Is Your School Hiring this Cycle?
The AMA seeks input on institutions' 2020-2021 hiring plans through a three-question survey
dialogThe AMA seeks input on institutions' 2020-2021 hiring plans through a three-question survey
dialogMartin Esiend, Petar Gidakovic and Vesna Zabkar seek studies on crisis management
dialogJohn Sherry is looking for a recommendation for an immersive virtual tour of a retail space that might give students a good sense of being in the store
dialogAva (Huijuan) Yu is looking for unpublished studies using any methodology on co-creation or co-creation experience
dialogJessica Hoppner is looking for unpublished studies or those not indexed in scientific databases
dialogScott Wright and Joseph Goodman invite you to take part in a survey on the opinions and research practices of marketing academics. Respondents are entered into a drawing to win a $200 Amazon gift card.
dialogWoojung Chang seeks unpublished work on the effects of preferential treatment (or special treatment) on relational outcomes.
dialogAntje Graul and Deanne Brocato seek syllabi in the areas of sustainability and green marketing management
dialogEve Sarah M?ller, David D. Loschelder and Malte Friese are looking for unpublished data on just-below pricing, i.e. prices ending in .99.
dialogPurvi Shaw is seeking teaching portfolios for a qualitative study on pedagogical competence