Erin Anderson Award
Nominations are invited for the AMA's Erin Anderson Award for an Emerging Female Marketing Scholar and Mentor; Deadline 4 Oct 2021
awardsNominations are invited for the AMA's Erin Anderson Award for an Emerging Female Marketing Scholar and Mentor; Deadline 4 Oct 2021
awardsMarketing Science Institute Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Competition; Deadline 15 Oct 2021
awardsThe AMA Foundation seeks endowment funding for the Eli Jones Article Award for Long-Term Impact in Sales Research
awardsThe Award has surpassed endowment level and will be given out for the first time at 2023 Winter AMA
awardsThe AMA's CBSIG calls for nominations for its Research in Practice, Lifetime Achievement, and Rising Star Awards; Deadline 15 Oct 2021
awardsSundar Bharadwaj and Mark Houston have been named ISBM Distinguished Research Fellows
awardsJan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp's speech and slides as he accepted the 2021 AMA-Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award
awardsPatrick De Pelsmacker has won the European Advertising Academy's 2021 Flemming Hansen Award for long-term contributions to advertising research
awardsBorah, Banerjee, Lin, Jain and Eisingerich (2020) have won the award for their paper in JM on improvised marketing interventions in social media