LINKS Global SCM Competition
Student assignment and competition, Sep-Nov 2021; Signup deadline 21 Sep
resourcesStudent assignment and competition, Sep-Nov 2021; Signup deadline 21 Sep
resourcesThe Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising podcast series
resourcesLinks to the annual report on individual and institutional productivity from the AMA's Doctoral Student SIG
resourcesFree course taught by David W. Stewart and made available on YouTube by the Marketing Accountability Standards Board
resourcesThe AMA Sustainable Marketing Pop-Up SIG will serve academics and practitioners who want to collaborate to advance research, teaching, and stakeholder partnerships related to sustainable marketing
resourcesA catalog of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing’s contributions at the intersection of race, marketing and public policy
resourcesA podcast featuring interviews with sales leaders from companies like Qualtrics, Gartner, Laird Plastics and Citrix, with more scheduled
resourcesThe Big Questions on Chief Sales Officers’ Minds, A position document from the Reynolds and Reynolds Sales Leadership Institute