CBSIG Awards
Geeta Menon, Chiara Longoni, Luca Cian, Yu Ding and Serena Hagerty have won awards from the AMA's Consumer Behavior SIG
awardsGeeta Menon, Chiara Longoni, Luca Cian, Yu Ding and Serena Hagerty have won awards from the AMA's Consumer Behavior SIG
awardsAn SCP Boutique Conference, Gainesville, FL, 27-29 Jan 2022; Registration deadline 28 Dec
revisitsGender, Markets, Consumers, Stockholm, 16-17 May 2022; Deadline 10 Jan
calls-conferencesAn SCP boutique conference, Singapore, rescheduled to 29-31 Jul 2022; Deadline now 30 Jan 2022
revisitsThe Psychology of Technology Institute is funding dissertation awards; Deadline 31 Jan 2022