In addition to more than 150 academics and doctoral students presenting their research for feedback and insight, the Marketing and Public Policy Conference is a time to celebrate success and achievement in the community. We extend a hearty congratulations to all of this years’ award winners.

Marketing and Society SIG
Lifetime Achievement Winner
Laura Peracchio of University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee was awarded the MASSIS Lifetime Achievement Award. In her speech at the awards lunch, she spoke to the importance of cultivating well-being, creating your team, and connecting with community as lifelong practices. She was joined many members of her family in addition to colleagues as her extensive career and impact were celebrated at the conference’s awards lunch.

Marketing and Society SIG
Emerging Scholar
Marie Yeh of Loyola University, Maryland was awarded the MASSIG Emerging Scholar. As a past chair of the Marketing and Public Policy Conference and MASSIG Co Chair, the AMA is glad to see her work and service to the marketing discipline celebrated.
Winners of the 2023 2023 Thomas C. Kinnear/Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Award were Recognized
“Operationalizing Critical Race Theory in the Marketplace”
Vol. 40, No. 2 (April 2021)

Ron Hill
Vice President of Publications
Ron Hill, longtime member of the Marketing and Public Policy community was recognized for his term as the Vice President of Publications for the AMA Journals.
Brenda Derby Award – Best Doctoral Student Paper
“From Woke Washing to Authentic Brand Activism”
Pricilla Pena and Lauren Labrecque
Best Conference Paper
“Political Earthquakes’ and Political Tribes’ Impact on Political Activism”
Emily C. Tanner, M. Paula Fitzgerald, and Elizabeth T. Gratz
Social Impact Award
This award was given to the team that organizes the best session or paper that incorporates not only academics, but social impact partners.
“Financial Well-being, Vulnerability, and Decision Making”
Linda Salisbury, Patrick Heck, Joseph Harvey, and Lena Kim