The AMA-Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award honors living marketing educators for distinguished service and outstanding contributions in marketing education. All marketing educators who have made sustained contributions to marketing over an extended period of time are eligible.
The AMA Foundation is pleased to announce that Debbie MacInnis has been selected as the 2023 AMA-Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award recipient!

Debbie MacInnis is the Charles L. and Ramona I. Hilliard Professor of Business Administration and Emerita Professor of the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. She is an expert on consumer behavior and branding. She is a Fellow of the American Marketing Association, the Association for Consumer Research, and the Society for Consumer Psychology. She has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Marketing Association’s Consumer Behavior Special Interest Group and the Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award from the University of Southern California. She has received numerous awards for her academic articles. Debbie has served as Coeditor and Associate Editor for Journal of Consumer Research and Associate Editor for Journal of Marketing and Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Debbie is coauthor of a leading textbook on consumer behavior, several edited volumes on branding, and a book on developing, enhancing, and leveraging brand admiration. She is former Treasurer and President of the Association for Consumer Research, former Vice President of Conferences and Research for the American Marketing Association’s Academic Council, and former President of the AMA’s Consumer Behavior Special Interest Group. Debbie is the winner of local and national teaching awards, and she has also served the Marshall School of Business as Vice Dean of Research and Strategy and Vice Dean of the Undergraduate Program. She has also received the USC Mellon mentoring award for her mentoring work with faculty. Her consulting includes work with major consumer goods companies, branding agencies, and advertising agencies.
Debbie was honored at the 2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference. Watch her acceptance presentation for this award:
Recent Reseach
Some of Debbie’s recent research includes:
- Lin, Yu-Ting, Deborah J. MacInnis, and Andreas B. Eisingerich, (2020) “Strong Anxiety Boosts New Product Adoption When Hope Is Also Strong,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (5), 60–78.
- MacInnis, Deborah J., Vicki G. Morwitz, Simona Botti, Donna L. Hoffman, Robert V. Kozinets, Donald R. Lehmann, John G. Lynch Jr., and Cornelia Pechmann, (2020) “Creating Boundary-Breaking, Marketing-Relevant Consumer Research,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (2), 1–23.
- Tellis, Gerard J., Deborah J. MacInnis, Seshadri Tirunillai, and Yanwei Zhang (2019), “What Drives Virality (Sharing) of Online Digital Content? The Critical Role of Information, Emotion, and Brand Prominence,” Journal of Marketing, 83 (4), 1–20.