Armstrong Brillance Award


The GAMMA Armstrong Brilliance in Research in Marketing Award 2018; Nomination deadline 15 Mar 2016


Call for Nominations:
The Armstrong Brilliance in Research in Marketing Award 2018

“Armstrong Brilliance in Research in Marketing Award”’ is named to honor Professor J. Scott Armstrong (Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania) for his brilliant contributions in marketing extending across several decades. Professor Armstrong is the first recipient of the Armstrong Brilliance Award.

This award is positioned to be the highest GAMMA honor that a researcher in marketing can receive. The Armstrong Brilliance Award is made to a scholar who has demonstrated brilliance in contributing new knowledge, theory, and research methods to the discipline across several decades.

Professor Armstrong will receive the first Armstrong Award at the 2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hong Kong July 21-14, 2016, where he will present invited plenary lecture. Professor Armstrong and future award recipients will be invited to author an article in Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science.

This announcement is a Call for Nominations for the Second Armstrong Brilliance Award; the second award will be presented at the 2018 Global Marketing Conference.

The Selection Criteria:

1. Contributions to the brilliance in research in marketing

2. Contributions to the marketing practice

3. Teaching and mentoring
4. Creativity and innovativeness in marketing research
5. Service to the marketing research community and the public

Nomination Process and Documents:

Nominations are invited from individuals and marketing departments. The nominations should include:

1. A letter (less than four pages) summarizing the nominee’s accomplishments on the five criteria above.
2. A current curriculum vitae for the nominee.
3. At least two and at most four supporting letters, not to exceed two pages each.

Nomination Deadline: March 15, 2018 

Nomination to: Central Office of GAMMA (

Award Committee Chair: Arch G. Woodside (Boston College),

Winner Notification by: April 15, 2018 

For More Information:

Central Office

Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations

College of Business

Changwon National University

Changwon, Gyeongnam

Republic of Korea

Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations

Korean Scholars of Marketing Science