyun Kim, Virginia Tech – 2016 
Tami Kim, Harvard Business School – 2016 
Soyoung Kim, University of Alberta – 2016 
Eunsoo Kim, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – 2016 
Kuan-Chou Ko, University of Illinois at Chicago – 2016 
Melika Kordrostami, Iowa State University – 2016 
Alena Kostyk, New Mexico State University – 2016 
Aleksandra Kovacheva, University of Pittsburgh – 2016 
Matthew Lastner, Louisiana State University – 2016 
Jennifer Lee, State University of New York –  Binghamton – 2016 
Hyeong-Tak Lee, University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill – 2016 
Sarah Lefebvre, University of Central Florida – 2016 
Yitian (Sky) Liang, Sauder School of Business – 2016 
Kristina Lindsey Hall, The University of Alabama – 2016 
Jia Liu, Columbia University – 2016 
Zhuping Liu, The University of Texas At Austin – 2016 
Shihhao Liu, Saint Louis University – 2016 
Andrew Long, University of Colorado, Boulder – 2016 
Chongyu Lu, University of British Columbia – 2016 
Thai Hai Duong Mac, ESSEC Business School – 2016 
Zachary Mendenhall, McGill University – 2016 
Yan Meng, Baruch College, the City University of New York – 2016 
Matthew Meng, Boston University Questrom School of Business – 2016 
Alex Mitchell, Queen’s University – 2016 
Lisa Monahan, University of South Florida – 2016 
Jihwan Moon, University of Florida – 2016 
Samuel Morgan, University of Miami – 2016 
Mehdi Nezami, HEC Paris – 2016 
Cameron Nicol, University of Mississippi – 2016 
Ga-Eun (Grace) Oh, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology – 2016 
Nicholas Olson, Carlson School of Management – 2016 
Max Pachali, Goethe University – 2016 
Anna Paley, New York University – 2016 
Anita Pansari, Georgia State University – 2016 
Hannah Perfecto, University of California – Berkeley – 2016 
Constant Pieters, Tilburg University – 2016 
Ruth Pogacar, University of Cincinnati – 2016
Vahid Rahmani, Old Dominion University – 2016 
Sebastian Sadowski, University of Groningen – 2016 
Ainslie Schultz, University of Arizona – 2016 
Marissa Sharif, UCLA Anderson School of Management – 2016 
Travis Simkins, University of Wyoming – 2016 
Andrey Simonov, University of Chicago – 2016 
Carrie Skinner, Florida State University – 2016 
Adam Smith, Ohio State University – 2016 
Meredith Thomas, University of Wisconsin- Madison – 2016 
Zahra Tohidinia, University of Connecticut – 2016 
Setiadi Umar, Rutgers – 2016 
Prasad Vana, London Business School – 2016 
Scott Wallace, Duke University – 2016 
Cindy Wang, University of Oregon – 2016 
TJ Weber, Washington State University – 2016 
Evan Weingarten, University of Pennsylvania – 2016 
Jun (Wendy) Yan, University of Manitoba – 2016 
Bicheng Yang, Washington University In St. Louis – 2016 
Bingqing (Miranda) Yin, University of Kansas – 2016 
Sangsuk Yoon, Temple University – 2016 
Xiaoqian Yu, University of Southern California – 2016 
Shaoling Zhang, University of Massachusetts Amherst – 2016 
Ke Zhang, The University of Hong Kong – 2016 
Mohammad Zia, The University of Texas At Dallas – 2016.
Back to Top​​

2017: University of Iowa

Annika Abell, University of South Florida – 2017
Mina Ameri, University of Texas at Dallas – 2017
Eda Anlamlier, University of Illinois at Chicago – 2017
Vivek Astvansh, Western University – 2017
Amin Attari, University of Kansas – 2017
Sara Baskentli, City University of New York – 2017
Carlos Bauer, University of Texas at San Antonio – 2017
Frank Beke, University of Groningen – 2017
Jason Bell, University of Iowa – 2017
Manuel Berkmann, University of Cologne – 2017
Raghu Bommaraju, University of Houston – 2017
Dominique Braxton, University of California- Irvine – 2017
Melanie Brucks, Stanford – 2017
Adam Cann, Texas Tech University – 2017
Xinyu Cao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2017
Melis Ceylan, Koc University – 2017
Yupeng Chen, University of Pennsylvania – 2017
JeeWon (Brianna) Choi, Georgia State University – 2017
Nivriti Chowdhry, Rice University – 2017
Qian (Claire) Deng, University of Alberta – 2017
Ryan Dew, Columbia University – 2017
Grant Donnelly, Harvard University – 2017
Jinzhao Du, Duke University – 2017
Kristen Duke, University of California – San Diego – 2017
Linying (Sophie) Fan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University – 2017
Hajar Fatemi, McGill University – 2017
Amir Fazli, University of Washington – 2017
Elena Fumagalli, HEC Paris – 2017
Prachi Gala, University of Mississippi – 2017
Alireza Golmohammadi, University of Arkansas – 2017
Lauren Grewal, University of Pittsburgh – 2017
Tong Guo, University of Michigan – 2017
Aditya Gupta, University of Nebraska-Lincoln – 2017
Jerry Han, University of Texas – 2017
Sharlene He, Northwestern University – 2017
Ganga Urumutta Hewage, University of Central Florida – 2017
Cony Ho, University of Cincinnati – 2017
Lu Huang, University of Connecticut – 2017
Yunhui Huang, Hong Kong University of Science and Tech – 2017
Subhash Jha, University of Memphis – 2017
Zhenling Jiang, Washington University in St. Louis – 2017
Marcia Kwaramba, Monash University – 2017
Justin Lawrence, University of Missouri – 2017
Mi Hyun Lee, Arizona State University – 2017
Na Young Lee, University of Tennessee – 2017
Wenjing Li, University of Kentucky – 2017
Jonathan Lim, University of California- Los Angeles – 2017
Aiqing Ling, INSEAD – 2017
Liu Liu, New York University – 2017
Shuya (Subrina) Lu, Louisiana State University – 2017
Zoe (Yue) Lu, University of Wisconsin- Madison – 2017
Matthew Lunde, University of Wyoming – 2017
Zecong Ma, Binghamton University, the State University – 2017
Ana Martinovici, Tilburg University – 2017
Stefan Mayer, Goethe University Frankfurt – 2017
Lauren Min, University of Colorado- Boulder – 2017
Shekhar Misra, Indiana University – 2017
Kimberley Mosher, Queen’s University – 2017
Guneet Kaur Nagpal, University of North Carolina – 2017
Dionne Nickerson, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2017
Eddie Ning, University of California, Berkeley – 2017
Luke Nowlan, University of Miami – 2017
Moussa Obeid, Wilfrid Laurier University – 2017
Hanyong Park, University of Texas at San Antonio – 2017
Jane Jeongin Park, University of Florida – 2017
Michael Pimentel, University of Alabama – 2017
Harrison Pugh, Florida State University – 2017
Hoori Rafieian, Drexel University – 2017
Reza Rajabi, University of Massachusetts Amherst – 2017
Shelly Rathee, University of Utah – 2017
Brandon Reich, University of Oregon – 2017
Maria Rodas, University of Minnesota – 2017
Alejandra Rodriguez, Oklahoma State University – 2017
Kevin Sample, University of Georgia – 2017
Anja Schanbacher, University of London – 2017
Franklin Shaddy, University of Chicago – 2017
Shervin Shahrokhi Tehrani, University of Toronto – 2017
Ali Shamsollahi, The University of Melbourne – 2017
June Shi, Carnegie Mellon University – 2017
Yoonji Shim, University of British Columbia – 2017
Hamid Shirdastian, Concordia University – 2017
Sharmistha Sikdar, Cornell University – 2017
Tracey Swartz, University of South Carolina – 2017
Jaclyn Tanenbaum, Florida International University – 2017
Lez Trujillo Torres, University of Illinois at Chicago – 2017
Kalinda Ukanwa, University of Maryland – 2017
Yasamin Vahdati, Oklahoma State University – 2017
Veronica Valli, University of Mannheim – 2017
Francesca Valsesia, University of Southern California – 2017
Luciana Velloso, York University – 2017
Daniel Villanova, Virginia Tech – 2017
Dian Wang, Texas A&M University – 2017
Feng (Joyce) Wang, Michigan State University – 2017
Peng Wang, University of Arizona – 2017
Jared Watson, University of Maryland – 2017
Juliana White, Louisiana State University – 2017
Sarah Whitley, Boston University – 2017
Zuhui Xiao, University of Minnesota – 2017
Lidan Xu, University of Illinois – 2017
Ning Ye, Temple University – 2017
Kelly Yoon, University of California- Irvine – 2017
Yanfen You, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee – 2017
Jungju Yu, Yale – 2017
Daniel Zane, The Ohio State University – 2017
Xianfang Zeng, University of Calgary – 2017
Wanqing Zhang, Purdue University – 2017
Yifan Zhang, Pennsylvania State University – 2017
Ning Zhong, Emory University – 2017
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2018: University of Leeds

Dinara Akchurina, INSEAD – 2018
Julian Allendorf, University of Muenster – 2018
Jiyoon An, University of Rhode Island – 2018
Ankit Anand, Georgia State University – 2018
Robert Arias, University of Illinois, Urbana – Champaign – 2018
Jessica Babin, University of Georgia – 2018
Ying Bao, University of Toronto – 2018
Zhiling Bei, University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill – 2018
Luxi Chai, University of Kansas – 2018
Koblarp Chandrasapth, Newcastle University Business School – 2018
Aaron Charlton, University of Oregon – 2018
Shirley Chen, University of Alberta – 2018
Ruolan Chen, Aston University – 2018
Qian Chen, Penn State University – 2018
Katherine Crain, Duke University – 2018
Xuebin Cui, Tsinghua University – 2018
Filippo Dall’Olio, McGill University – 2018
Michelle Daniels, Arizona State University – 2018
Gabriela Dlugolecka, University of Strathclyde – 2018
Ismail Erzurumlu, Koc University – 2018
Derek Ezell, The University of Mississippi – 2018
Xiaomeng Fan, Northwestern University – 2018
Amy Fehl, Oklahoma State University – 2018
Xiaoyi Gao, University of California, Irvine – 2018
Tessa Garcia-Collart, Florida International University – 2018
Elham Ghazimatin, The University of Melbourne – 2018
Verdiana Giannetti, Bocconi University – 2018
Julian Givi Carnegie, Mellon University – 2018
Matthew Godfrey, University of Arizona – 2018
Shreyans Goenka, Cornell University – 2018
Megan Good, New Mexico State University – 2018
Valerie Good, Michigan State University – 2018
Dafna Goor, Harvard Business School – 2018
Xian Gu,University of Maryland – College Park – 2018
Yegyu Han – 2018
Kyuhong Han, Rice University – 2018
Tim Hilken, Maastricht University – 2018
Brady Hodges, Texas A&M University – 2018
Christian Hughes, University of Pittsburgh – 2018
Reika Igarashi, Leeds Univeresity Business School – 2018
Yangyang Jiang, The University of Nottingham – 2018
Ping-Jen Kao, University of Warwick – 2018
Raghabendra Kc, Cambridge Judge Business School – 2018
Corinne Kelley, Florida State University – 2018
Minkyung Kim, Yale University – 2018
Baek Jung Kim, New York University – 2018
Hyowon Kim, Ohio State University – 2018
Kaeun Kim, University of Massachusetts Amherst – 2018
Suh Yeon Kim, Emory University – 2018
Sarah Koecher, TU Dortmund University – 2018
Masha Ksendzova, Boston University – 2018
Arash Laghaie, Goethe University Frankfurt – 2018
Hyunhwan Lee, University of Miami – 2018
Hyejin Lee, Indiana University – 2018
Eugina Leung, Rotterdam School of Management – 2018
Linyi Li, University of Utah – 2018
Charis Li, University of Florida – 2018
Yuan Li, University of Texas – San Antonio – 2018
Chenxi Liao, The University of Texas At Dallas – 2018
Yeji Lim, University of Missouri – Columbia – 2018
Tesary Lin, University of Chicago – 2018
Iana Lukina, University Of South Florida – 2018
Justin McManus, University of Guelph – 2018
Wei Miao, National University of Singapore – 2018
Jordan Moffett, Louisiana State University – 2018
Satadruta Mookherjee, Binghamton University – 2018
Sungkyun Moon, Singapore Management University – 2018
Sourjo Mukherjee, ESSEC Business School France – 2018
Jayant Nasa, Indian School of Business – 2018
Peter Nguyen, Western University – 2018
Thao Phuong Nguyen, City University of London – 2018
Michael O’Donnell, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business – 2018
Sarah Oufan, Cardiff University – 2018
Nicolas Padilla, Columbia Business School – 2018
Yang Pan, University of Iowa – 2018
Taehoon Park, University of South Carolina – 2018
Evgeny Pavlov, University of Washington – 2018
Nandini Ramani, University of Texas – Austin – 2018
Suzanne Rath, Queen’s University – 2018
Parichehr Riahi Pour, University of Glasgow – 2018
Ana Scekic, HEC Paris – 2018
Nicola Schweitzer, Universität St. Gallen – 2018
Li Shaobo Nanyang, Technological University – 2018
Jackie Silverman, University of Pennsylvania – 2018
Miremad Soleymanian, University of British Columbia – 2018
Jiaqi Song, Hong Kong Polytechnic University – 2018
Samuel Stäbler, University of Cologne – 2018
Astrid Stubbe, Tilburg University – 2018
Derek Theriault, Concordia University – 2018
Min Tian, University of Wisconsin-Madison – 2018
Artem Timoshenko, MIT Sloan School of Management – 2018
Annette Tower, University of Tennessee – Knoxville – 2018
Thi Thanh Huong Tran, IESEG School of Management – 2018
Emily Treen, Simon Fraser University – 2018
Sevincgul Ulu, Rutgers University – 2018
Shashank Vaid, Employer/Institution – 2018
Martine Van Der Heide, University of Groningen – 2018
Julia von Schuckmann, ESADE Business School – 2018
Tiffany Vu, University of Michigan – 2018
Ruitong Wang, University of Minnesota – 2018
Qingtao Wang, City University of Hong Kong – 2018
Qizhou Wang, University of Connecticut – 2018
Shi Wang, HKUST – 2018
Zhen Yang, Drexel University – 2018
Alex (yao) Yao, University of Southern California – 2018
Daniel Yavorsky, University of California, Los Angeles – 2018
Jessica Yu, Stanford – 2018
Alexander Ziegler, University of Kentucky – 2018
Tianxin Zou, Washington University In St. Louis – 2018
Back to Top​​

2019: New York University

Nukhet Agar, York University – 2019
Bitty Balducci, University of Missouri – 2019
Shrabastee Banerjee, Boston University – 2019
Aaron Barnes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – 2019
Jonathan Beck, Michigan State University – 2019
Malek Ben Sliman, Columbia University – 2019
Suzanne Bies, Tilburg University – 2019
Benjamin Borenstein, University of Miami – 2019
Molly Burchett, University of Kentucky – 2019
Christopher Cannon, Northwestern University – 2019
Jingcun Cao, Indiana University – 2019
Rhia Catapano, Stanford University – 2019
Ashley (Deutsch) Cermin, University of Arkansas – 2019
Rebecca Chae, University of Michigan
Lagnajita Chatterjee, University of Illinois at Chicago – 2019
Jinjie (J.J.) Chen, University of Minnesota – 2019
Yixing Chen, Texas A&M University – 2019
John Costello, The Ohio State University – 2019
Chu (Ivy) Dang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong – 2019
Jennifer D’Angelo, University of Southern California – 2019
Kimberly Duval, Concordia University – 2019
Tojin Thomas Eapen, University of North Carolina – 2019
Jia (Phyliss) Gai, Erasmus University – 2019
Ximena Garcia-Rada, Harvard University – 2019
Daniel Grossman, University of Cincinnati – 2019
Kelley Gullo, Duke University – 2019
Debjit Gupta, Virginia Tech – 2019
Nazli Gurdamar Okutor, London Business School – 2019
Matthew Hall, University of Nebraska – Lincoln – 2019
Cheng He, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2019
Dongjin He, Hong Kong Polytechnic University – 2019
Jillian Hmurovic, University of Pittsburgh
Chuck Howard, University of British Columbia – 2019
Bingyan Hu, University of Iowa – 2019
Nhaid Ibrahim, University of Alberta – 2019
Saeed Janani, Arizona State University – 2019
Eun-Young Jang, Oklahoma State University – 2019
Elicia John, University of California, Los Angeles – 2019
Aziza Jones, Rutgers University – 2019
Sriharsha Kamatham, The University of Texas at Dallas – 2019
Mustafa Karatas, Koç University – 2019
Danny Jm Kim, University at Buffalo – 2019
Min Kim, University of Maryland – 2019
Yewon Kim, University of Chicago – 2019
Yijin Kim, Carnegie Mellon University – 2019
Yongseok Kim, University of Texas at San Antonio – 2019
Sona Klucarova-Travani, University of Central Florida – 2019
Peng-Yam (Alfred) Koh, Singapore Management University – 2019
Christina Kuchmaner, Kent State University – 2019
Smriti Kumar, University of Massachusetts – Amherst – 2019
Avishek Lahiri, Georgia State University – 2019
Kristen Lane, University of Arizona – 2019
Hsin-Yi Liao, University of Texas at Arlington – 2019
Allie Lieberman, University of California, San Diego – 2019
Sarah Lim, Cornell University – 2019
Yizhe Lin, University of Calgary – 2019
Jessie z. Liu, University of Pennsylvania – 2019
Joyce (Jingshi) Liu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) – 2019
Xueying Liu, Rice University – 2019
Jennifer Locander, University of Mississippi – 2019
Lucas Lunt, Texas Tech University – 2019
Bowen Luo, University of Rochester – 2019
Alican Mecit, HEC Paris – 2019
Buffy Mosley, Emory University – 2019
Javad Mousavi, University of Kansas – 2019
Sotires Pagiavlas, University of South Carolina – 2019
Sung-Hee Wendy Paik, University of Oregon – 2019
Shirish Panchal, Wilfrid Laurier University – 2019
Yi Peng, University of Alabama – 2019
Justin Pomerance, University of Colorado, Boulder – 2019
Omid Rafieian Koopaie, University of Washington – 2019
Amin Rostami, Iowa State University – 2019
Joseph Ryoo, University of Western Ontario – 2019
Daniela Schmitt, University of Mannheim – 2019
Ilana Shanks, Florida State University – 2019
Seong Kyoung Shin, Purdue University – 2019
Alexey Sinyashin, University of California, Berkeley – 2019
Leah Smith, University of Tennessee – 2019
Rusty Stough, University of Wisconsin-Madison – 2019
Minjee Sun, University of Toronto – 2019
Teodora Szabo-Douat, City University of New York, Baruch – 2019
Ngoc (Rita) To, University of Houston – 2019
Siliang (Jack) Tong, Temple University – 2019
Marton Varga, INSEAD – 2019
Guy Voichek, Yale University – 2019
Gabriela Alves Werb, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt – 2019
Julian Wichmann, University of Cologne – 2019
Gretchen Wilroy, Pennsylvania State University – 2019
Man Xie, University of Florida – 2019
Li Yan, Monash University – 2019
Erich (Zheshuai) Yang, National University of Singapore – 2019
Heeyoung Yoon, New York University – 2019
Shuyi Yu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 2019
Grace F. Yu-Buck, University of Utah – 2019
Mariella C. Zavala, University of California, Irvine – 2019
Junzhou (Jonas) Zhang, Old Dominion University – 2019
Peng (Vincent) Zhang, University of Georgia – 2019
Jianqing (Frank) Zheng, University of Texas at Austin – 2019
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2020/21: University of Indiana

Ravi Agrawal, University of Nebraska Lincoln – 2021
Gwen Ahn, University of Michigan – 2021
Nazli Alagöz, Tilburg University – 2021
Divya Anand, University of Missouri – 2021
Mimansa Bairathi, London Business School – 2021
Andreas Bayerl, University of Mannheim Business School – 2021
Yiqun Cao, MIT – 2021
Sylvia Chang, University of Washington – 2021
Yuqian Chang, Rutgers Business School – 2021
Lennay Chapman, Baruch College, CUNY – 2021
Danli Chen, Louisiana State University – 2021
Han Chen, Fox School of Business, Temple University – 2021
Tianqi Chen, Boston University – 2021
Victor Chernetsky, Michigan State University – 2021
Martina Cossu, Bocconi University – 2021
David DeFranza, University of Utah – 2021
Chenchen Di, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign – 2021
Kristin Donnelly, University of California, Berkeley – 2021
Nofar Duani, NYU Stern – 2021
Charles Ebert, Cambridge Judge Business School – 2021
Andrew Edelblum, Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon – 2021
Matt Farmer, University of Arizona – 2021
Kristen Ferguson, University of Connecticut – 2021
Mohsen Foroughifar, University of Toronto/Rotman School of Management – 2021
Ariel Fridman, UC San Diego – 2021
Ayan Ghosh Dastidar, Georgia State University – 2021
Sam Goldberg, Northwestern University – 2021
Sayan Gupta, University of Pittsburgh – 2021
Minju Han, Yale University – 2021
Ashley Hass, Texas Tech University – 2021
Sherry He, UCLA Anderson School of Management – 2021
Yuly Hong, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2021
Stephen Hood, Virginia Tech – 2021
Jiangang Huang, University of Mississippi – 2021
Serim Hwang, Carnegie Mellon University – 2021
Taehoon Im, Rice University – 2021
Jianna Jin, The Ohio State University – 2021
Wooyong Jo, Emory – 2021
Alicia Johnson, University of Arkansas – 2021
Ross Johnson, University of Alabama – 2021
Preetinder Kaur, Iowa State University – 2021
Minjoo Kim, Oklahoma State University – 2021
Youngtak Kim, University of Georgia -2021
Xinyao Kong, University of Chicago – 2021
Andreas Kraft, The University of Texas at Austin – 2021
Ben Lee, Indiana University – 2021
Nah Lee Fuqua School of Business, Duke University – 2021
Sunme Lee University of Iowa 2021
Deniz Lefkeli Koç University 2021
Ruoou Li University of South Carolina 2021
Zhe Lin National University of Singapore 2021
Mengmeng Liu The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2021
Savisesh Malampallayil Binghamton University, SUNY 2021
Andre Martin Flagler Business School at UNC 2021
Nathanael Martin University of Cincinnati 2021
Chance McCullough University of Kentucky 2021
Joel Mohr Queen’s University 2021
Arnaud Monnier Cornell University 2021
Seyedjavad Mousavi University of Kansas 2021
Cheryl-lyn Ngoh Kent State University 2021
Mrudul Nilangekar University of Central Florida 2021
Nea North University of California, Irvine 2021
Ekin Ok University of British Columbia 2021
Jen Park Stanford University / Graduate School of Business 2021
Lane Peterson Florida State University 2021
Martina Pocchiari Rotterdam School of Management 2021
Mohsen Pourmasoudi University of Houston 2021
Emily Prinsloo Harvard University, Harvard Business School 2021
Kun Qian University of Texas at Dallas 2021
Priya Rangaswamy Texas A&M University 2021
Franziska Schmid Pennsylvania State University 2021
Rumela Sengupta University of Illinois at Chicago 2021
Nuket Serin Florida International University 2021
Ike Silver University of Pennsylvania 2021
Tanya Singh John Molson School of Business, Concordia University 2021
Camilla (Eunyoung) Song University of Florida 2021
Gulay Taltekin Guzel Schulich School of Business, York University 2021
Yegor Tkachenko Columbia Business School 2021
Geoff Tomaino INSEAD 2021
Isamar Troncoso University of Southern California 2021
Helen van der Sluis Arizona State University 2021
Poornima Vinoo Ivey Business School, Western University 2021
Chutian Wang University of Maryland 2021
Hao Wang University of South Florida 2021
Meng Wang Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2021
Roman Welden University of Tennessee 2021
Kaiyang Wu University of Wisconsin-Madison 2021
Ying Ying Xue Singapore Management University 2021
Shunyao Yan Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany 2021
Yi Yin University of Texas at San Antonio 2021
Tianjiao Yu Washington U – St Louis 2021
Guang Zeng Simon Business School, University of Rochester 2021
Wanyi Zheng The University of Hong Kong/HKU Business School 2021
Lei Zhuang University of Minnesota 2021
Deborah Abrams Georgia Institute of Technology 2020
Amit Agarwal Georgia State University 2020
G. Ceren (Gerry) Aksu Rutgers University 2020
Christopher Amaral Queen’s University 2020
Piyush Anand Cornell University 2020
Kelley Anderson Texas Tech University 2020
Natasha Bhatia Northwestern University 2020
Ganeay (Gunes) Biliciler University of Texas at Austin 2020
Gizem Ceylan University of Southern California 2020
Ishita Chakraborty Yale University 2020
Daniel Chavez University of Kentucky 2020
Jia Chen University of Illinois at Chicago 2020
Yunqing Chen The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2020
Yuna Choe Texas A&M University 2020
Kate Christensen UCLA Anderson School of Management 2020
Anwesha De Indiana University 2020
David Defranza University of Utah 2020
Ipek Demirdag UCLA 2020
Yu Ding Columbia University 2020
Joshua Egbuka Missouri 2020
Omid Elmi The University of Texas at Dallas 2020
Brianna Escoe University of Cincinnati 2020
William Fritz University of Oxford 2020
Maximilian Gaerth University of Mannheim 2020
John Galvan University of Mississippi 2020
Debashish Ghose Temple University 2020
Pushpinder Gill Iowa State University 2020
Selin Goksel London Business School 2020
Ali Goli University of Chicago 2020
Sarah Grace University of Arkansas 2020
Oden Groth Baruch College, CUNY 2020
Bingxuan Guo University of Texas at San Antonio 2020
Muge Guzel Koc University 2020
Rishad Habib University of British Columbia 2020
Serena Hagerty Harvard Business School 2020
Dominik Hettich Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany 2020
Holly Howe Fuqua School at Duke University 2020
Liang Huang University of Arizona 2020
Taegyu Hur The Ohio State University 2020
Kaushik Jayaram University of Georgia 2020
Vincent Jeseo Louisiana State University 2020
Shreya Kankanhalli Stanford University 2020
Vahid Karimi Motahhar University of Iowa 2020
Byungyeon Kim Harvard University 2020
Da Young Kim Emory University 2020
Dongeun Kim University of Iowa 2020
Jessica Kim University of California San Diego 2020
Jisu Kim University of Washington 2020
Junha Kim The Ohio State University 2020
Nicole Kim University of Maryland 2020
Argiro Kliamenakis Concordia University 2020
Rebecca Krause Northwestern University 2020
Riley Krotz Univ. Tennessee 2020
Madhav Kumar MIT 2020
Xing Lan University of Texas at Austin 2020
Chang-Yuan Lee Boston University 2020
Jieun Lee University of Connecticut 2020
June Lee McGill University 2020
Ying Ying Li Oklahoma State University 2020
Nicholas Light University of Colorado Boulder 2020
Yufan Lin University of Missouri- Columbia 2020
Claire Linares HEC Paris 2020
Fatemehalsadat Madani Monash University 2020
Suyun Mah Indiana University 2020
Nikhil Malik Carnegie Mellon University 2020
KT Manis Texas Tech University 2020
Sean Melessa University of Wisconsin – Madison 2020
Michael Moorhouse Ivey Business School, Western University 2020
Anastasia Nanni Bocconi University 2020
Hyewon Oh University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2020
Alec Pappas Florida State University 2020
Hyewon Park University of California, Irvine 2020
Sang Kyu Park University of Florida 2020
Paul Parker INSEAD 2020
Yi Peng Singapore Management University 2020
Emily Powell NYU Stern School of Business 2020
Nick Pretnar Carnegie Mellon University 2020
Prashant Rajaram University of Michigan 2020
Iman Raoofpanah Kent State University 2020
Saurabh Rawal University of Alberta 2020
Shana Redd Michigan State University 2020
Julia Reinhard University of Cologne 2020
Gustavo Schneider University of South Carolina 2020
Aysu Senyuz University of Central Florida 2020
Steve Shaw University of Michigan 2020
Qiaoni Shi University of Pittsburgh 2020
Khimendra Singh University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2020
Shilpa Somraj University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2020
Katie Spangenberg University of Washington 2020
Emanuela Stagno BI Norwegian Business School 2020
Anshu Suri HEC Montréal 2020
Jasper Hong Jun Teow National University of Singapore 2020
Patricia Torres Gouveia Florida International University 2020
Srinivas Tunuguntla University of Wisconsin-Madison 2020
Esther Uduehi University of Pennsylvania 2020
Kimberley Van Der Heijden Maastricht University 2020
Karen Wallach Emory University 2020
Qin Wang Arizona State University 2020
Qiyuan Wang University of British Columbia 2020
Ryan Wang University of Minnesota 2020
Yijie Wang Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2020
Nathan Warren University of Oregon 2020
Phillip Wiseman University of Houston 2020
Vivian (Jieru) Xie Virginia Tech 2020
Haiyue (Felix) Xu Penn State 2020
Lina Xu New Mexico State University 2020
Gizem Yalcin Erasmus University 2020
Jeremy Yang MIT 2020
Li Yang Rice University, Houston, TX 2020
Jesse Yao University of California, Berkeley 2020
Yunlu Yin The University of Hong Kong 2020
Zhihao (Max) Yu University of South Florida 2020
Mengxia Zhang University of Southern California 2020
Qianyun (Poppy) Zhang New York University 2020
Clarice Zhao University of Toronto 2020
Shengyu Zhu University of Rochester 2020

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2022: University of Texas at Austin

Felipe M. Affonso, University of Florida 2022
Huwail Alantari, University of California Irvine 2022
Max Alberhasky, University of Texas Austin 2022
Ali Anwar, Wilfrid Laurier University 2022
Mimansa Matthe, London Business School 2022
Akshina Banerjee, Univresity of Chicago 2022
Alberto Barchettiv, University of Cincinnati 2022
Jenna Barrett, Maastricht University 2022
Benjamin Beck, Penn State University 2022
Xinghui Chen, University at Buffalo, SUNY 2022
Shiyun Chen, University of Iowa 2022
Qihui Chen, University of Maryland 2022
Jangwon Choi, University of Michigan 2022
Amrita Dey, University of Utah 2022
Rodrigo da Silva Dias, Duke University 2022
Annie Ding, University of Western Ontario 2022
David Dolifka, University of California, Los Angeles 2022
Rui Du, Stanford University 2022
Rowan El-Bialy, York University 2022
Cai Feng, Simon Frasier University 2022
Alexander Fulmer, Yale University 2022
Xiaoru Gao, Rutgers University 2022
Lars Gemmer, University of Cologne 2022
Selin Goksel, London Business School 2022
George Gui, Stanford University 2022
Xiaowei Guo, Kent State University 2022
Jihyeon Ha, Emory University 2022
Bita Hajihashemi, University of Washington 2022
Rachel Hochstein, Florida State University 2022
Brandon Holle, Michigan State University 2022
Milad Hour, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee 2022
Tsung Yiou, Hsieh University of Houston 2022
Xixi Hu, University of British Columbia 2022
Elina Hur, Cornell University 2022
Na Kyong Hyun, Georgia Tech University 2022
Pradeep Jacob, Arizona State University 2022
Khalia Jenkins, University of South Florida 2022
Zhenyu Jin, University of South Carolina 2022
SungJin Jung, INSEAD 2022
Wonsuk Jung, University of Wisconsin Madison 2022
Ashok Kumar Kaliyamurthy, University of Arizona 2022
Sahoon Kim, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 2022
Carissa Kim, University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2022
Jong Yeob Kim, New York University 2022
Ye Kim, University of South Florida 2022
Mingyung Kim, University of Pennsylvania 2022
Summer Kim, University of Kansas 2022
Malika Korganbekova, Northwestern University 2022
Theresa Kwon, University of Pittsburgh 2022
Edward Yuhang Lai, University of Vermont 2022
Maria Langlois, INSEAD 2022
Luciano Lapa, Indiana University 2022
Sam Levy, Carnegie Mellon University 2022
Claire Linares, HEC Paris 2022
Josh Lundberg, University of Kentucky 2022
Giulia Maimone, University of California, San Diego
David Mathis, University of Alabama 2022
Maximilian Matthe, Goethe University Frankfurt 2022
Matt Meister, University of Colorado 2022
Shashi Minchael, University of Texas Arlington 2022
Rajan Mishra, Purdue University 2022
Pubali Mukherjee, Binghamton University, SUNY 2022
Aybike Mutluoglu, Queens University 2022
Jimin Nam, Harvard University 2022
Vivek Nandur, University of Toronto 2022
Mike Nguyen, University of Missouri 2022
Thanh (Hans) Nguyen, Oklahoma State University 2022
Shin Oblander, Columbia University 2022
Ezgi Ozgen, Koc University 2022
Aashish Pandey, University of Arkansas 2022
Jasmine Parajuli, University of Mississippi 2022
Alexander Park, Washington University in St. Louis 2022
Andrea Pelaez-Martinez, Baruch College, CUNY 2022
Pallav Routh, University of Texas San Antonio 2022
Arani Roy, McGill University 2022
Siavash Rashidi Sabet, Texas Tech University 2022
Mohammad Saljoughian, University of Tennessee 2022
Vaidyanathan Viswanathan Saunak, Temple University 2022
Sphurti Sewak, Florida International University 2022
Muzeeb Shaik, Texas A&M University College Station 2022
Emily Shay, Georgia State University 2022
Liang Shen, University of Cincinnati 2022
Lulu Shi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2022
Elisa Solinas, University of Southern California 2022
Julie Su, Louisiana State University 2022
Yuanchen Su, University of Minnesota 2022
Thyagarajan Subramanian, University of Texas Dallas 2022
Rahul Suhag, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 2022
Jennifer Sun, Columbia University 2022
Anna Tari, Boston University 2022
Lan Anh Ton, University of Georgia 2022
Mariya Topchy, University of Connecticut 2022
Chi Tran, University of Oregon 2022
Tu Tu, Iowa State University 2022
Joep van der Plas, Tilburg University 2022
Rory Waisman, University of Alberta 2022
Ruiqi Wu, University of Rochester 2022
Xuan Xie, University of California, Irvine 2022
Vincentia Yuen, University of Miami 2022
Camilla Zallot, Erasmus University 2022
Judy Zhang, Ohio State University 2022
Fan Zhang, University of California, Berkeley 2022
Yunhao Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2022
Jintao Zhang, Drexel University 2022

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BI Norwegian Business School

Almira Abilova, Erasmus University 2023
Oscar Ahlberg, Aalto University 2023
Benedikt Alberternst, Freie Universität Berlin 2023
Nilusha Aliman, University of Muenster 2023
Jennifer Allen, MIT Sloan School 2023
Eunkyung An, New York University 2023
Kevin Barrera, Georgia State University 2023
Maximilian Beichert, University of Mannheim 2023
Georgios Bekos, University of Manchester 2023
Elena Bocchi, City University of London 2023
Jan Oskar Bolin, Norwegian School of Economics NHH 2023
Sai Chand Chintala, Cornell University 2023
Mia (Zixuan) Cheng, King’s College London 2023
Kalynn Coy, University of Missouri 2023
Marina Cozac, Florida State University 2023
Nicole Davis, University of Georgia 2023
Hong Deng, Erasmus University 2023
Wanjiang Deng, National University of Singapore 2023
Tim Derksen, University of Alberta 2023
Barbara Duffek, Imperial College Business School 2023
Matthias Eggenschwiler, University of St. Gallen 2023
Mahsa Faridmehr, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 2023
David Finken, University of Lucerne 2023
Phil Flores, Lund University 2023
Md Fourkan, Kent State University 2023
Hongyu Fu, Purdue University 2023
Robina Ghosh, The University of Texas at Austin 2023
Fahmi Grey, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 2023
Richard Grice, INSEAD 2023
Yafei Guo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2023
Yuqi Guo, Tilburg University 2023
Amie Gustafsson, Karlstad University 2023
Todd Haderlie, Florida International University 2023
Cory Haltman, The Ohio State University 2023
John Han, McGill University 2023
Nasim Ul Haque, The University of Melbourne 2023
Jana Holthöwer, University of Groningen 2023
David (Ta-Wei) Huang, Harvard University (HBS) 2023
Mohamed Hussein, Stanford University 2023
Aleksandra Jbara, BI Norwegian Business School 2023
Michael Jenkins, University of Kentucky 2023
Junqiu Jiang, Singapore Management University 2023
Lukas Jürgensmeier, Goethe University Frankfurt 2023
Sushma Kambagowni, University of Pittsburgh 2023
Seo Yoon Kang, University at Buffalo 2023
Donggwan Kim, Washington University in St. Louis 2023
Kyu Ree Kim, Indiana University 2023
Pureum Kim, University of Arizona 2023
Sanghwa Kim, University of Maryland 2023
Seungeun (Sonia) Kim, Columbia Uninversity 2023
Woocheol Kim, University of Oregon 2023
Diogo Koch Da Costa, Baruch College, CUNY 2023
Sakshi Korde, Wilfrid Laurier University 2023
Laura Lavertu, University of Edinburgh 2023
Seung Yoon Lee, Yale University 2023
Xiaojie Li, University of Rochester 2023
Yanyan Li, University of Southern California 2023
Georgia Liadeli, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2023
Lingyu Lin, Nanyang Technological University 2023
Chaoran Liu, London Business School 2023
Ruhan Liu, Peking University 2023
Zhou Luying, University of South-Eastern Norway 2023
Jareef Martuza, Norwegian School of Economics 2023
Jin Miao, University of Texas at Dallas 2023
Chau Minh Nguyen, HEC Montréal 2023
Amrita Mitra, Western University 2023
Aybike Mutluoglu, Queen’s University 2023
Kristina Nadricka, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2023
Neha Nair, University of California Los Angeles 2023
Huong Nguyen, Stockholm School of Economics 2023
Olesia Nikulina, Maastricht University 2023
Maria Ortiz, Concordia University 2023
Onur Osmanoglu, Koç University 2023
Graham Overton, Bocconi University 2023
Anne-Charlotte, Paas Karlstad University 2023
Ripinka Patil, Louisiana State University 2023
Durgesh Pattanayak, University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2023
Priscilla Peña, University of Rhode Island 2023
Bhavna Phogaat, University of South Carolina 2023
Philip Pollmann-Schweckhorst, University of Cologne 2023
Bryce Pyrah, University of Iowa 2023
Matilde Rapezzi, University of Bologna 2023
Vasavi Rayachoty, University of Arkansas 2023
William Ryan, University of California, Berkeley 2023
Kyungin Ryu, University of Massachusetts Amherst 2023
Soo Yon Ryu, University of Florida 2023
Serkan Saka, University of Illinois Chicago 2023
Jennifer Sedgewick, York University 2023
Ksenia Sergueeva, Drexel University 2023
Tongyao Shen, Penn State University 2023
Zhengyu Shi, The University of Hong Kong 2023
Garrett Shipley, University of Tennessee–Knoxville 2023
Justin Sieow, University of Connecticut 2023
Sonam Singh, University of Texas at San Antonio 2023
Evy Smith, University of Washington 2023
YoungOk (Sunny) Song, Oklahoma State University 2023
Anna Stepanova, BI Norwegian Business School 2023
Xiaolei Su, City University of Hong Kong 2023
Yeonjin (Jin) Sung, University of Michigan 2023
Merve Uzunogullari, Georgia Institute of Technology 2023
Rajita Varma, Indian School of Business 2023
Hong Wang, University of Hawaii at Manoa 2023
Jiaqian Wang, Northwestern University 2023
Tongxi Wang, University of Alabama 2023
Xuewen Wang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2023
Zining Wang, University of British Columbia 2023
Rita Winborne, University of North Carolina–Charlotte 2023
Michael Wu, Michigan State University 2023
Dan Xie, HEC Paris 2023
Qi Xie, University of Minnesota 2023
Boya Xu, Duke University 2023
Taotao Ye, Texas A&M University 2023
Angela Yi, Virginia Tech 2023
Ying Zeng, University of Toronto 2023
Jean Zhang, University of California San Diego 2023
Walter Zhang, University of Chicago 2023
Pu Zhao, Boston University 2023
Xiang Zhou, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2023
Xiajing Zhu, University of California Irvine 2023
Johanna Zimmermann, University of Passau 2023

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