Colorado State University

Portland State University

University of Washington

University of Oklahoma
The 2023 Stern Award Committee, chaired by Alok Kumar (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and including David Griffith (Texas A&M University) and George John (University of Minnesota), is pleased to announce that Jonathan Zhang, George F. Watson IV, Robert W. Palmatier, and the late Rajiv Dant as winners of the 2023 Louis W. Stern Award. Their winning article, “Dynamic Relationship Marketing,” was published in the September 2016 issue of Journal of Marketing.
The judging criteria were the quality of the data, the originality of the theorizing, and the impact (citations) to date.
The committee unanimously agreed that the article is an outstanding example of novel and well-executed research that has made a significant contribution to the field of interorganizational relationship research. Specifically, the committee commented that:
This high-quality article has significantly impacted the B2B relationship marketing literature. The authors theoretically and empirically demonstrate that three positive (exploration, endowment, and recovery) and two negative (neglect and betrayal) relationship migration mechanisms capture movement across four different relationship states. They conclude that relationship marketing strategies are state specific, thereby deepening our understanding of the theoretical and practical nuances to relationship marketing strategies.
The Interorganizational SIG‘s Louis W. Stern Award was established by Louis W. and Rhona L. Stern in 1999 through the American Marketing Association Foundation. The award recognizes an outstanding article published in a widely recognized and highly respected refereed journal that has made a significant contribution to the literature on marketing and channels of distribution between three and eight calendar years after publication.
The IOSIG thanks everyone who took the time to nominate and vote for articles for the 2023 Louis W. Stern Award and especially appreciates all the work the award committee put into selecting the winning article.
The article will be honored at the Summer AMA Academic Conference.