Psychological Distance
Natalina Zlatevska seeks unpublished studies on the effect of psychological distance on consumer behavior
dialogNatalina Zlatevska seeks unpublished studies on the effect of psychological distance on consumer behavior
dialogThorsten Hennig-Thurau reflects on publishing an article on electronic word-of-mouth in 2004
dialogthe American Collegiate Retailing Association is looking for a new treasurer starting August 2024; Deadline 30 Jan 2024
dialogIshani Patharia Chopra is looking for working papers on online shopping cart abandonment
dialogMin Ding is seeking fellow users of Quest Headsets to explore, discuss, and potentially collaborate on research and teaching in metaverses
dialogThe AMA Collegiate Communities group asks that you pass along a link to current students
dialogVictor Chernetsky seeks unpublished work on firm strategic orientations
dialogRaji Srinivasan is looking for unpublished papers on recommendation systems