Gerald Hills Award
The AMA's Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG invites nominations for the 2022 Gerald E. Hills Best Paper Award; Deadline 1 Jun 2022
awardsThe AMA's Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG invites nominations for the 2022 Gerald E. Hills Best Paper Award; Deadline 1 Jun 2022
awardsGlobal Research Conference on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Whistler, BC and hybrid format, 2-4 Aug 2022; Deadline 1 Mar
revisitsGlobal Research Conference on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Whistler, BC and hybrid format, 2-4 Aug 2022; Deadline 1 Mar
calls-conferencesHomburg, Hahn, Bornemann and Sandner (2014) has won the 2021 Gerald E. Hills Award for Best Paper on Entrepreneurial Marketing; 2022 Award deadline 1 May 2021
awardsGlobal Research Conference on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Free virtual conference, 26-29 Jul 2021
revisitsAMA Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG invites nominations for the 2021 Gerald E. Hills Best Paper Award; Deadline 1 May 2021
awardsVirtual Global Research Conference on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 26-29 Jul 2021; Deadline 1 Apr
calls-conferencesConsumption, Production and Entrepreneurship in the time of Coronavirus, Edited book; Abstract deadline 21 Sep 2020
revisitsRosalind Jones and Jennifer Rowley have won the AMA Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG's Gerald E. Hills Award