2019 AMA International Collegiate Conference
New Orleans, LA
Wednesday, April 10
Early registration
Participating in a morning activity on Thursday or just want to beat the rush? Pick up your badge Wednesday afternoon!
Thursday, April 11
SABRE Business Simulation
Chapter Exhibit Set-up
Case Competition Finals sponsored by Wall Street Journal
Digital Marketing Bootcamp
This engaging, interactive and immersive session will not only equip you with the latest thinking in digital marketing strategy, but it will also prepare you to become an AMA Professional Certified Marketer® in Digital Marketing. Adding the letters P-C-M behind your name shows you’re serious about making a difference in the industry and this boot camp is a great first step in making it happen.

Andrew Garberson
Director of Digital Marketing Strategy, LunaMetrics
Student Poster Session
What to Expect at the Conference
Whether this is your first time or you’ve attended the AMA International Collegiate Conference in the past, we have so much to share with you! We have an exciting, educational and fun weekend planned, with a wide variety of choices. Join us for this quick session that will explain the schedule and we’ll recommend some of the “can’t miss” activities happening this weekend, and talk about the new changes for 2019!
Social Scramble & T-Shirt Exchange
Join us for this fun-filled, high-energy networking session and get to meet your fellow Conference attendees and have a chance to win some prizes! Dress in your chapter/school T-shirts and get ready to move. You won’t be sitting at this session! Don’t forget to bring extra chapter/school T-shirts to exchange with other attendees, and business cards if you would like to build contacts!
Opening Kickoff & Keynote Speaker

Natalie Kim
Founder, We Are Next
Chapter Exhibits & T-Shirt Competition
Presented in trade show fashion, the exhibits offer AMA Collegiate Chapters the chance to be creative and show off accomplishments of the past year. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend and interact with exhibiting chapters.
Friday, April 12
Career Advice Panel
Marketing Strategy Competition Session (AM session)
Perfect Pitch Competition
Career Fair
You need a job, right? This year we’re featuring an expanded, all-day career fair to help you out! We’ll have corporate and graduate school recruiters who can’t wait to talk to you about their available opportunities – so don’t miss this chance to get your career headed in the right direction!
You Don't Have What It Takes
Over the years, the playing field for starting a business has leveled so much that it is virtually possible for any new business to make a name for themselves in a competitive industry, in a very short amount of time. The only problem is, you don’t have what it takes for it. Not yet, at least. This is a lesson on business history, perseverance and how to prove to yourself that you have the ambition it takes to be a leader in both your personal and business endeavors.

Carlos Zuluaga
CEO & Creative Director, Lion Fuse Digital Media
Pop Culture, Artists and Beyond: How GIPHY Curates Content for Niche Communities
Ever wonder what happens behind-the-GIF? Like, that moment *just* happened on TV, how is it already a GIF? Or, how do you even build a social following for GIFs? Find out how GIPHY builds and engages audiences in the ever-evolving social media landscape.

Susanna Perlov
Social Media Director, GIPHY
Nine Predictions for the Future of Marketing
What does the future hold for marketing? In this session, Professor Lecinski will make nine predictions for where the marketing industry is going; what brands are already on the cutting edge; and what it will take to be successful as a marketer of the future. He will draw examples from his experience at Google and working with top brands. The discussion will include a look at digital brands like Netflix and Amazon; “direct-to-consumer” brands like Casper, Warby-Parker and Allbirds; and a look at emerging marketing technologies like artificial intelligence and voice assistants. Importantly, he will share his tips on how to “future-proof” yourself in the face of the rapidly changing marketing landscape.

Jim Lecinski
Associate Professor of Marketing, Northwestern University Medill
How We Used Universal Marketing Principles to Raise Over $2 Million In Crowdfunding
Have you ever wondered what it takes to market a startup? How do you build a community from scratch and how can crowdfunding help? Come learn how brothers Ryan and Spencer Cope launched their business through crowdfunding, and how they use the marketing strategies learned from Kickstarter to continue to grow their brand.

Ryan Cope
Co-founder, WANDRD

Spencer Cope
Co-Founder, WANDRD
Entrepreneurship Essentials: Audacious Brand Design to Transform Categories, Consumers and the World
Design can and should be an obsession in business and in life. Learn how this former collegiate entrepreneur puts his values into practice by elevating the everyday and disrupting the familiar with creative brand building insights. Craig shares his best practices from advising such brand icons as method, eos, and seventh generation. With hello products, Craig reveals how to turn commodities into desirables, and a $40B category on its head.

Craig Dubitsky
Founder, Serial Entrepreneur, hello products
You Don't Have What It Takes

Carlos Zuluaga
CEO & Creative Director, Lion Fuse Digital Media
Pop Culture, Artists and Beyond: How GIPHY Curates Content for Niche Communities

Susanna Perlov
Social Media Director, GIPHY
Nine Predictions for the Future of Marketing

Jim Lecinski
Associate Professor of Marketing, Northwestern University Medill
How We Used Universal Marketing Principles to Raise Over $2 Million In Crowdfunding

Ryan Cope
Co-founder, WANDRD

Spencer Cope
Co-Founder, WANDRD
Entrepreneurship Essentials: Audacious Brand Design to Transform Categories, Consumers and the World

Craig Dubitsky
Founder, Serial Entrepreneur, hello products
Sales Competition
Discovering SABRE Recap
Cam Tipping will discuss the SABRE Business Simulation competition that took place on Thursday. Everyone is welcome to learn more about SABRE for next year’s competition and the world of competitive market simulations. Plus, the winners will be announced!
Marketing Strategy Competition Session (PM session)
Leading Your Chapter to Success sessions
- Becoming a Top Chapter – Tips from the 2018 Top 5 Chapters
- Case Competition Workshop – What it takes to be a finalist
- Creating a Successful Marketing Week
- Creating & Running a Chapter Marketing Agency
- Membership Recruitment & Retention
- Successful Communication Strategies
College2Career Panel: Making your mark at entry-level
Leading Your Chapter to Success
- Planning for the Year
- Become a Top Small Chapter
- Enhancing Professional Development of your Chapter Members
- Tips for Fundraising
- Tips from the 2018 Platinum Circle
- Using Marketing-Related Community Service to Create Social Impact
Competitions Ceremony & Keynote Speaker

Lily Cloake
Marketing Director, Education & Students, Wall Street Journal
Saturday, April 13
Marketing Strategy Competition Finals
Pitch Perfect Competition Finals
AMA Sales Competition Finals
The Power of Ambition
This presentation will provide a high level overview of how to make your ambition work for you. We will discuss the importance of channeling your ambition, the warning signs of a burnout, and how to stay motivated when you’re running low on ambition.

Noel Collier
Regional Solution Consultant, Wolters Kluwer
Resume Building
Many people think a resume is a summary of their educational and work history. Wrong! A resume is a sales’ pitch of your BRAND. It includes a. what you’ve done (or are doing); b. how you’re doing it; c. how it makes money, saves money or, otherwise, brings recognition to your organization. That’s IT. In this session, you will learn the difference between an effective resume that sells your talents AND a resume that puts you in the online trash can. You’ll also learn how to verbally promote your talents to employers.

Rochelle Yancy
Full Professor of Management, Jesse H. Jones School of Business - Texas Southern University
It Goes Down in the DM...Digital Marketing That Is.
In this presentation, attendees will learn three proven digital marketing strategies – in some cases with a spin – designed to engage with a target market in impactful, more effective ways. We’ll address the power of video and user-generated content. Also, we’ll look at the role a brand plays in digital marketing. Yes it’s going down in the DM!

Rachel Thibodeaux
Founder, Brand Strategist, SWAG Strategy Solutions
Promotional Marketing | The Industry. The Community. The Careers.
In this session, Kim R. Todora, PPAI communications and branding strategist, will share insights into the promotional products industry. She will discuss promotional marketing and the diverse career paths within the industry. With a focus on ‘physical’ advertising, Todora will demonstrate how promotional products serve an integral role in the overall marketing communication plan and how highly-skilled professionals contribute to a campaign’s success.

Kim Todora
Communications & Branding Strategist, PPAI
From the Mail Room to the Board Room: What it Takes to get from Here to There.
We all have to start somewhere and Karen started her career at the very bottom. But she didn’t stay there for long. From humble beginnings, she built a career as an agency executive and owner, working with terrific clients. Learn a few of her lessons and tips for moving up, over and through a career in marketing. You’ll learn strategies for earning that first promotion, building a network of influence, staying ahead of disruption and choosing a path you love.

Karen Albritton
Partner, Newport LLC
The Power of Ambition

Noel Collier
Regional Solution Consultant, Wolters Kluwer
Resume Building

Rochelle Yancy
Full Professor of Management, Jesse H. Jones School of Business - Texas Southern University
It Goes Down in the DM...Digital Marketing That Is.

Rachel Thibodeaux
Founder, Brand Strategist, SWAG Strategy Solutions
Promotional Marketing | The Industry. The Community. The Careers.

Kim Todora
Communications & Branding Strategist, PPAI
From the Mail Room to the Board Room: What it Takes to get from Here to There.

Karen Albritton
Partner, Newport LLC
Preparing the Winning Case Entry
AMA Sales & Marketing Roundtables
Marketplace Business Simulation
Start up a new marketing division for a large, international company. Your goal? Launch a revolutionary new product line.
Test your marketing skills in this unknown market. Can you satisfy demanding customers, beat aggressive competitors, and earn big bucks in this innovative marketing simulation?
Chapter Awards Banquet
Sponsors receive free shipping on promotional products ordered through The AMA Shop powered by Consolidus.