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Why You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy

Why You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy

hand pointing at digital marketing icons

Every organization, regardless of industry or size, should have a digital marketing strategy. You already know why marketing is important for your business, and digital is an essential component of your overall marketing strategy. A digital content strategy is what will inform your marketing plan and outline how you will reach your marketing goals. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy that every business can use. The best digital strategies are completely unique to the business at hand.

What Is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

At its most basic, the concept of digital marketing is to create content, publish content, and amplify content. This means that a digital marketing strategy involves selecting digital channels to share this content. It will also define the specific goals you want to meet with this strategy.

Running a campaign without a clear strategy in place would be similar to visiting a new city without a GPS. You will likely make a number of wrong turns, which results in a much longer route to get where you wanted to go. Before you take any kind of trip, you probably create an itinerary. That way, you know you will make the most of your time and your budget. You should do the same with digital marketing.

Benefits of a Digital Content Strategy

Research has shown that organizations that have a clear marketing plan and regularly measure their results see 60% faster growth than those without a strategy.

No. 1: A Digital Strategy Gives You Direction and Goals

Organizations that have not outlined a digital strategy lack a clear picture of what they want to do online and how they will achieve those goals. Without having clear goals, it’s difficult to know exactly what your purpose is online. Creating this strategy helps you answer critical questions about your strategy and how to sell to your audience. It will also help you determine what benchmarks you want to hit and when. This ensures that your marketing tactics always stay on target and on goal.

No. 2: Your Consumers are Online

As a marketer, you want to reach people where they are. In today’s world, that is online. The vast majority of consumers are consuming content online, on their phone, laptop, desktop, smart TV, and many other devices. Since this is where they are spending most of their time, it makes sense that it is where you want to target them. Having a clearly defined strategy will help you reach your audience more effectively. This is because you will be using the platforms that they prefer. If you aren’t meeting your audience where they are, another company will.

No. 3: Digital is Easy to Track and Monitor

It is often difficult to track the efficacy of traditional marketing strategies. This is not a problem with digital marketing. You can easily receive an accurate measure of ROI for each digital channel you use. You will also be able to see how your audience reacts to each campaign. For example, you can track the number of visitors to your website and from where they came. You can also analyze how long a user spends on your website to see what that tells you about the quality of your site. These are just a couple of ways digital marketing is easy to track.

No. 4: Find Ways to Differentiate Your Business

If so many consumers and businesses alike are online, how do you get through the noise? In the process of creating a digital strategy, you will discover ways to differentiate your company online. Maybe you realize your competitors aren’t on top of the newest digital trends. Or that your audience loves educational content. You can differentiate your business by taking advantage of these findings.

No. 5: Get and Keep Everyone on the Same Page

Inevitably, a large number of people have access to and are contributing to your digital marketing. Taking the time to create a digital strategy ensures that every department and every employee has the same vision. Everyone will be able to communicate a consistent brand message.

Key Components of a Quality Digital Strategy

By now, you should be convinced that a digital strategy is vital to your business’s success. Once you’ve decided you want to create a digital strategy, you should make sure it includes these four components.

Objectives and SMART Goals

You likely have objectives set for your business at large. Now, you need to create objectives specific to your digital strategy. Answering the following questions could help you set your objectives:

  • How much market share do you want to capture?
  • How much revenue do you want to get?
  • What is the audience size you’re hoping to reach?

After you have these objectives, you should also set SMART goals that tie into them. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Each of your goals needs to meet all five of these criteria to be considered correct.

Target Audience

If you want your digital content to reach the right people, you have to know who those people are. Unfortunately, many business owners make the mistake of thinking they know their audience well enough already. They think they do not need to spend time conducting market research. This is an incorrect assumption. You need to conduct in-depth research into your target market so that you know how to reach them, where to reach them, and what content will be most effective.

Competitor Analysis

No matter what market you are entering, you will have competition. Even if there are no direct competitors, there will at least be alternatives. How do you differentiate yourself from these established competitors? With the knowledge gained from doing a competitor analysis, you learn how to stand out. You will also learn their strengths and weaknesses. The information you learn from this analysis will be easily applied to your digital strategy.

Methods and Channels

The final step in this process is determining which methods and channels you will use to execute your strategy. Some of the most effective methods include:

  • Search engine optimization or SEO
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Pay-per-click or PPC
  • Email marketing
  • Influencer marketing

Start Working on Your Digital Strategy Today

Now, you should be able to see why marketing is important, especially digitally. If you want to succeed in business today, being online is essential. Fortunately, you can personalize your digital strategy to fit your business’s unique needs. Taking the time to design this strategy will pay dividends in the future.

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