Courses in R


There courses in R, Oct - Dec 2011: Fundamentals of Using R, Generalized Linear and Additive Modeling with R, and PLS path Modeling with R

 ARC: Connections: ELMAR: Posting

Faculty from Virginia Commonwealth University and the non-profit Georgia R School ( are offering three live, online, interactive, synchronous five-week-long courses:

  1. Fundamentals of using R (Tues 11AM-2PM ET Oct 18-Nov 15);
  2. Generalized linear (GLM) and additive modeling (GAM) with R (11AM-2PM ET Nov 14-Dec 13, also 6PM-9PM ET Nov 15-Dec 13) and
  3. PLS path modeling with R (11AM-2PM ET Nov 11-Dec 16).

Registration costs for a course is $225 student; $295 faculty and $325 practitioner. Each 14-hour course is taught in live, synchronous audio and video and is recorded and the permanent recordings are provided to participants. Links to all informational and registration sites are all on webpage

Email Geoff Hubona at for more info or questions.

Geoff Hubona, Ph.D.
Information Systems
Virginia Commonwealth University