2024 AMA International Collegiate Conference

New Orleans, LA

APRIL 10 - 13, 2024 | AGENDA

Times are subject to change by AMA. Please continue checking back for more info and session descriptions!


2:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Whether you’re participating in a Thursday morning activity or just want to beat the rush, check-in and pick up your materials on Wednesday!


7:00 am - 7:00 pm


Come check in, get your badge and more information on the event.

7:00 am - 7:30 pm

Self Care Room

Available throughout the conference if you need a moment of reprieve; please inquire at AMA Registration on the 3rd Floor for a key.

8:00 am - 12:30 pm

Marketplace Business Simulation

Start up a new marketing division for a large, international company. Your goal? Launch a revolutionary new product line. Test your marketing skills in this unknown market. Can you satisfy demanding customers, beat aggressive competitors and earn big bucks in this innovative marketing simulation?

Sponsored by: Marketplace Simulations

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Case Competition Finals

The 2024 Case Competition finalists will have the opportunity to showcase their talents and compete for First Place, in front of judges from The Sheth Foundation. The session is closed to competition finalists only.

Sponsored by: The Sheth Foundation

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Creative Marketing Workshop | Beyond Buzzwords: Navigating the Digital Marketing Maze from Concept to Execution

Additional fees apply to attend the Creative Marketing Workshop. Option to purchase now closed.

Elevate your future even further by including this add-on workshop to your registration. Gain the confidence and skill set you need to succeed, guided by the remarkable Whitney Headen, CEO and Co-Founder of 19th & Park.

Opening Sessions:

The digital marketing panel will kick off with an engaging exploration of the anatomy of an integrated campaign. From 9:00 to 10:00, we will delve into the multifaceted elements that constitute a successful campaign, covering video marketing, press and digital communications, and audio and video marketing. This segment aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected strategies that contribute to a campaign’s effectiveness. Additionally, we’ll illuminate the various roles within an agency or campaign team, allowing students to identify their areas of interest and potential career paths.

Breakout Sessions: From 10:00 to 11:00, students will transition into breakout sessions where they will have the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge. Tasked with creating a campaign for a fictional product, teams will collaborate to develop comprehensive strategies. This hands-on experience is designed to foster teamwork, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Each group will be guided by experienced mentors who will offer insights and guidance during the campaign creation process.

Campaign Presentations: The final hour, from 11:00 to 12:00, will see each group presenting their campaign ideas to the larger audience. This session not only provides students with the chance to showcase their creativity and strategic thinking but also serves as a platform to develop public speaking skills. The audience will gain valuable insights into the diverse approaches to digital marketing campaigns and witness firsthand the collaborative efforts of the student teams. The panel will conclude with a brief Q&A session, allowing participants to interact with both the presenters and mentors, fostering a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

Whitney Headen

19th & Park Inc.

11:00 am - 3:00 pm

T-Shirt Competition Drop-Off

The Chapter T-Shirt Competition invites chapters to design and showcase a shirt that represents their chapter/university spirit! Students attending ICC will have the opportunity to view and vote on the winning Chapter T-Shirt through the event app.

Sponsored by: MemberPromos

12:30 pm - 4:15 pm
Deloitte Session

Becoming a Transformational Leader: Use the Power of Creativity to Help Drive Business and Societal Change

12:30 – 1:15 p.m.

Forget everything you think you know about creativity. While humanity has used it to thrive, we’ve also fallen short in how we conceptualize creativity. This session will reframe your understanding of creativity to show how to apply it in a business setting to help shape your future as an individual and to shape our collective future as a species. This is a session six million years in the making; only a Neanderthal would miss it!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Discover how creativity has been the basis for humanity to survive and thrive as a species
  2. Understand how you can use creativity in business world help solve the major issues of our time
  3. Learn how some of the most inspirational leaders are leveraging creativity to grow their organizations and advance their careers

Rory McCallum

Deloitte Services LP

Deloitte Session

Help Unlock Your Potential and Mindset with Deloitte’s Business Chemistry

1:30 – 2:15 p.m.

Business Chemistry is a system developed by Deloitte that’s designed to provide insights about individuals and teams based on observable business behaviors. It identifies four primary types: Drivers, Guardians, Integrators and Pioneers, each with unique characteristics and work styles. Understanding these can help marketing professionals improve team dynamics, communication and productivity.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Gain a better understanding of who you are and how you work best.
  2. Understand the work styles of your peers, to help you better collaborate, adapt your communication and work more effectively within a team.
  3. Business Chemistry can help you become a better leader by understanding how to manage diverse teams, drive engagement and create an environment that plays to each individual’s strengths.

Fahad Ahmed

Deloitte Services LP

Deloitte Session

Revolutionizing Influence: Content Creators and the Bold Future of Social Marketing

2:30 – 3:15 p.m.

Dive into the thrilling world of the content creator economy! Discover how Gen Z is reshaping brand endorsements, learn the secret sauce to powerful creator-brand alliances, and get inspired by how many of the trailblazing brands are leading the way. This is your chance to understand the marketing strategies that are rocking the digital world.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand the difference between influencers and creators and why it’s an important step in fueling your marketing journey to make an impact in the ever-evolving landscape of content creation
  2. Get insight into why certain generations are spending more time on social media and how brands are using that to create consumer-brand trust
  3. Learn how many top brands are paving the way to create authentic partnerships with content creators to maximize their impact

Connor Seidenschwarz

Deloitte Services LP

Deloitte Session

Bounce Back Like a Pro: Athletic Recovery Techniques for Everyday Life

3:30 – 4:15 p.m.

Get ready for an interactive session on resilience and strategic recovery that reminds us of our ability to adapt in the face of adversity and to intentionally renew our energy levels to continue. Learn how to bounce back from tough times with a resilient mindset and discover the tools for peak performance – just like an athlete. Don’t miss out! This session is an investment in yourself.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Explore resilience to help build your capacity to handle the pressures of school, friends and family
  2. Dig into recovery: what it is, why it’s important and how to recover like an athlete
  3. Discuss tools for your own recovery strategy

Fahad Ahmed

Deloitte Services LP

Robin Feinman

Deloitte Services LP

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Host Chapter Meeting

ICC Host Chapter Representatives will be meeting to prepare for the conference ahead.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

New Faculty Advisor Workshop

Is this your first ICC? Are you a new AMA Faculty Advisor at your university? At this workshop, seasoned advisors (who were once in your shoes) will share tips and resources that will allow you to prioritize sessions you and your students attend at ICC, and provide best practices for chapter planning, membership recruitment, programming, marketing and succession planning. Seasoned advisors are also welcome to attend and share advice!

2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

What to Expect at ICC

Join us for the “What to Expect” session where the Conference Co-Chairs will provide a roadmap to make the most of your conference experience! Discover insider tips on navigating workshops, College2Career networking events and competitions. Whether you are new to ICC or haven’t been in a while, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to ask questions, enhance your conference journey and make lasting connections!

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Student Agency Networking Blitz

Does your chapter have a marketing or consulting agency? If so, please make your way to our session for a speed networking and brainstorming event! Two representatives from each chapter will be paired with another duo for 5 minutes to share information regarding their agencies before rotating to meet with a new chapter. Topics such as management strategies, organizational structures, and finances will be discussed. Hope to see you there!

Jenifer Skiba

Missouri State University Faculty Advisor, MSU AMA Chapter

Chase Westover

President, MSU AMA Chapter Former Head of Agency

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Chapter Leader Roundtable Mixer

We invite all Collegiate Chapter Presidents and President-Elects in attendance at ICC to be part of this welcome mixer!

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Social Scramble + T-Shirt Exchange

Join us for this fun-filled, high-energy social gathering and get to meet your fellow conference attendees. You will also have a chance to win some prizes!

Bring extra chapter t-shirts with you to exchange with other attendees!

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Faculty Advisors Reception

Hosted by the Collegiate Chapters Council, we invite all Faculty Advisors in attendance to be part of this welcome reception.

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Parade of Chapters Line Up

Parade participants: Please report to the Borgne room to check in and make sure your chapter is accounted for in the lineup.

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Opening Kick Off + Parade of Chapters

Let’s kick off this year’s conference and celebrate another return to New Orleans, featuring the Parade of Chapters and Keynote Speaker Chris Epple!

Marketing executive, Chris Epple will reflect on his career and offer thoughts on how a room full of future marketers can position themselves for success in the exciting world of marketing! Come hear insights about how HARMAN and JBL continue to find new and exciting ways to engage and relate to their core audience. Chris will share practical examples of the work he and his team have accomplished to laser in on who their consumer is. Lastly, he will then discuss how they achieve success in bringing consumer-centric programs that span JBL’s core cultural pillars of sports, music, and gaming to life.

Chris Epple

Keynote Speaker

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

"Back to the 2010's" with DJ Pdogg

We are welcoming back all college students by throwing the most epic party ICC has ever seen! DJ Pdogg takes you down memory lane with the best hits from 2010-2019.

Chapter T-Shirt Competition

The Chapter T-Shirt Competition invites chapters to design and showcase a shirt that represents their chapter/university spirit. Students attending ICC will have the opportunity to view and vote on the winning Chapter T-Shirt in the Cvent app!

Sponsored by: MemberPromos


8:00 am - 7:00 pm


Come check in, get your badge and more information on the event.

8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Self Care Room

Available throughout the conference if you need a moment of reprieve; please inquire at AMA Registration.

8:00 am - 9:30 am

Undergraduate Research Poster Set-Up Preview and Judging

Undergraduate students will set up their poster presentations from 8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Preview and judging will begin at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 9:30 a.m.

9:00 am - 10:15 am

College2Career Panel

The world of content and social media marketing is booming, and so are opportunities in growth marketing and analytics. Additionally, side-hustles aren’t just a way to make some extra cash, and your amazing AMA faculty advisors can also serve as a source of inspiration.

Join our College2Career panelists —ranging from recent grads to seasoned marketing pros— and leave with insights into their career journeys in the entertainment, fashion and video-production industries, and also in academia.

You will leave with the inside scoop on best practices for networking and navigating the job search process like a pro!


Leslie Kendrick – President of the AMA Collegiate Council, Senior Lecturer & Internship Director at Johns Hopkins University

Vannesia Darby

MOXIE Nashville & Shondaland

Christopher Hydock

Freeman School of Business at Tulane

Josh Owen

Comfy Stone

Marcia Zimmerman


9:00 am - 12:15 pm

Marketing Strategy Competition (AM Round)

The Marketing Strategy Competition takes place at the AMA International Collegiate Conference. We level the playing field for all schools, big and small, to challenge your wit, speed and presentation skills. This one is all about using your knowledge and experience to react quickly to develop a case solution. You can participate in this morning session or during the afternoon session starting at 1:30 p.m. CT.

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Perfect Pitch Competition

Take part in this fast-paced pitch competition! While not truly a sales-specific role-play, the AMA Perfect Pitch Competition is a 90-second interview in which you position yourself as being “right for the job.”

This is a skill that every marketing professional needs to develop. Like an elevator pitch competition, your goal is to provide 2-3 key selling points why you are an ideal candidate and then support these qualifications with examples. The end goal is to close the deal and get hired!

A Final Round will take place on Saturday morning, with the winner and top-performing students announced at the Collegiate Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 13th.

9:30 am - 11:00 am

Faculty Research Presentations (AM Session)

Faculty sessions will consist of refereed paper presentations based on the submission of extended abstracts that have been accepted.

All papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Accepted papers will be published digitally on the AMA website.

10:00 am - 4:30 pm

ICC Career Fair

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with recruiters from around the country, including: Bloomberg, Dine Brands, Gartner, Inc., Google, Gray Television, GroupM, Insight Global, IPG Health, Mattel, Inc., Sherwin Williams, Stanley Black & Decker and Weber Shandwick.

View our Career Fair Tips sheet to help make a lasting impression on recruiters by familiarizing yourself with their products/services, touch up your resume and have questions prepared that reflect your company research!

10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Skill-Up Stations

Take part in brief 1:1 sessions alongside a marketing professional around key topics to boost your career readiness. As we get closer to the conference, more information will be shared about topics that will be covered, and how to schedule an appointment.

  • Working Effectively in a Virtual World (provided by Deloitte)
  • Is Consulting the Right Career for You? (provided by Deloitte)
  • Create your Well-Being Pledge (provided by Deloitte)
  • Elevate Your Story: Crafting and Perfecting your Personal Brand (provided by Enterprise Mobility)
  • Building & Utilizing Your Professional Network (provided by Insight Global)
  • Optimizing Your Resume (provided by West Virginia University Reed College of Media)
10:30 am - 11:15 am
Experience Speaks

Navigating the World of Ad Sales: Insights from Liza Goldstone, Google Professional

Get ready for an exciting journey into the realm of advertising sales with Liza Goldstone, a young professional at Google. In this engaging presentation, Liza unravels the intricacies of ad sales, shedding light on its pivotal role in the success of businesses across industries. Liza will explain how digital advertising serves as the linchpin connecting businesses with their target audiences through various marketing platforms. Liza will also discuss her personal journey to Google; delve into her experiences as a college student transitioning into the workforce with success, and  glean actionable advice on carving your own path in the competitive world of advertising. Moreover, Liza imparts lessons learned from navigating work in the post-COVID landscape. Explore strategies for adapting to remote work environments, fostering collaboration, and cultivating resilience in the face of adversity.

Liza Goldstone


Experience Speaks

Lectures to Livelihood: A Personal Branding Story

It’s not just about getting that first job out of college. It’s about establishing early career success. Based on insights gathered from the world of talent acquisition, this workshop will reveal what employers are looking for in their job candidates, the anatomy of designing a winning resume, and how to develop a compelling personal branding.

Eddie Francis

Edify Ventures

Experience Speaks

Mastering The Art of Influence: Navigating Business and Cultivating Community

In today’s digital age, influencers play a multifaceted role beyond trendsetting. Join me as we explore the nuances of this dynamic industry, covering topics like business dynamics, community-building, and personal branding. Learn practical tips for thriving in this space, from fostering authentic connections to navigating contracts and advocating for fair compensation. Discover how influencers can leverage their platforms for social change and be part of an engaging discussion on the art of influence in our interconnected world.

Mercedes Posey

Calculated Opulence

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Undergraduate Research Presentations

Come hear the top-selected undergraduate research presentations! Each student will have approximately 5-7 minutes to share an overview of their research poster.

11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Experience Speaks

Navigating the World of Ad Sales: Insights from Liza Goldstone, Google Professional

Get ready for an exciting journey into the realm of advertising sales with Liza Goldstone, a young professional at Google. In this engaging presentation, Liza unravels the intricacies of ad sales, shedding light on its pivotal role in the success of businesses across industries. Liza will explain how digital advertising serves as the linchpin connecting businesses with their target audiences through various marketing platforms. Liza will also discuss her personal journey to Google; delve into her experiences as a college student transitioning into the workforce with success, and  glean actionable advice on carving your own path in the competitive world of advertising. Moreover, Liza imparts lessons learned from navigating work in the post-COVID landscape. Explore strategies for adapting to remote work environments, fostering collaboration, and cultivating resilience in the face of adversity.

Liza Goldstone


Experience Speaks

Lectures to Livelihood: A Personal Branding Story

It’s not just about getting that first job out of college. It’s about establishing early career success. Based on insights gathered from the world of talent acquisition, this workshop will reveal what employers are looking for in their job candidates, the anatomy of designing a winning resume and how to develop a compelling personal branding.

Eddie Francis

Edify Ventures

Experience Speaks

Mastering The Art of Influence: Navigating Business and Cultivating Community

In today’s digital age, influencers play a multifaceted role beyond trendsetting. Join me as we explore the nuances of this dynamic industry, covering topics like business dynamics, community-building, and personal branding. Learn practical tips for thriving in this space, from fostering authentic connections to navigating contracts and advocating for fair compensation. Discover how influencers can leverage their platforms for social change and be part of an engaging discussion on the art of influence in our interconnected world.

Mercedes Posey

Calculated Opulence

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Student and Faculty Lunch

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Undergraduate Research Poster Viewing

We encourage you to view research posters on topics in the field of marketing, market analysis, market research, positioning maps and more from our undergraduate students.

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Sales Competition

1:30 pm - 2:15 pm

Chapter Leadership Workshop

Chapter Leadership 1: How To Become a Top Small Chapter

Ithaca College, Texas Southern University, Washington College and Western Connecticut State University


Chapter Leadership 2: Communications

Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, SUNY-Oneonta, University of Maryland-College Park, and University of Washington


Chapter Leadership 3: Fundraising

Montana State University and University of South Florida

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Marketing Strategy Competition (PM Round)

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Faculty Research Presentations (PM Session)

Faculty sessions will consist of refereed paper presentations based on the submission of extended abstracts that have been accepted. All papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Accepted papers will be published digitally on the AMA website.

2:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Chapter Leadership Workshop

Chapter Leadership 4: How to Become a Top Chapter

British Columbia Institute of Technology and Florida State University


Chapter Leadership 5: How to Become Chapter of the Year

Indiana University-Bloomington, Pennsylvania State University, Temple University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Wisconsin-Eau Clair and University of Wisconsin-Whitewater


Chapter Leadership 6: E-Board Leadership/Chapter Planning

North Carolina State University, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras and Virginia Tech

3:30 pm - 4:15 pm

Chapter Leadership Workshop

Chapter Leadership 7: Planning an AMAzing Marketing Week

Pace University-NYC, University of Florida, University of New Hampshire and University of North Texas


Chapter Leadership 8: Community & Social Impact

Bellarmine University, Northwest Nazarene University, and University of Pittsburgh-Downtown


Chapter Leadership 9: Membership

Carnegie Mellon University, Saint Joseph’s University, University of Puerto RIco-Mayaguez and University of Texas-El Paso

3:45 pm - 4:45 pm

Transforming Your Marketing Curriculum | Bring AI to Life: An A-Z Approach for Success

Pavan Chennamaneni

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Andrew Dahl

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Jimmy Peltier

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

4:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Chapter Leadership Workshop

Chapter Leadership 10: Professional Development

California State University-Chico, California State University-Long Beach, Johns Hopkins University and University of Texas-Austin

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Keynote: Un-script the Journey and Awards Ceremony

Imagination and empowerment—two ways we can strategically and dynamically change our future. As marketers, we can navigate this journey by leaning into the positive spaces, being intentional and ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard.

Bennie Johnson

Keynote Speaker


8:00 am - 9:00 am


Join us for breakfast as we get the final day of #AMAICC underway!

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Come check in, get your badge and more information on the event.

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Self Care Room

Available throughout the conference if you need a moment of reprieve; please inquire at AMA Registration.

9:00 am - 10:30 am
Career Workshop

The Candidate & Employer Hiring Process

Navigating the hiring process as a candidate can be daunting, we get it. For this session, we break down the comprehensive steps of the hiring process, from submitting applications to onboarding and everything in between. We hope to provide an understanding of how employers strategically evaluate, select and hire candidates through demystifying the hiring journey. You’ll learn valuable strategies from an employer’s perspective on optimizing your strengths and owning your responsibilities as a candidate in the hiring process.

Sponsored by: Insight Global

Career Workshop

Career Advice from a Former Amazonian

Learn everything I wish I knew before starting my career at some of the top companies in the world. In this session, you will learn how to be a successful marketer, navigate your career, work with different kinds of managers and become a great leader.

Sponsored by Speaker: Bradley Lewis Foster

Career Workshop

Write Less. No, Less Than That.

The most successful marketers can write short, head-turning copy that hooks customers and impresses bosses. No pressure. Take this interactive workshop and you’ll learn to write copy that will grab people’s attention—and keep it. You can do better than AI.

Led by M. Harris & Co. CEO Melissa Harris and creative director Jenn Bane, formerly of Cards Against Humanity.

Career Workshop

LinkedIn Hacks from the [in]side: Building and Leveraging a Profile to Land Your Dream Job

For entry level roles, did you know candidates with comprehensive LinkedIn profiles are 2x more likely to get interview requests? In fact, data shows having a “bare-bones” LinkedIn is worse than having no profile at all (Source: ResumeGo). This comprehensive workshop highlights what makes a strong LinkedIn profile and how you can leverage it to connect with recruiters, alumni and other professionals in your field. We’ll cover the most important elements of a profile and answer questions like, “How do I write a strong Summary section?” and “What do recruiters look for on my profile?” By the end of this session, you’ll know how to craft a polished profile from top to bottom, optimizing your profile so recruiters start reaching out to YOU for internships and job opportunities. We won’t stop there. After building your top-notch profile, we’ll show how to network effectively on LinkedIn. You’ll learn step-by-stop how to find incredible connections and turn a fantastic informational interview into referrals. Led by an award winning marketer, the workshop’s presenter currently works at LinkedIn helping recruiters find talent every single day.

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Perfect Pitch Competition Finals

Finalists for the Perfect Pitch Competition will have one more opportunity to compete, as judges determine the winners.

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Marketing Strategy Competition Finals

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Skill-Up Stations

Take part in brief 1:1 sessions alongside a marketing professional around key topics to boost your career readiness. As we get closer to the conference, more information will be shared about topics that will be covered, and how to schedule an appointment.

  • Staying True to Yourself through the Job Search Process (provided by AMA Support Center)
  • Elevate Your Story: Crafting and Perfecting your Personal Brand (provided by Enterprise Mobility)
  • Building & Utilizing Your Professional Network (provided by Insight Global)
  • Optimizing Your Resume (provided by West Virginia University Reed College of Media)
9:00 am - 1:00 pm

ICC Career Fair

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with recruiters from around the country, including: Bloomberg, Dine Brands, Gartner, Inc., Google, Gray Television, GroupM, Insight Global, IPG Health, Mattel, Inc., Sherwin Williams, Stanley Black & Decker and Weber Shandwick.

View our Career Fair Tips sheet to help make a lasting impression on recruiters by familiarizing yourself with their products/services, touch up your resume and have questions prepared that reflect your company research!

9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Sales Competition Finals

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Career Workshop

The Candidate & Employer Hiring Process

Navigating the hiring process as a candidate can be daunting, we get it. For this session, we break down the comprehensive steps of the hiring process, from submitting applications to onboarding and everything in between. We hope to provide an understanding of how employers strategically evaluate, select and hire candidates through demystifying the hiring journey. You’ll learn valuable strategies from an employer’s perspective on optimizing your strengths and owning your responsibilities as a candidate in the hiring process.

Sponsored by: Insight Global

Career Workshop

Career Advice from a Former Amazonian

Learn everything I wish I knew before starting my career at some of the top companies in the world. In this session, you will learn how to be a successful marketer, navigate your career, work with different kinds of managers and become a great leader.

Sponsored by Speaker: Bradley Lewis Foster

Career Workshop

Write Less. No, Less Than That.

The most successful marketers can write short, head-turning copy that hooks customers and impresses bosses. No pressure. Take this interactive workshop and you’ll learn to write copy that will grab people’s attention — and keep it. You can do better than AI.

Led by M. Harris & Co. CEO Melissa Harris and creative director Jenn Bane, formerly of Cards Against Humanity.

Career Workshop

LinkedIn Hacks from the [in]side: Building and Leveraging a Profile to Land your Dream Job

For entry level roles, did you know candidates with comprehensive LinkedIn profiles are 2x more likely to get interview requests? In fact, data shows having a “bare-bones” LinkedIn is worse than having no profile at all (Source: ResumeGo). This comprehensive workshop highlights what makes a strong LinkedIn profile and how you can leverage it to connect with recruiters, alumni, and other professionals in your field. We’ll cover the most important elements of a profile and answer questions like, “How do I write a strong Summary section?” and “What do recruiters look for on my profile?” By the end of this session, you’ll know how to craft a polished profile from top to bottom, optimizing your profile so recruiters start reaching out to YOU for internships and job opportunities. We won’t stop there. After building your top-notch profile, we’ll show how to network effectively on LinkedIn. You’ll learn step-by-stop how to find incredible connections and turn a fantastic informational interview into referrals. Led by an award winning marketer, the workshop’s presenter currently works at LinkedIn helping recruiters find talent every single day.

1:15 pm - 2:00 pm

Case Competition Winners Showcase

The 1st Place winners of the 2024 AMA Collegiate Case Competition will present their case! Open to all conference attendees.

Sponsored by: The Sheth Foundation

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Universities & Colleges: 5 Ways to Elevate the Employability of Your Students

Nearly 80% of employers believe that current graduates do not arrive equipped with the skills they need to be work-ready, and 49% of graduates are not applying for entry-level jobs because they perceive themselves as underqualified (Cengage, 2022). Prospective students are now prioritizing practicality, and universities are feeling the pressure to ensure that their graduates secure meaningful employment opportunities.

The decision to pursue a college degree often hinges on two critical factors: the cost of education and the likelihood of landing a job upon graduation. The ability to bridge the gap between education and career prospects has become a vital competitive advantage for universities.

Join us in this enlightening webinar as we explore the latest trends and valuable insights that can empower universities and colleges to enhance their students’ employability and distinguish their programs.

  • Offer work-integrated and practical learning
  • Help your students use networking platforms effectively
  • Provide your students with industry certifications
  • Help your students to build key soft-skills
  • Keep your curriculum relevant and industry-aligned

Open to Faculty Advisors.

Stephen Marshall Ph.D.

ETSU Research Corporation

Céili O'Connell

Digital Marketing Institute

Molly Soat

American Marketing Association

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Design Lab Marketing Challenge

This new in-person program, the Design Lab Marketing Challenge, will be a 2-hour engaging session that allows teams to compete against other teams as they design and create a 2-page creative marketing strategy plan for a local business. Pre-registration required.

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Sports Marketing Panel

This Sports Marketing panel is designed to provide valuable marketing and branding insights for the collegiate audience. This session will feature professionals who will each touch on their career journey, developing trends, best practices and what it takes to be successful in the sports marketing world.


Dr. Eric Van Steenburg – Immediate Past President of the AMA Collegiate Council, Associate Professor of Marketing in the Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship at Montana State University

Mel Barry

New Orleans Pelicans

Julia Silverman Dinhofer

Major League Soccer

Aileen McManamon

5 Tool Sports Group

Steven Scebelo

NFL Players Inc.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Chapter Awards Banquet

Join the Conference Co-Chairs, Collegiate Chapters Council and AMA Support Center, as they present awards to the AMA Collegiate Chapters for excellent work completed during the year, and recipients of our various individual awards. Let’s come together, celebrate and bring the 2024 AMA ICC to an AMAzing close! Business or evening attire is required.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Case Competition Sponsor


Strategy + Research Sponsor


Perfect Pitch Competition Sponsor


Sales Competition Sponsor


Marketing Business Simulation Competition Sponsor


Award Banquet Sponsor


Luncheon Sponsor


Workshop Sponsors


Skill Up Station Sponsors




Exhibitors and Recruiters




Career Fair Recruiters

BloombergDine BrandsFlywheel DigitalGartner, Inc.Google • Gray TelevisionGroupMInsight GlobalIPG Health • Mattel, Inc.Sherwin WilliamsStanley Black & Decker • Wasserman Next Gen • Weber Shandwick


Access competition resources here. Navigate down to the Spring Competition section to see judging specifications, prizes and available on-site competitions!


Available Spring Competitions on-site:

  • Instagram Highlight Reel Competition
  • Chapter T-Shirt Competition
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