Category: Marketing Research
Weitz-Winer-O’Dell Award Winners
Eric Anderson, Song Lin, Duncan Simester, and Catherine Tucker have won the 2020Award for their JMR article “Harbingers of Failure”
journalsResearch Practices of Marketing Academics
If you have not already done so, Scott Wright and Joseph Goodman ask that you spend a few minutes providing your opinion on mTurk and related resources
revisitsMarketing Science 2020
ISMS; Duke University, 10-13 Jun 2020; is cancelled but hold the dates for a potential virtual version
calls-conferencesSelf-Administered Questionnaires
Novel Approaches for Improving Data Quality, Special issue of International Journal of Market Research; Deadline 30 Sep
calls-journalsResearch Practices of Marketing Academics
Scott Wright and Joseph Goodman invite you to take part in a survey on the opinions and research practices of marketing academics. Respondents are entered into a drawing to win a $200 Amazon gift card.